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That ending theme is still one of the most gorgeous out of any I've heard. Don't know what it is about it. 'Aura's Theme' is also a potent theme, IMO. There's a quiet bitterness to it that makes it quite potent. Most of the vocal tracks are excellent in their own way, but what else do you expect from Kajiura?

The show itself is okay. I remember enjoying it, but wishing they'd take the setting a lot farther. The basic premise of the .Hack series really could be used for a whole lot more, but what we got was still enjoyable.

I'm probably alone in this out of people who actually like the -monogatari series, but I vastly prefered Bakemonogatari to Nisemonogatari so far. Nise seems to have degenerated to being mostly fanservice and the dialogue isn't quite as witty anywhere near as often as Bakemonogatari was.

Same here. I thought Bakemonogatari was much better. All of episode 8 was fanservice, and episode 9 has maybe 5-8 min of it in my opinion.

Posted (edited)

Bible Black.


i guess i'm not any better for knowing but aren't these porn? i'm cool with people doing their own thing but there are minors on this site after all. while we all know high school dudes jerk it recommending they go look for it without forewarning maybe not the best idea.

also started watching sword of the stranger tonight. some beautiful animation. for those who have seen, i loved the short fight with the fisherman underneath the bridge. that was an awesome way to portray it

Edited by The Derrit
Evangelion was a great setup. They did a pretty great job... right up until the end, when it did the equivalent of ding-dong-ditch and threw any good ending ideas out with the trash. Pretty disappointing to me, and I suspect it may be either part of the cause or just following the trend of animes that try to have overly philosophical endings.

actually what happened was that the team working on it was incredibly emotionally drained, and i believe they lost the support of whoever was sponsoring them. so they had to find a way to end it. sucks but sometimes that's the way the cookie crumbles

rawr rawr rawr bleck

i love seeing these posts because they almost always prove bleck's point.

criticism doesn't have to be polite to be correct. if you don't like it, ignore it. being like 'omg bleck ur a jerk dood' does literally nothing. take my advice and you will save yourself quite a bit of trouble

actually what happened was that the team working on it was incredibly emotionally drained, and i believe they lost the support of whoever was sponsoring them. so they had to find a way to end it. sucks but sometimes that's the way the cookie crumbles

Yeah, I'd heard they had budget issues several episodes before completion. But that still doesn't wholly excuse the fact that the writers didn't plan a basic arc beforehand. The problem I see is that, unlike most American shows, which run with the intention of serializing over many years without much forward planning, many anime are designed to operate in smaller arcs, with a solid ending after 25-50 episodes. The fact that many of them don't seem to at least have sketched out the entire arc is what surprises and somewhat frustrates me.

This issue isn't just present in serial anime, either. Miyazaki's work is beautiful, and I love it as much as many other people, but there's always something missing from his endings. Oftentimes, loose ends are simply either made irrelevant (without being resolved), or are resolved almost deus ex machina. Those films are aimed toward a younger audience, so I can understand that decision, but still, it's another example of the same pattern.

Yeah, I'd heard they had budget issues several episodes before completion. But that still doesn't wholly excuse the fact that the writers didn't plan a basic arc beforehand. The problem I see is that, unlike most American shows, which run with the intention of serializing over many years without much forward planning, many anime are designed to operate in smaller arcs, with a solid ending after 25-50 episodes. The fact that many of them don't seem to at least have sketched out the entire arc is what surprises and somewhat frustrates me.

the fact they had to cut it really really short has little to do with whether or not they planned it; its entirely possible they did, but when all of a sudden you're out of money, can you fit 15 episodes of solid plot into three? i personally doubt it. see "The Money and Soul of Possibility Control." That anime started out looking like it was going to be absolutely awesome, then it got cut down to 13 episodes instead of 25 and the last three had to wrap up a plot arc that pretty much had no prior explanation whatsoever. even in the ending OVA there was a small hidden message that said it was supposed to be 25 episodes

see "The Money and Soul of Possibility Control." That anime started out looking like it was going to be absolutely awesome, then it got cut down to 13 episodes instead of 25 and the last three had to wrap up a plot arc that pretty much had no prior explanation whatsoever. even in the ending OVA there was a small hidden message that said it was supposed to be 25 episodes

[C] is undoubtedly the perfect example. It was still pretty good, but wow, towards the end there things pretty much went straight to hell.

It's unfortunate, but anime often gets cut in the middle of a run. The positive side is that the nature of how anime is produced (the episodes aren't made in a batch and then aired, they're made as they're required) means that even if it's not a good ending, an ending CAN still be created in the time remaining, rather than having to cut off in an odd place, even if the cancellation is very last minute.

i guess i'm not any better for knowing but aren't these porn? i'm cool with people doing their own thing but there are minors on this site after all. while we all know high school dudes jerk it recommending they go look for it without forewarning maybe not the best idea.

also started watching sword of the stranger tonight. some beautiful animation. for those who have seen, i loved the short fight with the fisherman underneath the bridge. that was an awesome way to portray it

The last four are all porn. Good, story driven porn.

Same here. I thought Bakemonogatari was much better. All of episode 8 was fanservice, and episode 9 has maybe 5-8 min of it in my opinion.

