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I believe Quake 3 for Dreamcast supported dedicated servers.


Quake III Arena was released for the Sega Dreamcast (ported by Raster Productions and released by Sega) in 2000 and featured 4 player online play versus Dreamcast and PC gamers. It is often considered one of the best PC to console ports of its time due to its smooth frame rate and online play. There are still communities that play this version online on the remaining dedicated servers running patch version 1.16n and the required map pack.
~ Wikipedia

If only that caught on with the later consoles...

If only that caught on with the later consoles...

and with decent sized hard drive on most consoles models now, mods and user maps would show the console world what they've been missing.

  • 2 weeks later...

Wanted to bump this thread for this lovely quote, it came from some Q and A thing they did.


Ignoring IW.net, is the PC version a direct port of the console version?



No, PC has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings.

Mouse Control now a feature confirmed.

Here's a graph that shows some good info


only thing that is iffy is the ping, but from the Q and A they said they played with 100ping average...

Just announced that the PC version has been cut down to 9 players per team now.


So they are removing everything that made the first one good just to force DLC onto the PC world.


valve so gets it.

This is why I will RARELY ever, ever put trust into DLC. No longer are companies content with delivering content on the disc, they'd rather have barely anything (or NO disc at all), on it. Or, have it on there, and FORCE you to pay for the content already on the disc you already paid for.

This should also be a big flag waving to these "hardcore" gamers that are adored by their HD loving companies, they want to SCREW YOU OVER.

And yes, I totally agree Nekofrog, Valve does get it. They keep the customer in mind. Of course, they'll make a profit, but hey, they'll at least satisfy both their fans, as well as potential consumers...



This thread perked my interest.

I don't know these games, but based on what I've read here... there's BS going on and I hate BS.

There is no real LOGICAL reason for them to be doing what they are doing. I'm sure it has something to do with money in their little ignorant corporate minds, though.

There's no reason consoles can't have dedicated servers. And obviously no reason PC can't. There's also no reason you can't have both servers and P2P match making, even if P2P has a different amount of players. That is an engineering problem which is EASILY solved.

Also, I'd just like to point out that PC's are not dedicated servers. They can have 'listen' servers on them, but there's a difference between a dedicated server and a listen server.... but that's irrelevant because even those two can be easily made to work together.

There is no real LOGICAL reason for them to be doing what they are doing. I'm sure it has something to do with money in their little ignorant corporate minds, though.

There IS a real logical reason for them to do what they're doing. It's just not a logical reason that any of us should be expected to like.

I'm sure it has something to do with money in their little ignorant corporate minds, though.

You mean the ignorant corporate minds that are going to make a killing on this game? Yeah, that's ignorant. People are gonna eat this game up, and the smaller userbase that actually feels they are getting screwed by this is not gonna effect this. I do love the name calling going on over this though :D

There IS a real logical reason for them to do what they're doing. It's just not a logical reason that any of us should be expected to like.

Well I suppose you are right there, but it would be fuzzy logic at best.

Like the DLC issue. It would seem logical if I were to leave out features so I can force you to pay for them later, right? But that is actually fuzzy logic because it may not always work, people might hate DLC and it would actually backfire on me.

What would be logical is to give the best service possible, and not intentionally withhold something that is normally easy to implement.

Edit: in other words, doing the best you can in your power is logical. It's still possible to fail, but it won't be from lack of trying. To do less in a gamble to gain more is fuzzy because you are intentionally giving up your control of the outcome more than what is necessary.


Unfortunately the Activision motto is "dumb the game down to the point where anyone can play it, and mass market it to the point of oversaturation". Like GH after GH2, Tony Hawk etc. MW2 is gonna be a huge hit. The local gamestop in my city has over 300 preorders, and two of the knoxville gamestops that are 1 mile apart are doing a combined launch on the midnight of, with 1300+ preorders. I'm not sure what kind of numbers on that would be PC gamers obviously, but I'm guessing 75% or more would be console. So this is easy money, with little effort for fan service. Best business practice if you have a market that'll shell out top dollar for mass produced trash.

Best business practice if you have a market that'll shell out top dollar for mass produced trash.

Atari thought that too. In fact I think I recall somebody from Atari in the old days saying 'if you throw enough crap at a wall, some is bound to stick'

Well... just see what happened to Atari :razz:

So yeah. It works as a business practice. In some cases it would be arguably the best I suppose, but it's still a gamble and many developers and publishers have been burned by that gamble, especially when a competitor comes along and takes the gloves off, so to speak.

Apparently the matchmaking system is as bad as people feared it would be, happily choosing people from different continents.

but it's fair right???? that's what is important to infinity ward/activision, yes sir, being fair for all them casual PC gamers. I'm still not sure if I am going to get the game till there is a drop in price, it's not worth $60 at the moment.


I got my MW2 360 bundle last night. The 360 and 250 gig HD is so damn sexy, and 2 wireless black controllers as well. I didn't try MW2 yet though. But honestly, Ill play it some, and then I'll upgrade my video card in my pc in like a year and get MW2 for free for pc through that. Its win/win.

I'll buy it for $5 though... We just need some one to break the coding and develope a DS system for it, then it'd be fixing an already broken title.

You know, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a bigger push for a dedicated server then there is for a crack for the game, and I could understand that.

More fun stuff


modder makes ac130 killstreak mod for cod4, mw2 has same killstreak, dude jokes with modder tells him to tell youtube that iw2 was stealing, ac130 mw2 video gets pulled.

Uh, I think part of the DMCA says that if you use it, you're required to actually follow up and begin the legal process against the infringer.

This guy just sort of fucked himself, big time.


Didn't see the fine print regarding this game, except kudos all around.

I feel bummed out for the PC gamers out there, this doesn't make sense.

Hope they listen, and just maybe make the game worthwhile for pc users, as much as console players.

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