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Who wants to lend their thoughts on a potential XBLA title?

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I'm currently working with a team of four other people on a turn-based tactical RPG that we're hoping to release on XBLA. I'm going to post more public information about this endeavor at a later date (screenshots, art, mechanics, dev blogs, etc.) but right now we're not looking to promote, but just for a bit of help in reviewing our concept pitch to Microsoft. If you have 15-30 minutes and would like to help out, post here or catch me on IRC (zircon - irc.enterthegame.com). Basically, you'll just be looking over a document and discussing what's in it with me.

The reason I'm asking for some help from "the public" is because the summary portion of the pitch is oriented toward people who have not played or worked on the game. None of us - the developers - are in that position, so we can't be objective. We're not looking for any design help (the design is all done), writing, art, coding, audio, etc. because we're not at the point where we're hiring contractors. That comes a bit later :)


I'd be willing to give it a go. I've done a couple of pretty large scale editing/plot grilling/hole filling works on whole books that family and friends have written. PM me and I'll tell you what I think.

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