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I've never cried during a video game, but I felt very emotional and relieved at the end of Earthbound... especially when <SPOILER ALERT> I personally defeated Giygas (though never having met the kids before) <END SPOILERS>. That was a nice touch... especially after the "all hope is lost" quote: "Paula's prayer was absorbed by the darkness." That just added to the overall distress of the final boss fight.

Usually, the epic games such as the Final Fantasy series tends to have the same effect on me due to the length of the games.


Shadow of the Colossus, right before the battle with Malus when Aggo hurls you to safety before falling into the abyss.<End spoilers>

Ace Combat Zero mission 13, when you take down some bombers heading for your homeland and then the Belkans nuke their own cities, you're caught in the fringe of the EMP, and your wingman Pixy turns on you. Or after the final mission, when you realize that while you saved the world from nuclear annihilation, nobody will ever know what you did and you lost both your wingmen in the process. <End spoilers>

Beyond Good and Evil. The lighthouse scene. Enough said.

Homeworld, when you return from testing the Mothership's hyperdrive and find Kharak burning, and the 600,000 colonists are all that's left of your entire race. That one cutscene flat-out destroyed me.


I thought I posted in this thread a long time ago. I guess it must have been an older thread that got lost to the ages.

The only moment in a video game that I can ever remember making me cry is the ending to Half Life 2 Episode 2. When Eli Vance gets killed by a combine advisor right in front of his daughter Alyx, and neither of you can do anything to help him.

Edit: Oh, and also a couple of the Thousand Years of Dreams stories in Lost Odyssey definitely choke me up.


I think I may have cried tears of rage when <spoiler> Aerith died</spoiler> in FF7 the first time I played it. Don't remember for sure, though - that was a good ten years ago, lol. I'm pretty sure I did in FF6, though, when <spoiler>Doma Castle got wiped out</spoiler> - that one really riled me up.

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