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I am rediculously excited for this. A friend of mine at school made me watch the first DVD of the series and I burned through the entire first season in like 2 weeks. If you haven't seen it yet, put some thought into it, cuz its great.

Anyone else excited for this?


A show that barely managed to get renewed.

It's apparently good, but very different which might be why it had trouble pulling ratings. (And it will continue too struggle since it's in the Friday night deathslot)

I cannot tell you a thing about it though as I don't watch it, but a few people I know do.

Wiki link for you to stare at I guess


I honestly don't want to start watching it since it might end up canceled at the drop of a hat. And if there's one thing I hate, it's investing my time in something that is never finished. (otherwise I would watch it, maybe I will when it's hopefully finished some day).


The premise is the organization called "the dollhouse" contracts young people for five years of their lives, in which their personalities and pretty much all of their non-essential mind is erased. The Dollhouse can then implant the person with any personality they want. The dollhouse uses this to serve people; lame examples off the top of my head being if you want someone to help you solve a murder, they can imprint a "doll" with the skills to do that. If you want a perfect date with someone who is 100% compatible with you, they can imprint a doll with that. And unlike the matrix where Neo's all like "I know kung fu," the dolls that get imprinted believe they're who they're made to be. So when a doll gets imprinted, they believe they have been the person they just got made to be, their whole life.

The cool thing about it is it starts with some very interesting yet very reasonable missions, and as the first season progressed, what they did with these dolls became a little less scrupulous. I don't often find myself in conflict with TV shows, but by the end I couldn't tell if I agreed with what the Dollhouse was doing or not.

A lot of cool shit happens, I'd reccommend watching the first season because its awesome. The acting isn't always Emmy-worthy but its pretty good overall, and the mental debates that come from it are incredibly interesting.

A show that barely managed to get renewed.

It's apparently good, but very different which might be why it had trouble pulling ratings. (And it will continue too struggle since it's in the Friday night deathslot)

What I heard is while it did very poorly on television, it did very well in digital downloads and other avenues, which is how it got renewed. But yes, it is the lowest rated show to ever get renewed, which if anything shows despite a small audience it has something to bring to the table.


The first season was, on the whole, pretty miserable. It had a few good episodes and a few good moments, but Eliza Dushku is not capable of carrying a show as lead actress. Fortunately, it's a Joss Whedon show, and the supporting cast are all fantastic.

That said, the only thing that really made me excited for season two was Epitaph One, which was utterly brilliant. Before that it was blind hope that the show would get better that kept me watching, but Epitaph One showed plainly what Dollhouse was capable of being.


Definitely excited for this, when it all but got canceled last season I was disappointed but somewhat understood, seeing how it was in the "death slot" of Friday at 9 pm, and sci-fi generally does not get much love these days. Was pleasantly surprised to hear about the renewal, and didn't realize until last week that it's starting again so soon. We may only get another 12 episodes out of this, but I'll take what I can get!

Still need to check out that bonus episode on the DVD that they didn't actually air, heard it's awesome if you liked the show. Guess I'm a big enough fan to grab the season 1 DVD, not sure why I haven't yet really.

The thing with Dollhouse is that they could have made it a bunch of one-off episodes with very little underlying story arc, the first few episodes are somewhat guilty of this which didn't help its cause. After about... episode 6 I think, they kinda got it together and had more continued story arcs between the episodes while keeping the premise the same. I think Joss and crew have learned their lesson and will hopefully stick to this approach this season, and if they don't, Eliza will still be there to keep my eyes happy :lol: .


This makes me really mad that Fox decided to renew this show instead of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Also, because of that and how they chose to cancel King of the Hill to make way for The Cleavland Show I'm no longer giving them my viewership. The only thing on their channel I'd watch anymore would be their animation block on Sundays. But all of those shows can be viewed on other networks, so I don't need to bother with them anymore.

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