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I heard about this news today, and frankly, I'm pretty ecstatic about the whole thing. Apparently, its an actual sequel too....The little kid riding on lil okami (I think they're calling it chibiterasu...cute.) is the son of Susanoo from the first game. I'm predicting more weird time travelling in it though since the timeline for the game is only a few months afterwards. Maybe we'll have a baby Waka who uses more horrid french one liners!!!

And while I would've liked to have seen it on a PS3 (Would've been the killing stroke for getting me to fork over the cash for one finally), I still see a lot of potential for it on the ds. It certainly seems to capture the visuals of the original well enough.

And for those naysayers who've been seeing the visuals look dated, I personally think cell-shading makes games age a whole lot less than a lot of the HD games turn out. As an example, games that use the unreal engine look great when they're first released, but after a couple years, they look downright ROUGH. In comparison, a lot of the cell-shaded PS2 and Gamecube titles still look gorgeous, even today (See, Viewtiful Joe, Dark Cloud 2, Okami, Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, etc). Hell, I think the latter title still looks heaps better than its Twilight Princess counterpart.

In any case, I now have something else besides Infinite Space to look forward to next year on the DS. Now excuse me while I go back to Knights in the Nightmare...


Guys, guys guys. To everyone who says "PS3!," please, remember: part of the appeal of Okami was that it was an absolutely gorgeous game running on hardware that no one thought could pull off such a thing. It looked beautiful, and no one could believe such a thing was really running on the weakest of the last-gen consoles.

So now they're doing it again - pushing Okami onto a new console (the DS) that's underpowered compared to its competition (the PSP) and seeing how much they can do with it.

(I'm still kind of worried about Platinum not being involved at all, but we'll see.)

  • 10 months later...

So hey it turns out there will be a Collecter's Edition to the DS game.


The DS successor to the PS2/Wii classic will in Japan ship in this collector's edition, which for a humble little DS game is extravagant. It includes a copy of the game, enormous box, a soundtrack, DVD, storybook (incuding illustrations), plush figure keyring and adorable little earphones. Those ordering it from Capcom's online store in Japan will also get a celestial brush stylus to go with it.

How much will all this cost? ¥8000, which is around USD$90. Okamiden will be out in Japan on September 30, while over here, it's not out until 2011.

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