Palpable Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 Greetings! I would like to submit a video game remix that a buddy and myself have produced. We are registered on your forums as DrKrake vs Jellyfish (user id is 27399). The track is called Tor für Deutschland (which is German for "Goal for Germany"), it is a remix of the Ireland theme from the Super NES game Super Soccer. As an additional source we used some (German) soccer commentary from public broadcasting to create a soccer game atmosphere. I hope the fact that we are using German commentary and a German title will not cause any trouble, but we both agreed to insist on this naming style. Our music style is influenced by Trance (all sorts) and Electro House, though pretty unique after all. The game Super Soccer is not currently listed on your site as far as I am aware. It is a SNES game released in 1992 (1991 in Japan), developed by Human Entertainment and published by Nintendo. Obviously, it is of the Sports genre. Unfortunately, I do not know who exactly (as in which person) composed the soundtrack and I did not yet have the chance to check for the credits ingame. I am uncertain about hosting the original. The whole game soundtrack can be acquired in SPC format at Zophar's Domain, which I am sure you know: The MP3 file of our remix is hosted here: We are looking forward to your review. Thanks and kind regards, Patrick Dinklage DrKrake vs Jellyfish ---------------------------------------------------------------- - 12 "Ireland"
big giant circles Posted December 26, 2009 Posted December 26, 2009 Pretty conservative remix for the most part. I was getting worried it might be a little too much of a mere trance cover/adaptation until the breakdown section (with the announcer) kicks in, and that seemed to break up the similarity just enough that I was satisfied with the arrangement. There's kind of an odd, lo-fi feel to the sound during that part, and I guess for the sake of the intended cinematic feel, it was ok. I mean, after all, it's supposed to be a crowd of soccer fans going wild while the announcer commentates and all that, so I'm cool with it. The production sounds very clean, I have no problems there at all My only real criticism of the track would be that the ending seemed a little bit abrupt, and probably could have turned out a bit cooler than it did, but on the whole, I think this is over the bar and will make a nice addition to the site. TOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRR (GOOOOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLL) (I do think it's funny that the track is about Ireland, but yet the theme is very much German. I was kind of expecting Ulian pipes and penny whistles at first)
CHz Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 Definitely more than just a dance conversion, simply by virtue of the minute long original section in the middle, but most of the source usage is pretty conservative. 0:00-0:31, 1:19-2:07, and 3:20-4:07 are for the most part just slightly modified melody + bass from the source (really the only distinctive parts of the original) with some original percussion and occasional effects. The section at 0:31-1:19 that starts off with just the bass and does a little melodic riffing on it is good, easily the most interpretive part of the mix, but overall this could be doing a lot more with the source. Altering the melody and bass more, especially after 3:20, which is just a rehash of older stuff, would be a step in the right direction. Mixing up the accompaniment more would also go a long way to making the arrangement more interesting. 1:19-1:35 was a good start. Production is alright. There isn't a whole lot going on at any particular time, though it's usually pretty clear. The bass becomes a bit indistinct in the fuller sections, but not terribly so. Not a bad effort at all, dudes. NO (resubmit)
Vig Posted December 30, 2009 Posted December 30, 2009 I had this game way back. It was hard as fuck. I don't think I ever won a game. As far as straightforward trance conversions go, this isn't too bad. Production is definitely passable, but the arrangement is pretty conservative. Not too many risks taken. By the end I'm extremely tired of saw waves. I think this track is pretty borderline, although a little something unique to make it stick out could put it over the top. I'd start by using some different textures. The saw is really overdone (saw bass AND lead? really?) especially because there are usually only three or four parts playing at once. NO
DarkeSword Posted December 31, 2009 Posted December 31, 2009 CELTIC MUSIC = 90s EURODANCE! Sorry, had to get that out of my system. Speaking of the system, it's down all over this place. Really anthemic stuff here; I dig the old school sound. I love the announcer stuff later. TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR~ YES~!
