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We got confirmation of approval for an OCReMix panel at Anime Detour. Should be Saturday, April 24th, at 3 PM. Check here for a full schedule:


Despite what the info says, Brushfire will be joining in on the panel (I still need to email them to let them know a third person is coming). Now I just need to get the presentation from DJP, steal some merchandise, make every slide about OCAD, and we'll be in business :twisted:

The presells are over, but tickets should still be available at the door. WE WANT TO SEE YOU THERE if you can make it.

  • 3 weeks later...

Well, Brushfire, I'm actually staying with OA and his family so I have no room plans besides that, and I'm not gonna ask him to strain his hospitality. Hope you understand, my friend! If you figure out how to get your own room, of course, I'll see you there, but no way am I gonna turn down free shelter after how much I spent on the plane flight :nicework: I'm sure we can figure out something if you're die-hard on going, we can talk on Skype soon about it.

As for why I'm going to one in Minnesota:

1) Not as many people as the bigger cons, but still a great crowd and actual room to move. It looks to be pretty badass and maybe it'll actually be the turning point in getting me into anime.

2) I'm going because a good chunk of NiGHTS fans who've been supporting and contributing to a part of the NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming project will be there, so I'm going to go hang out with them a bit.

3) Spreading the OCR love where it may not be fully represented.

4) Going to hang with OA, BardicKnowledge, and anyone else who decides to show up from around here.

5) Ogle the sexy cosplayers.

6) I've never been to Minnesota, so why not?

7) Get away from Baltimore.

  • 3 months later...

Bumpity bump! We got confirmation of approval for an OCReMix panel at Anime Detour. Should be Saturday, April 24th, at 3 PM. Check here for a full schedule:


Despite what the info says, Brushfire will be joining in on the panel (I still need to email them to let them know a third person is coming). Now I just need to get the presentation from DJP, steal some merchandise, make every slide about OCAD, and we'll be in business :twisted:

  • 5 weeks later...

The con's a week away. I'd like to open the opportunity to any project director that wants to send a SHORT audio/art preview of their project that is coming up to be played during the presentation. It should be no longer than a minute (or two) at most. Must be PM'd to me or OA by next Wednesday.

NiGHTS will have an exclusive teaser compilation there that will only be played during that presentation and not available anywhere else. LUCKY THOSE PEOPLE! :twisted:


BBQ at my place friday night- there will be Surliez and chickenz to be had.

Also bears repeating:

Any project director that wants to send a SHORT audio/art preview of their project that is coming up to be played during the presentation. It should be no longer than a minute at most. Must be PM'd to me or Level99 by next Wednesday.

I don't know if I'm going yet -- I'm not into anime enough to warrant me attending for more than one day, and they don't sell day-passes :(

Either way, I'll be glad to go out for a drink with OCR folks, as I live 10 miles from the Mall of America.

They don't sell day passes anymore? Last time me and my buddy went they sold both day passes and weekend passes. We were planning on day passes but when we got there opted for the weekend passes and just got a hotel.

Well, Brushfire, I'm actually staying with OA and his family so I have no room plans besides that, and I'm not gonna ask him to strain his hospitality. Hope you understand, my friend! If you figure out how to get your own room, of course, I'll see you there, but no way am I gonna turn down free shelter after how much I spent on the plane flight :nicework: I'm sure we can figure out something if you're die-hard on going, we can talk on Skype soon about it.

As for why I'm going to one in Minnesota:

1) Not as many people as the bigger cons, but still a great crowd and actual room to move. It looks to be pretty badass and maybe it'll actually be the turning point in getting me into anime.

2) I'm going because a good chunk of NiGHTS fans who've been supporting and contributing to a part of the NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming project will be there, so I'm going to go hang out with them a bit.

3) Spreading the OCR love where it may not be fully represented.

4) Going to hang with OA, BardicKnowledge, and anyone else who decides to show up from around here.

5) Ogle the sexy cosplayers.

6) I've never been to Minnesota, so why not?

7) Get away from Baltimore.

1) I've been there several times, seeing as I'm from Minnesota and it's the closest anime con to get to. It's really nice, I think you'll enjoy it. Unfortunately I'm not able to go this year :/ so I won't be able to meet up with anyone from OCR... not that anyone really knows me anyway >_>

5) This.

6) Hope you enjoy it... outside of the twin cities we have nice... nature/scenery?

7) Holy crap, you're coming from Baltimore?

Why wouldn't you pick Minnesota? I mean it has so much to offer...




Hang on a minute...

Hey I'm from Minnesota too and I resent that...

...Nah, you're right :/ Aside from MoA, we really have nothing to offer (unless you're big into camping and the outdoors, then we have a lot to offer...)

Anyway, I really wish I was going. It's cool that there's going to be an OCR panel this year. Good luck to everyone, hope it's a big hit!


I took Friday off work, so I may be coming to Minneapolis Thursday night. Bringing the photo gear as I'll be trying to shoot some con stuff for Japanator. OA, give me a call when you have some time so we can finalize plans a bit. Also, BBQ? That sounds awesome.

Also, here's hoping for sure that the con will have walk up passes available.

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