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So far, this is looking like a better realized, more interesting and more accessible Final Fantasy XI in HD.

But who's to say that's a bad thing? I've said it once, I'll say it again: If they would take the ease of game play from WoW and combine it with the aesthetic of XI, then I would die happy!

But who's to say that's a bad thing? I've said it once, I'll say it again: If they would take the ease of game play from WoW and combine it with the aesthetic of XI, then I would die happy!

Oh I never said this was a bad thing. :-P

I'm excited as hell to see this game in action. Can't come out soon enough...

If the account setup is anything like FFXI, I won't even bother. I play MMO's in spurts, and I don't feel like running out, buying another copy, and starting over just because I wanted to stop playing for a couple of months.

I played off and on for a while and even stopped for about 6 months because I couldn't afford it. I never once had to buy another copy except when I transferred from PS2 to PC because my PS2 got stolen. Why do you need a new copy to make a new account?

Posted (edited)
If the account setup is anything like FFXI, I won't even bother. I play MMO's in spurts, and I don't feel like running out, buying another copy, and starting over just because I wanted to stop playing for a couple of months.
I played off and on for a while and even stopped for about 6 months because I couldn't afford it. I never once had to buy another copy except when I transferred from PS2 to PC because my PS2 got stolen. Why do you need a new copy to make a new account?

Unless I'm misunderstanding, you don't need a new copy of the game to create/add an account to an existing copy. Sephfire, his wife, and myself, all had our accounts on his PS2 and he and I had our accounts on my PS2. Now, if you lose your copy or if it's stolen, then yes, you need to get a new one :).

Your account may have been deleted but I doubt it since I've had mine since 2004 and haven't played in a year or two. Other than being banned, I can't think of a single reason why you would have had to have purchased a brand new copy!

Edited by tweex

If you cancel your account, then I think you'll have to buy a new game to get another one. I'm not completely certain about that, but I seem to remember that being an issue for some. However, if you only cancel your current subscription then everything's fine. I recently gave it another shot after 4 years of not playing, and my only problem was remembering the password.


From the Final Fantasy XI PC manual:

Your member information is retained on the server for three months after your access to PlayOnline is disabled. Should you decide to reactivate your PlayOnline account and use PlayOnline services again during this three month period, simply log onto PlayOnline and follow the instructions there. You will be able to use the same account information that was registered at the time you unsubscribed from PlayOnline.

After this three month period has elapsed, you can no longer use your previous account information. You must create a new account to use PlayOnline again. Please note that this means you must purchase a new copy of the software from a retailer and reregister for PlayOnline.

From the Final Fantasy XI PC manual:

This was the case years ago but hasn't been for quite a while, the game is much much friendlier about allowing players to return now, and even has a year-round character reactivation service to help people get back up and running. What happens now is if you de-activate your characters, they'll remain re-activateable for 10 months, after which you'll need to use the reactivation service to get them restored (which is still pretty bad compared to most other mmos, but infinitely better than their old 3 month rule).

One thing that always confused people with FFXI is that your PlayOnline account itself is free, and only when you add services (in this case, FFXI characters) will you incur charges. Therefore there is never any real reason to close one's PlayOnline account, and doing so could make you unable to get your characters back (although the reactivation service may address this as well, I'm not sure).


That's another thing I don't like about FFXI. The service is way too convoluted. Why couldn't they just keep it simple, like WoW?

I dunno. I played like... 4 years ago. Maybe they've ironed out those kinks since then. I guess it doesn't really matter much anyway. $13 a month and an additional dollar per character is too much for a game that pales in comparison to WoW.

Posted (edited)
I would but I make it a rule not to talk to morons

Generalizations can be fun too!

EDIT: Today, I decided to see if they had indeed made the mess associated with playing FFXI (the mess that made me quit in the first place) any easier. I popped in my Vana'diel Collection disc, installed the PlayOnline viewer, but whenever I try to run it, I get an error code and a message telling me that PlayOnline Viewer won't run under my operating system (Vista 32-bit). A visit to the sit yields nothing. Searching in the support section for the message and error code also yields nothing.

A person shouldn't have to search the internet for the patch or application necessary to get this game running on Vista. You'd think SE would be smart enough to make that stuff easily accessable. And this is just the viewer! I imagine I'll have lots of fun getting the actual game to run.

Do any of the FFXI players here have a link to a patch or download that would get the PlayOnline Viewer running on Vista?

EDIT 2: Figured it out. Nevermind. Had to go through a couple of pages on Google for a guide which led me to the link.

Edited by DusK
To have some more fun.

Can I get some reasons why WoW sucks? Maybe from someone who actually bothered to play the game?

I played and compared 'em both. At the time I switched (4 years ago), WoW's gameplay was infinitely better than FFXI's. Has that changed at all?

Can I get some reasons why WoW sucks? Maybe from someone who actually bothered to play the game?

yeah basically after I killed my one hundredth boar and did my fiftieth fetch quest I had enough evidence to conclude that the game is pretty shitty

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