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I was pretty disappointed by Shadow Complex, only because all the rave reviews built up my expectations too much. SC was a good game, but seriously, it doesn't even come close to Super Metroid. Everything about SC is totally forgettable. Art direction is weak and music doesn't touch Metroid. And one of the things that really makes Metroid what it is is the atmosphere. Super Metroid has this fantastic sense of isolation that not many games can replicate. Combined with its awesome Scifi art direction, excellent soundtrack, and creative level design, Super Metroid is one of my all time favorite games.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed SC, but it's just a ripoff of Metroid without the heart and soul. I thought Trine was a better downloadable game.

Either way, you just KNOW it that they're setting it up for a sequel anyway. As a first in the series, it's still a head above Metroid 1 at least. lol

I only disagree in that the game actually has a lot of good moments, but it simply could have used more. When Jason goes off and sinks the lower half of the base and the melancholic piano music plays showing what a murderer you have become, that was downright Metroid-caliber.

It's also a shame that the earlier, tense fights are not relevant anymore in the second half with the extreme amount of upgrades you get. Which was not too much of a problem in Super Metroid with the difficulty until you get the Screwattack, then you basically can't die, ever.

game actually has a lot of good moments, but it simply could have used more. When Jason goes off and sinks the lower half of the base and the melancholic piano music plays showing what a murderer you have become, that was downright Metroid-caliber.

Ok, I can definitely agree to that. That part was pretty awesome. My original statement might have been a little bit off putting, as I really enjoyed SC a lot, it's just that a lot of reviews built up my expectations to unreasonable levels. Regardless, I recommend that everyone play it.


Game was certainly lacking heavily in the bosses department. Seems like a majority of them were simply thrown in. Like those guys in the large suits of armour. All a matter of running to the otherside of the room and firing. They don't even make it onto your screen. Good game but without difficult bosses it never really felt challenging.


Bosses only seem to get challenging when you put the difficulty way up high, but then again, you can go off the screen and rain grenades at them. They need to fix that in the sequel so that you're stuck in the same screen as the enemy like in Metroid and the bosses can fish you out with a major attack.


As much as I love Samus and the Metroid outings, I will say punching restoration soldiers while wearing a fully upgraded Omega suit and watching them fly offscreen never gets old. Reminds me of the first 30 minutes of the Iron Man movie, especially when you get the helmet that renders you invulnerable...

Is it wrong that I hope they incorporate the ability to have Samus falcon punch space pirates across the screen in Other M?


It IS Team Ninja, so maybe they would add a few melee options. But yeah, the melee in Shadow Complex was so incredibly satisfying. Didn't feel right not having it when I went back to Super Metroid and SoTN recently. Though I think the way it's done in this game makes killing enemies too easy.

I don't get what's with all this talk about Super Metroid is better than Shadow Complex or vice-versa. Shadow Complex was basically a love letter to Super Metroid and it was a rad game.

It's pretty much because Shadow Complex is almost a carbon copy of Metroid. It's inevitable that the games will be compared. It's also because I've read a ton of rave reviews that make it out to be more than I feel it actually is.


They probably should have made it so that you can only use it when you've successfully caught them off guard so that you can't just run up to someone and destroying someone while attaining invincibility frames in midst of a shoot-out.


Currently on Challenge Pack 1 my ranks are...

Come On, Let's Jump - #34

Soft Jump - #180

Wall Jumper - #6

Fire in the Hole - #262 (Technically #1 because I have a max score but the rank is kinda first come first serve... so 261 people got the max score before I did)

Above the Pain - #2

I have not attempted Wind Hook or Speedy Von Speeds Alot yet.

These are addicting.


As a huge Metroid fan, I really want to play this game. I don't have an Xbox though. Hopefully they will port it to PC in the future.

However, sometimes I do get a little put off by how much like metroid the game is. The guy runs pretty exactly like samus. The map looks identical. And that foam gun is pretty much the same as the ice beam.

Still want to play it though.



That is precisely why it's awesome. The developers didn't hide their admiration for Super Metroid specifically.

Also, I hope DLCs include new maps, new bosses and maybe giving enemies a menace that they lack. Upgraded AI too, maybe.

Also, Shadow Complex 2 is a necessity now. It must happen.


Which is unlikely to ever happen since Epic basically is in Microsoft's wings. Unless Sony and Microsoft team up or something crazy happens, it's not going to be ported. Maybe for the PC, but that isn't even in rumors right now.

Which is unlikely to ever happen since Epic basically is in Microsoft's wings. Unless Sony and Microsoft team up or something crazy happens, it's not going to be ported. Maybe for the PC, but that isn't even in rumors right now.

Um, what? They already said they're bringing it to PC.


I guess that just shows how self sufficient XBLA has become. It has come a very long way since Geometry Wars was the star game they had. Now I play XBLA more than Wii/Wiiware/PSN and PS3 overall.

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