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Completely agree with Avatar of Justice too, however don't you think it's a lil' sad that they're identifying this as a problem at all? As I guy I guess I fit into this category a little, it just shocked me that they expected men to act in a certain way. Isn't that sexist? I'm sure if you told a woman they were meant to stay at home and cook they'd be offended, so why should it be any different for men? Personally, I applaud these guys for breaking the, somewhat belittling, stereotype.

We're done arguing this, ok? I didn't fail to deliver anything.

On topic: And I share Avatar of Justice but for different reasons. I've cut back on my materialism as part of my Obsessive-Compulsive complex that is aggressively and annoyingly mutated with my Autism. My attitude on women is roughly the same but I can't even really get started (hell, there used to be a dating help thread somewhere here but I can't find it now.)

The Grass-Eater philosophy currently rules, but I can see why a huge number of people doing this during a decline and sharp decrease in birth rate would be concerned. Its nothing to PANIC about though.

If anything Japan needs LESS people. The only reason the leaders care is because the young and able need to be working and spending to support the pensions and taxes of older retired citizens.

Well, there's people like me hoping for a revival of the Edo period. :(

Wow. Holy shit. Are you that daft? Do you honestly think a regression to a FEUDAL society would be in the best interest of any country?


If anything Japan needs LESS people. The only reason the leaders care is because the young and able need to be working and spending to support the pensions and taxes of older retired citizens.

I don't share your cynicism. Japan always strikes me as profoundly proud of its nation and its health in community, and my opinion is thats what they are more paranoid about.

How much of Japan do you know outside of anime? I am just curious.

Yet the answer is to lead somewhere, yes? I imagine thats why the sentence ends with "outside of anime."

Umm... I don't know, not much I would imagine since I've not yet had the chance to study Japan seriously. What I know has just come in passing from one thing or another.

Love to go visit someday.

How? I don't think there's any correlation between population growth and health of the society.

Well, there's this:

the young and able need to be working and spending to support the pensions and taxes of older retired citizens.

Bad things happen economically when more of your population are elderly retirees than active members of the workforce. In the short term it causes increases in cost of things like health care and retirement. In the long term it can cause labor shortages and general economic downturn, because there are simply fewer people to buy, sell, and make things.

On a less pragmatic note, a population decline has a number of cultural or societal implications... but since this isn't PPR, I won't bring it up here.

How? I don't think there's any correlation between population growth and health of the society. After all, just look at China or India.


China and India are so massively overpopulated that it is healthy for them to get smaller.

Japan, on the other hand, is a very small place that isn't exactly overpopulated at all. Population growth is natural, so if there is none, or if there's population decay, that makes it wholly UNnatural.

edit 800th post WOO


China and India are so massively overpopulated that it is healthy for them to get smaller.

Japan, on the other hand, is a very small place that isn't exactly overpopulated at all. Population growth is natural, so if there is none, or if there's population decay, that makes it wholly UNnatural.

edit 800th post WOO

I've always heard that Japan has an extreme land shortage. Sounds like they need some people to die. At least, if the US was having an extreme land shortage I'd want some people to die (naturally of course).

First the hikkikomori and now this. hahaha

what crazy sociopathic micro-culture will japan churn out next?

Still, they're on the right track with the "not having sex" thing. Less people need to procreate. Too many stupid people walking around.

The turnaround on this is that it's also the smart people who could be a benefit to society that are jumping into this anticompetitive lifestyle.

It's happening here, too, although differently. I don't see it being as big or as drastic a social change for us in the near future as it seems to be for Japan.

Granted I'm not an expert on sociology and I haven't got any clue what this could end up as but...well actually I don't know, really. From what I can understand this is only partial to blame for the panic. If they're really that worried about it then the Japanese government should begin a nationwide counterindoctrination program.

Offer incentives to married couples and families. Shift the economic focus somewhat. Give penalties for people who spend too much time at the office.

Anything to reverse the trend. And having longer-lasting sports matches being broadcast wouldn't hurt either. Football (both types), baseball, hell, I'd even suggest LaCrosse or hockey to them, as long as the role models that were generated from such endeavors inspired people to, you know, not be such pussies.

But then again from all accounts an average day in Tokyo makes a week in San Francisco look like a year in a Norman Rockwell painting...so I dunno.

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