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FAC - Fan Art Competition 30: Steam Punk *RESULTS ARE IN*

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Thanks for the submissions DJ Mighty.

Sorry to have been absentee for so long, I'm finally done with finals. Do you guys (besides DJ Mighty) have entries, either done or will be done before the end of December? If so, send them my way. If not, I'm unsure what we're going to do for January.

I'm going to be out of town starting on the 29th (IMPENDING MAGFEST) and I am unsure if I will have reliable internet access until January 7th or so. So if you DO have something to submit, send it my way. I'm going to make the deadline DECEMBER 28TH. I'll throw the entries up before I leave for unreliable internetz. We'll just have a really long voting period.

Sorry things are so janky for this month, the past month, and probably next month. Hope everyone else has survived this crazy month, if you had finals or just the upcoming holidays in general.


finally I'll be back for some regular checking!

but dang I wish I had the time to work out one for this month...I really like the category. But hey I'll defiantly be in for next month. Good Luck everyone!


Hey guys, entries are up. Please PM your votes to me by TUESDAY JANUARY 5TH. Sorry for the long voting time, but that's when I get back from my trip. Thank you to those who submitted entries <3

And here is a Holiday card of Nina from Breath of Fire from one of our regulars. Happy Holidays!


Now git to voting!


Those are both great! X3

Yeah, I'm a failure...I was working on something, but I haven't touched it in weeks...so bad. I know it wasn't gonna be for the contest but still...

I could post the WIP or something if anyone wants to see. :/

Still up for the random gift art, though!


So sorry about the delay in getting the results posted, I've basically been sleeping for the past two days, with brief periods of engulfing food. Edited the first post with the results, and hopefully we can get the January FAC up and running shortly. Thanks to those who submitted and those who voted, really.

I also want to say thanks to those who told me in person at Magfest not to give up on the competition. This past FAC had me wanting to GTFO, but hearing that people still want the competition makes me feel less like giving up completely. So thanks. <3

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