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So I'm sure you guys have heard about the no dedicated server debacle about MW2 well, they don't care at all about PC gamers pretty much.

If you haven't heard anything about it read this first: http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=25691

This is their response and the added bonus of the oh so awesome games journalism of game informer


Just read the article.


i understand where people would have an issue, but i agree with most of the commentary - as a casual player, i had trouble finding a place where i wouldn't just get yelled at for not having immediate and intimate knowledge of a new map that had recently come out.

GI's journalism is properly sarcastic, considering the waves of idiotic petitions coming from the PC gamers world lately - the complaint about L4D2's imminent release and that Valve (probably the best player's company around for game production) didn't give them enough free shit to justify the purchase of a game those gamers spend hundreds of hours playing, the petition for starcraft to be more 16-bit and less modern graphics, the petition for diablo 3 to be...god, i don't even know, something's apparently wrong with the color scheme? what a load of stupid shit. don't you think that they'd update the color scheme after eight or ten years of visual upgrading?

get the picture? ten thousand petitions is nothing. not to mention two-thirds of those people will just pirate the damn thing. there's a reason D2 still gets sales in spite of huge piracy - you need a real key for use online. MW2 will have nothing but beneficial results from this.


You don't take out a staple of pc gaming. I play casually on games that use server browsers and dedicated servers and guess what? people are nice. If one place sucks you go to another, thats the beauty of it.

Custom maps, mods, and whatever are all that make pc gaming awesome. They are taking all of that out and saying, guess what if you want to play you have to play our way.

This is not about petitions, this is about how activision and infinity ward are screwing people over. They are charging 60 bucks for a game with less than stellar graphics compared to other pc games that sell for 40-50. They are charging 10 more dollars to make the PC COMMUNITY play a CONSOLE LIKE STRUCTURE. MAKES NO SENSE

Nothing is going to come out from this. They are going to sell less than cod4, they are going to blame it on pirates, and then not release another cod game on pc. They used to be pc developers, now they couldn't care less about the platform. I bet this is just some stupid thing to justify not making the next cod on pc.


I'm sorry, but its hard to find the sniveling pompous whining from the people afraid of change anything but that... I also have very little respect for the people, who feel that once a company that has been good to them makes a change to what they expect, they become a crying bunch of whiners. See also the Left for Dead 2 boycott... I'm sorry, but this is just plain stupid.


goddam do people here play pc games at all? you guys are idiots if you think this is about change. p2p is not a solution to mulitplayer gaming especially when there are more than 10 people playing. I've played cod on consoles. There is lag in every match. I've played cod on pc, there is no lag on a dedicated server that is located near you, which is where people generally play.


I kinda understand IW's decision here - they are right with a lot of their responses in the GI article, as crappy as the journalism is from GI's side. Their response to having a dual option is also correct - you do break up the community with something like that, leaving hardcores to find servers and the more casual to do the matchmaking.

There's a lot of issues in terms of the current online experience with a lot of PC games, and IW is attempting to tackle that, which I applaud them for. With most games currently, you'll typically see douches/idiots that you'd expect more from 4chan, NeoGAF, Kotaku, GameFAQs, etc. at too high of a frequency, and it really downs the game experience of online gaming a lot of times. It's a lot of added stress for having to deal with bullshit attitudes when you just want to play the game.

However, matchmaking has its flaws, as exhibited by probably the most high profile of them all Warcraft 3. Assigning a player's skill to a number is a fundamentally flawed method of assessing someone's skill and matching people together, since it assumes all abilities to decide and act in a game are equal and constant factors. I think a lack of dedicated servers can work, but it all depends on the UI and how well does the game really cater to it. Matchmaking however is incredibly difficult to pull off well.


The big FU to modders is another thing. Pretty much every decent game mode that ever came out was because of mods.

Counterstrike, the biggest fps ever was a mod.

Mod's also help keep the game fresh. The only way to keep the game fresh now is through forced DLC.

The big FU to modders is another thing. Pretty much every decent game mode that ever came out was because of mods.

