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lol, just in general, music tends to need the ability to listen... though i've seen some ways in which the deaf can enjoy music, i don't think it's a very fulfilling experience without hearing.

Reminds me of a convo I had with bLiNd a long long time ago.

it was something to the effect of:

Neblix; Hey are you really blind?

bLiNd: yeah man.

Neblix: Are you deaf, too?

bLiNd: Yeah man I just put my head up to the monitor and feel the synth waves!

Neblix: niiiiiiiiiiice.

Reminds me of a convo I had with bLiNd a long long time ago.

it was something to the effect of:

Neblix; Hey are you really blind?

bLiNd: yeah man.

Neblix: Are you deaf, too?

bLiNd: Yeah man I just put my head up to the monitor and feel the synth waves!

Neblix: niiiiiiiiiiice.


nEbLiX schoolin tha noobz itt

Okay we're getting side tracked.


Uh, have you tried Anosou or BGC's music? Probably not hard core 4 on the floor club music, but electronic nonetheless.

Zircon and bLiNd are really good, and really obvious, but since remixes are not categorized on this site by genre, and since I haven't been listening to the community's music for that long, I can't really recommend anything specific.


Depending on your taste in dance there are many of them.

Several of the FF7 border on Rave FF Crystal Rave is a nice one White skys is another.

If your looking for something a bit more formal Valse Aeris is a fast paced more traditional dance.

I'll be honest the other recommendation i have has been driving me nuts as i attempt to figure out where i'd go with it: The Rose General. I can almost see it as it plays but i'm still not quite there.

nEbLiX schoolin tha noobz itt

while neblix is insistent upon an alternation between capitals/lowercase, i am insistent upon a sort of palindrome where the caps are balanced across the name. obviously this needs the blind man himself to come and sort out for a conclusive answer.

who else.. some of ffmusicdj.

while neblix is insistent upon an alternation between capitals/lowercase, i am insistent upon a sort of palindrome where the caps are balanced across the name. obviously this needs the blind man himself to come and sort out for a conclusive answer.

who else.. some of ffmusicdj.

Ask Jade she's not as busy.:lol:


If you really want to get into the scope of remixing and the OCR whos-who...talk to JaDE ARaN HaRuNo, she knows more about the site than Larry Oji, and won't steer you wrong with a good recommendation...some of these have already been mentioned, but I'll give you a general list of things...

Zircon, bLiNd and FFMusicdj have already been mentioned...

wtf? Did nobody think of Beatdrop, he'll keep you moving(and be sure to nab his original work too)

If SGX still has some mixes on the site, they'll be worth nabbing(also has good originals)

Nicole Adams will be a sure bet for slower, methodical music, but she's a rising star...

Mazedude has SOME electronic work that'll keep you moving...

Halc, his chiptunish stuff has an awesome beat...Platonist is a good related remixer...

Basically, I would recommend thinking of video games you really like and finding tracks for them, you'd be surprised, there are alot of remixers on the site who have only published one or two tracks, work on albums only, or don't remix music on the site but do their own original work and post it here...just look around and go crazy!


Siamey also has some great high-tempo mixes that make me move

and (as stated above) you can't go wrong with Beatdrop :)

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