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I have never been to a video game convention before. I had a blast, and I met a lot of great people from both the OCR and magfest crowds, whose internet names I pretty much don't remember at all. So if any of you guys (and girls) that I met would be so kind, drop me a PM or facebook me; I'd love to keep in touch.


Simply awesome. It was great meeting everyone that I had never met before, especially Jesse since I've known him online for... 7 years now? :P It's true that we missed most if not all of the actual con, but I'd say between hallway Street Fighter, impromptu games of Magic, HIT THE CLAM, Free Willy net, Dr. Wily stage 1 and everything else, we made up for it.


Hahaha, Andy told me a bunch of funny stories from the meetup... Free Willy net and crotch-slidage, the Skyblazer dance, squeezing seven people into DA's car and trying to get past the ticket booth without laughing, etc. We were up giggling into the wee hours of the morning. :D

So sorry I missed it, but I got to watch the panel, which was great. And thanks for the shoutout/wave - it made me smile.

Thank you guys for coming up to PAX! I didn't really get a chance to meet anyone, but definitely enjoyed the panel and chiptunes.

Aw, you should've came up to us after the panel! We'd have been more than glad to talk to you and have you tag along with us for lunch!

I'll post my pictures (what little I have sometime this week when I feel suitably less stressed). I have to say though, PAX has gotten me quite more energetic!

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