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For many, seeing is believing, and if you’re looking at a gigantic billboard proclaiming the existence of the as-of-yet-unnannounced third installment in the popular Resistance franchise from Insomniac, well, it’s kinda hard NOT to believe. Tipsters to Joystiq down in Shreveport, Louisiana, apparently a popular hot spot for film shoots, snapped the above billboard image in their home town, which is believed to be a part of the set for an upcoming film titled Battle: Los Angeles (due out in 2011). Clearly visible within the Resistance 3 logo is the Statue of Liberty, making one assume the game will be heavily tied to NYC.

Of course, all of this is speculation at the moment, but again, if seeing is believing, you pretty much can guarantee that this image solidifies the existence of the expected Resistance 3. We’ll keep you posted whenever we get more info.


Ok, what!?!?!?!?!

Also, doesn't it look like something was blurred out?


The single player in the 2nd was better than the 1st but the online was a downgrade in my opinion

- No maps which are really designed for a team-based game


Hope they fix the online for the 3rd


I think the multiplayer, both competitive and co-op, were amazing. But I didn't care for the single player. In order to get the platinium trophy, you need 10,000 kills in competitive multiplayer. I'm at 6,600 right now. It's taking forever. I only play team deathmatch so I don't have any reservations about not having very many semetrical maps.

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