Counterstrike, the biggest fps ever was a mod.

hey, man, chill the fuck out. you don't need to go hog-wild on everyone posting in this thread.

i play games like l4d and COD4 on pc rather than consoles for the same reason - i prefer to dick around with mods more than actually try to win the match. i prefer servers in those situations. i don't prefer playing against a community of arrogant assholes - and for that, i'm awaiting MW2's online play with bated breath. if matchmaking isn't horribly broken out of the box, i'll be happy. that's all i'm asking for.

would it be nice to have dedicated servers? sure! IW doesn't want them. i'm sure that someone's going to hack it and make one soon enough after the game comes out. you need to just calm down and exercise some patience.


I can't support a decision to remove dedicated servers entirely, it's ridiculous and a just plain horrible idea from the gamer's standpoint (clearly not the developer's standpoint). If they ship with a "dual option" I'm fine with that - most likely, most of my time (certainly not all) would be spent using the matchmaking. But to not even have the option of user-created content and other custom servers... well, that's just dumb.

oh yeah another thing baha, i don't think you've ever played with neogaf pc people, at least not the ones I played with, not douches at all

Well there's two that have played on the OCR TF2 server - one seemed kinda douchey, one was pretty nice. I'm just generalizing the prevailing attitude found on their forums, which is what I meant by people you'd expect from.

oh yeah another thing baha, i don't think you've ever played with neogaf pc people, at least not the ones I played with, not douches at all

What worries me is that you have replied to pretty much every post in this thread. Ohnoes, someone isn't doing something the way you want them to, you hate it even though you haven't tried it yet, and you are arguing on points that are either baseless or flawed to begin with.

Here's a nice thought for you; what about those places that don't have decent servers local to them? But they know 15 people who want to play nearby? Doesn't that benefit them?

If you are going to argue that something "craps" on something, try and do it in a rational, logical way. Blatantly denying any point a person makes, and ridiculing them for it is how flame wars start. If you disagree, be nice about it.


What the f***? P2P is the backward solution, and I'll be damned as to why it's the staple of console gaming. There is a reason why dedicated servers existed, a decade ago, for games like Quake and CS. Because they were better.

It's not rocket science - dedicated servers offer better pings, and therefore, better quality of gaming. A dedicated server can naturally offer better conncetions for all players, not just the host.

Furthermore, dedicated servers aren't hosted under the whim of one player, who, at any given moment, could /ragequit the game and/or boot you for no good measure. Sure, server admins could possibly do this as well, but, rarely does this occur. Even if it does occur, you can simply avoid that server and choose to go on another server. Can you choose which host to connect to with matchmaking? Probably not.

Just because console gamers have never had to face the impossibly-demanding aspect of choice, doesn't mean that PC gamers should be brought down to their level and be forced to adapt such backward concepts.

Seriously. Anyone with half a brain, and who isn't ignorant, would be able to figure out that dedicated servers are a better alternative to P2P matchmaking in moderate to large scale first person shooters. Going mass-P2P is a step backward for online gaming.

P2P gaming works in real time strategy games where there is rarely greater than 8 or 12 players connected per game. In first person shooters however, it is a completely different story.

This blog here by PCGamer clearly outlines the implications of such a move by IW. It's not that hard to understand.

Some of the arguments that are against the PC commnity's backlash to removal of dedicated servers are downright atrocious, let alone snide and condescending. The recent GameInformer piece could not be any less ignorant, biased and useless in its lack of understanding of the issues regarding loss of dedicated servers. A poor piece of journalism at its finest.

JoeFu, I feel for you, and I also (obviously) understand where you're coming from, but I'm going to save myself some sanity by probably refraining from posting in this thread further.


Just about everyone I've seen discussing this on other forums are gonna get it for 360 or ps3 anyway, even before this happened. So there is a larger market for the consoles. I personally am getting it with my 360 MW2 bundle with the 250 gig HD, but I'm gonna sell the game out of it cause I hate FPSes on consoles. I might pick up the pc version somewhere down the road, or just wait till they bundle it in with a new video card.

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