I was so creeped out by the first episode of Nisemonogatari that I left. For all intents and purposes, Bakemonogatari was a 1 season wonder and never had any sequels. If you're looking for a great anime this season check out Moretsu Space Pirates. Also yeah, Cromartie Highschool is fantastic.

Moretsu Space Pirates

*Socially Acceptable Insurance Fraud With Pirate Costumes

I'm sorry but except for the "Space" part, the entire title is a blatant lie. Add to the fact that nothing significant has happened in most of the episodes so far and they just sit around talking and interspacing it with discussions of Electronic Warfare while preparing for their next stage show... of which we actually see very little.

If you want entertainment this season, only Daily Lives of High School Boys and Aquarion EVOL can really cut it.

*Socially Acceptable Insurance Fraud With Pirate Costumes

I'm sorry but except for the "Space" part, the entire title is a blatant lie. Add to the fact that nothing significant has happened in most of the episodes so far and they just sit around talking and interspacing it with discussions of Electronic Warfare while preparing for their next stage show... of which we actually see very little.

If you want entertainment this season, only Daily Lives of High School Boys and Aquarion EVOL can really cut it.

Sorry about your short attention span I guess?? The reason why it hasn't been so intense is stated in the series to be because Marika's in high-school and they can't afford to have her out on huge pirate jobs for the moment, FYI. Anyway, stuff is really heating up now.

Sorry about your short attention span I guess?? The reason why it hasn't been so intense is stated in the series to be because Marika's in high-school and they can't afford to have her out on huge pirate jobs for the moment, FYI. Anyway, stuff is really heating up now.

Did you miss the part where they're not actually pirates? Or even privateers for that matter?

They're what basically amounts to a stage troupe who are paid to "rob" ships.

You claim I have a short attention span? If I had a short attention span would I watch the -monogatari series? I somehow doubt it. The core of the matter is that Mouretsu is a dull anime which has taken nine episodes to finally decide to go anywhere... assuming it actually does go somewhere.

Did you miss the part where they're not actually pirates? Or even privateers for that matter?

They're what basically amounts to a stage troupe who are paid to "rob" ships.

You claim I have a short attention span? If I had a short attention span would I watch the -monogatari series? I somehow doubt it. The core of the matter is that Mouretsu is a dull anime which has taken nine episodes to finally decide to go anywhere... assuming it actually does go somewhere.

How dare you!!! Have at thee, knave!!!

Other people: Don't listen to this guy, Moretsu Space Pirates is actually really cool.

How dare you!!! Have at thee, knave!!!

Other people: Don't listen to this guy, Moretsu Space Pirates is actually really cool.

Everyone is, of course, free to not listen. But I find it a hard anime to recommend to anyone unless they enjoy watching people type on a futuristic keyboard while talking about what basically amounts to hacking... while sitting in a giant pirate ship.

Imagine what more they could do with it! They have giant laser cannons, the handheld versions of which can shoot through a tank! But no-one cares because they'll never actually use them anyway. Heck, during the "battles" Marika's entire class of high-school girls spends their time giggling while talking about how awesome and fun war is.

Everyone is, of course, free to not listen. But I find it a hard anime to recommend to anyone unless they enjoy watching people type on a futuristic keyboard while talking about what basically amounts to hacking... while sitting in a giant pirate ship.

Imagine what more they could do with it! They have giant laser cannons, the handheld versions of which can shoot through a tank! But no-one cares because they'll never actually use them anyway. Heck, during the "battles" Marika's entire class of high-school girls spends their time giggling while talking about how awesome and fun war is.

Well sorry that not everyone wants to watch action series all of the time!! Sometimes a brotha wants to get his speculative fiction on, and in such a case Moretsu Space Pirates is absolutely fantastic. I don't watch Moretsu Space Pirates because it's the #1 space piracy show or anything, I watch it because it's really fascinating and doesn't try to be too much.

Posted (edited)

If you want a good series with speculative fiction and space pirates why in the heck do you not go and watch something like Outlaw Star?

Oh wait but you didn't want action.


Edited by EC2151
Well Bleck that's the ultimate logical conclusion but we haven't gotten there yet. Baby steps.

I have incredibly poor taste and probably hate myself.

Posted (edited)

Don't feel bad.

I've been watching a little bit of Mad Bull 34 (which is one of the greatest anime ever), and Dominion Tank Police, which has 3 episodes that are absolutely hysterical and enjoyable - both were dubbed by Manga UK, which had probably some of the most entertaining dubs back in the day (full of "edgy" profanity and cheesy New York accents... from England!).

My older brother saw the 4th episode and said the series completely fell apart, not even being centered around Leona anymore. which sucks, because she was one of the most batshit crazy and likable characters on a show where everyone was crazy.

Makes me apprehensive to finish, or start the "super grungy srs" sequel New Dominion Tank Police. Hm.

At least the original had some really bitchin' tunes for the UK dub! That's how you do a dub! Replace boring J-Pop with funky house!

I also want to get to a few other 80s OVAs, like MD Geist, the hilariously stupid


As well as the more serious and actually-good-anime-film

Whether for comedy or actual quality i'd recommend these OVA/movies.


Watching the final episode my older brother was more or less right. I was expecting worse, and there were a lot of good moments but halfway through it just kinda fell through and centered around the main badguy for no reason and really sucked the momentum out of the show.

Oh well, it's still a series I'd very much recommend.

Edited by EC2151

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