TGH Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 Yes sir. I tried orchestral this time. I didn't deviate too much from the original in terms of phrasing, but I did change some things from the original song, as well as add a string intro. The original song is called "Memories of You" from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon EOT/D/S. The remix name is "The Greatest Loss of All." Remix: Source: Please let me know what you think -TGH Quote
halc Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 aside from the intro, the arrangement is pretty conservative and could use some more fleshing out. any feedback i could leave in this department would pretty much be an echo of whatever i mentioned in your other thread, so i'll leave it at that pretty strings. i think some more stereo spread and maybe a slightly longer release would give them some more fullness. also, at about 25 seconds in i think the strings panned left become a little too pronounced. after the intro you should lower the attack on the strings, it's kinda slow and sounds fake once you get into the shorter notes. the piano sounds thin and slightly detuned at times, but the sequencing is pretty well humanized for the most part. you could edit the timings on individual notes a bit during some of the chordal sections around 2:00 and onwards. not bad! i think you have potential, so stay active hope this helps Quote
Algamest Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 I really like this As always your mixes are of high quality, in fact, my only criticism is that it kinda sounds like the different instruments are fighting each other sometimes in terms of volume if y'know what i mean, but the arrangement is really good, (Just a suggestion aswell) Rather than just ending the song, why not slip a few bars of your own little thing in, s'good either way though , just wonderin as well, you still using mixcraft? If so, how did you get the pitch bend on the flute? Argh i've been needing a pitch bend for ages but i can't find how to do it on Mixcraft . Great Mix! Quote
TGH Posted February 25, 2010 Author Posted February 25, 2010 Thanks you guys for the feedback I'll see what i can do for version 2. Kyle, to bend the pitch of the notes in Mixcraft, there's a scroll down menu in the part of the program where you input the notes; this menu includes expression, velocity, volume, modulation, etc., as well as pitch wheel, where you can draw lines on the bottom part to change the pitch. I hope that helped XD Quote
TGH Posted February 25, 2010 Author Posted February 25, 2010 aside from the intro, the arrangement is pretty conservative and could use some more fleshing out. . .pretty strings. i think some more stereo spread and maybe a slightly longer release would give them some more fullness. In this one I created two separate channels for the bass strings, and panned one to the left and one to the right to broaden the stereo width. I also brought one of the piano channels back from the foreground a little bit. Also, I added a harp solo at the end. I might want to do some more in terms of straying from the source. . . Quote
TGH Posted February 25, 2010 Author Posted February 25, 2010 Version 3 is here. I lowered the volume of the bass string ever so slightly, and I also made a few other petty changes with the strings. Quote
TGH Posted March 3, 2010 Author Posted March 3, 2010 I've been working on this one. If there's any remix I make that actually gets on the site, it's gonna be this one. lol Here's the link: I really worked on making this sound more like a real orchestra; I added reverb to everything, decreased the volume on the bass strings, and tinkered with the equalization on the strings a lot. I also added a part in the middle at around 2:15 until 3:12, which can be considered an interpretation of part of this song, called "Run Away," from the other PMD game: I really want to know what you think, so please leave feedback Quote
TGH Posted March 6, 2010 Author Posted March 6, 2010 This may be my final version. Quote
Subz1987 Posted March 6, 2010 Posted March 6, 2010 Nice! Really loving this one! Can't wait to hear it on the site Quote
TGH Posted March 6, 2010 Author Posted March 6, 2010 Nice! Really loving this one! Can't wait to hear it on the site You think it really has a shot??? lmao Quote
Emunator Posted March 6, 2010 Posted March 6, 2010 Dude, I love your intro. Stellar job The second flute (?) note is not as audible as the first, and that's honestly my favorite part of the intro so I'd like for it to be a bit more prominent, if possible. I really, really like what you did with this song and I hope you can get it posted. I agree with some of halc's criticisms, especially about the thinness of your piano sample. It sounds rather weak, which causes it to get buried/overshadowed by some of your other instruments, which in general sound a lot better. Sometimes your sustained strings on the high notes go too long and start to hurt my right ear because of how far over they're panned. Watch for that at certain times; it's not a huge problem but it is something that bugged me a few times during the song. Really good work overall, though. I was surprised by how much I liked this one! I'd really like to see a replacement for the piano sample you're using now, if at all possible, and there's a few touchups that could be made here and there. But all things considered, I think this is getting close to ready for submission. Quote
TGH Posted March 7, 2010 Author Posted March 7, 2010 Thanks, Emunator! I fixed the piano sample; it was originally just "acoustic piano." Now, it's "Bright piano." I also fixed the violin in one part, for some reason it wasn't playing correctly. Further feedback would be very much appreciated Quote
Emunator Posted March 7, 2010 Posted March 7, 2010 Sounds great man I don't really have anything else to say, I think you should submit this! Quote
halc Posted March 7, 2010 Posted March 7, 2010 wow, this has come quite a ways since the original version i heard. i agree with emu, once you're finished you should give it a shot on the panel. best of luck! Quote
