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hey! :!:

where are all the metroid prime mixes? :?: I see three total, and all by the same guy. more would be awesome, especially from the first two, as those soundtracks are my personal favorites. the title themes are probably a good place to start (i'm attempting to start there myself) but really anything would be great.


Yes he does make great mixes, don't get me wrong, he's one of my favorite ReMixers, but there simply needs to be more takes on these particular games, and many people might bring something with a different feel into the mix (no pun intended.)

Plus more people working on a theme means that collaborations are going to happen and many tracks are going to show up. Darkesword only currently has three Remixes of the sub-series posted. There is a shortage here, and it needs to be filled.


Plus more people working on a theme means that collaborations are going to happen and many tracks are going to show up. Darkesword only currently has three Remixes of the sub-series posted. There is a shortage here, and it needs to be filled.

Metroid Prime uses music from older Metroid games, which already have remixes (under Super Metroid/Metroid 1/Metroid 2), correct?

I wouldn't say there's a shortage... it's just that the songs especially composed for the Prime soundtrack need to be mixed.

P.S. That also means Shariq has technically 4 metroid prime remixes, because the source "Magmoor Caverns" is the same as the source for Heat Vision. ;)


I thought it might, but i haven't heard it. probably just not paying attention fully since it is usually a work song.

And I have noticed the sourced tracks, but they have been significantly changed (well, the torvus submerged temple anyway.)

also, i recently heard the metroid prime trilogy title theme. also would make a good mix. the only reason i haven't played the game itself is because my wii is broken. : (

P.S. That also means Shariq has technically 4 metroid prime remixes, because the source "Magmoor Caverns" is the same as the source for Heat Vision. ;)

AH haha yeah, that was a hilarious interchange. Serious beatdownage right there.

Edit: menu theme for MP2!


I agree; the original Prime music does deserve more coverage (fuck, like, anything from Echoes aside from Submerged Temple).

The music of Metroid is atmospheric and ambient; it would be interesting to see a different take on them, considering that a good number of remixes often turn a more forthright game song into something atmospheric and ambient.

But heck, I'd love a Sanctuary Fortress remix, or an Ing remix...

3/4 (or 6/8


And no doubt. Perhaps incorporating an idea or two from the ending when remixing.

I'd say the same for MP2's ending except the additions were very meh.



Ha... emperor.


It ain't a coincidence, hah.

In fact, my internet name mostly everywhere else IS Emperor Ing.

(my original account here is Emperor Ing too, but I never got an activation email, so it languishes in nothingness on this site).

I took the name because the Ing were some of the coolest badasses around, and their music rocked.

(my original account here is Emperor Ing too, but I never got an activation email, so it languishes in nothingness on this site).

PM Liontamer, he'll help you with that if you want the name back.


I would, but I'm already Snacks N Jaxson now. You can't take that away from me.

In any event, for all my other music places (Newgrounds, Last.fm...) I'm the good king Charlemagne, so I guess it fits.

On topic, I do really think that Echoes is ripe and prime (LOLOLOL) for a good remixing. Then again, that can be said about a lot of the songs that the ol' OCR has not touched, too.

is so cool, along with the other boss fight songs...

And considering how popular Rundas' theme is, I'm surprised no one has tackled it yet...


I'm working on my usual method for the GF Trooper battle music (i.e. listening to a soundtrack or MIDI of it for a week to get a feel for it then actually mixing) to get a trance mix in there, which i am surprised has not been done yet.

and why is submerged temple bad? I like it (although I personally think the actual torvus bog theme and title are better.)


It's not BAD (I like the track a whole lot; it adds to the stage)...

I'd just want to avoid it, because it's in itself a remix of Super Metroid's Brinstar Red Soil, which is a song, to quote one of the judges "that's approaching Ice Cap Zone level proportions" in terms of how many people remix it.

I like the song, but I like branching out even more.


ok, fair enough. i thought it had changed significantly, but things like that can get complicated, and i see your point.

and this could just be turned into an album/project/thing. I mean, super Metroid has Relics of the Chozo, so why don't the Prime games have one?

and this could just be turned into an album/project/thing. I mean, super Metroid has Relics of the Chozo, so why don't the Prime games have one?

Because albums take time to make and gnerally need more than one remixer with time skill and interest.

I'd probably join a MP project tho, once I'd get some other project stuff out of the way.


okay, good, someone's already thought of that. and at a convienient time for me, as summer is my recreational season. mixing stuff included in that.

either way, i'd better get off the forums for a bit and start mixing!

okay, good, someone's already thought of that. and at a convienient time for me, as summer is my recreational season. mixing stuff included in that.

either way, i'd better get off the forums for a bit and start mixing!

Oops. Sorry. I realized planning didn't take half a year, so I started a project thread. It's in community. If you're interested, you'll have to wait a little until Open Recruitment starts.


no problem. I actually need to help out a bit seeing as how christmas is in, like, a week, but i'll look into it.

and i actually started mixing on MP2 Echoes! but it's weird. I messed with some instrumentation from torvus bog and now it sounds insanely different. synth pads can go a long way.......

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