OceansAndrew Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 Arrangement is very conservative, with the melody, bass, and harmony parts all pretty much verbatim, but besides the obvious genre shift, there is a slight tempo change, a well-integrated breakdown, and several structural changes. Several sections feature parts removed and filtered to give the song a more lengthened flow than the original, and the middle section is original, but transitions seamlessly into the source. Production is clean and full. Nothing sounds bad, and though it gets a little crowded at times, it doesn't prevent me from signing off on it. I do agree that the ending is abrupt, and that it took a lot of thinking on this one, as it was a tough decision, but overall i'm comfortable passing this one. Yes
Palpable Posted January 10, 2010 Author Posted January 10, 2010 I'm cool with this. It's not the most inventive remix, but it's solid. The 0:31-1:19 section is good riffing on the source, and the original section in the middle uses similar chords which is why the transition seems so natural. The sampled dialogue went on a little long, that was my biggest gripe. JA
anosou Posted January 11, 2010 Posted January 11, 2010 Took me quite a while to settle for a vote on this one. The source usage is conservative but there are slight changes in the rhythms and similar that makes it more than just a straight trance conversion. It's a shame that basically only one type of (generic) synth sound is used, it really makes this track feel more dull than it could be. While the production was mostly clean, it got a little crowded at times and the sampled stuff was a bit lo-fi and went on for too long in my opinion. The original breakdown felt like it was basically the same thing as the rest but with the commentator layered on top. I feel there could be a lot more variation in the arrangement, get your hands dirty! The way the instruments all share a similar sound, rhythm and direction makes the arrangement needlessly dull. Even though things like filtering and the original break tries to break the mold, they're just very slight changes to the formula and the end result just felt like it could've been much more. I'm sorry but I don't think this squeaks by the bar just yet. Try evolving the source usage a bit, vary up the instrumentation and you'll have a winner. Close but no cigar. NO(resubmit)
Liontamer Posted January 11, 2010 Posted January 11, 2010 Here's what I wrote without reading the votes: Opened up with some pretty generic saw wave stuff. :16 sounded petty swamped, but the overall mixing sounded alright. The melody at :47 being more prominent would have been nice, as it sounded kind of buried, but was creatively doubled by the synths. Some decent sonic trickery at 1:20. Definitely a welcome new addition, it just never come back. 1:36 was hitting me with a little too much raw saw. What was going on at 2:16? The synth design was definitely generic and stuck out as such, which wouldn't be such a negative if every sound wasn't so generic. The voice sampling was actually really cool as a concept, but should have been better couched in the soundscape. Right now, it just sounded pasted on top with no care. I'll also mention I didn't think there was too much usage of it. The source tune was still going on in the back, so I don't mind the voices. 3:19, back to more saws. Yeah, that definitely wore thin after a while. Honestly, I like the arrangement, even if it's pretty straightforward. But the synth design was vanilla and not varied or sophisticated enough to stand 4+ minutes. Then I read Vig's vote, and he's got it. As far as straightforward trance conversions go, this isn't too bad. Production is definitely passable, but the arrangement is pretty conservative. Not too many risks taken. By the end I'm extremely tired of saw waves. I think this track is pretty borderline, although a little something unique to make it stick out could put it over the top. I'd start by using some different textures. The saw is really overdone (saw bass AND lead? really?) especially because there are usually only three or four parts playing at once. Yep. I know Dave's leaning on the bar being lower, and there's definitely stuff to like here, an obscure game being one of them. But sonically, the palette here was definitely skimpy and bland, and that's basically the one huge thing that dragged it down. All the NOs that mentioned hesitations on the conservative arrangement laid out their concerns well. I think we could all live with what's there, but further interpretation would have really sealed the deal. Really hope to see a resubmission of this one with some minor tweaks to push it over the top if it doesn't make it. NO (resubmit)
zircon Posted January 11, 2010 Posted January 11, 2010 Larry convinced me to tiebreak this, so here we go. Right off the bat, the production here could use a bit of work. While the sounds themselves are passable (though very cliche), the mastering is very harsh. Lots of mid-high and high frequencies and a gap in the low-mids. The result just sounds overly bright. This could be a result of some types of multiband compression, so I would recommend playing with your mastering chain to see if you can balance the frequencies out more. The actual sound *mix* is pretty good though, ie. the levels of the drums vs. the lead synths, etc. My only complaint there is that the main lead trance synth is maybe a tiny bit too loud and could have been switched up more often. By 2:09 I'm still thinking this is pretty straightforward, but the section that follows appears to be original and simply inspired by the source. After the whole voice sampling stuff ends, it's back to the same interpretation of the source as earlier. Overall, there IS some solid arrangement of the source here, but a lot of it is simply repeated over and over. If there were more variation in the treatment of the melody, such as perhaps some synth solos over the chords, an extended breakdown directly based on the source, or similar writing, I could pass it on that level. However, as it stands now, the arrangement is too repetitive considering the limited use of the source, and the mastering is too harsh. NO
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