TGH Posted March 7, 2010 Author Posted March 7, 2010 Thanks a ton, guys There are two little nit-picky adjustments I'm going to make soon, and then I'll submit it. I'll post the final version shortly. Thanks again for your help, you guys are the best! Quote
TGH Posted March 7, 2010 Author Posted March 7, 2010 Here is what may be the final version (again). There were some strings in the bridge that were attacking too violently, I calmed those down. Fixed the violin yet again. There was also a part near the middle of the first "verse" (?) in which the strings were playing with too much vibrato, fixed that also. Quote
Rozovian Posted March 10, 2010 Posted March 10, 2010 I appreciate the invite to crit your track. Sometimes, that's just what my ego needs. Sorry it took a little while tho. First thing that strikes me some artificial quality in the intro strings' vibrato, but I don't think it's much of a big deal. Piano reverb is a little weird, tho not sure why so I'd rather not make any claims about why or what you could do about it. The 1:32 section feels a little hard on the sequencing. I'm still learning to notice stuff like that, but that probably just means it's all the more important to fix. Your bells and harp feel a little too hard to me for most of their time. Not the ending, but their other appearances. Emu already pointed out the high sustained string notes as being a little painful. Not painful on my speaker setup, but they do stand out a little too much imo. 3:14 crash could be longer, it sounds like it's cut off after the crescendo. 3:34 crash has a timing problem. The loud parts seem to fill up mostly lows and mids. Aside from the high strings the highs are a bit empty. A SUBTLE high shelf boost to piano and flute could alleviate that. That's my crits. This is a beautiful arrangement. Source is pretty, but you've taken it to another level. Nice work. halc mentioned before that it might be a little conservative, dunno if that still applies. I might listen more to it and the source, maybe comment on that later. Comparing it to one of Vampire Hunter Dan's tracks shows you could probably boost it a dB or so to get it to about the same level. You shouldn't lose any of the dynamics, but it'd fit in better with other ocr orchestral tracks. Make sure not to boost it too much tho, better to leave it as-is than to boost it too much/clip/whatever, and the aforementioned suggestion of a high shelf boost for some of the tracks might solve this issue too. Quote
darkmaster987 Posted March 25, 2010 Posted March 25, 2010 Nice remix, but I'm not a fan of the random key change at 1:21. You're far from the only person to do this - it's a trick that been done to death by popular music, but IMO it's a very bad example to follow. They usually do it to hide the fact that they're repeating lyrics, but only succeed because they create an even more jarring disconnect in the music which distracts listeners away from the lyrics. It's the musical equivalent of covering up a bad odor with an even stronger one. Quote
TGH Posted March 31, 2010 Author Posted March 31, 2010 Nice remix, but I'm not a fan of the random key change at 1:21. You're far from the only person to do this - it's a trick that been done to death by popular music, but IMO it's a very bad example to follow. They usually do it to hide the fact that they're repeating lyrics, but only succeed because they create an even more jarring disconnect in the music which distracts listeners away from the lyrics. It's the musical equivalent of covering up a bad odor with an even stronger one. Did you listen to the source? That key change is actually in the original as well. And since there are no lyrics in this piece. . . I just don't see how I could be covering up a 'bad odor' with said key change when there is none to begin with. Personally, I like the key change and am hesitant to change anything about the structure of the mix as it stands now. I also feel like without that key change it would take a lot longer for the remix to actually go anywhere without 'jumping' to a different part to do it. Plus, I already submitted it Edit: Alright, here's the final version that I've submitted: Subtle high shelf boost, made it louder, did what I could to fix the crash near the end An extremely huge thank you to Rozovian, halc, Emunator and Kylebean Quote
AlmightyArceus Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 i really like what you did with this remix. i just have a few small improvments you might be able to make. One thing i noticed was the abrupt marcato sound of the piano. while the accents are well placed, i think you could use a less punchy piano (if possible.) Make the notes more legato, as to make the song flow more. This song doesnt really have a rigid, abrput, upbeat feel; it has a very layed back and sort of saddened quality (as the title suggests) so legato notes (as the strings demonstrate) work the most. with the occasional maracato at high points. Oddly enough, this piano became totally drowned out at some points by the violin; consider not as much of a cresendo. the violin just got a bit too loud there. Quote
TGH Posted March 31, 2010 Author Posted March 31, 2010 i really like what you did with this remix. i just have a few small improvments you might be able to make. One thing i noticed was the abrupt marcato sound of the piano. while the accents are well placed, i think you could use a less punchy piano (if possible.) Make the notes more legato, as to make the song flow more. This song doesnt really have a rigid, abrput, upbeat feel; it has a very layed back and sort of saddened quality (as the title suggests) so legato notes (as the strings demonstrate) work the most. with the occasional maracato at high points. Oddly enough, this piano became totally drowned out at some points by the violin; consider not as much of a cresendo. the violin just got a bit too loud there. I thank you for your input, even though there's really nothing I can do now to change this remix at all seeing as though I've already submitted it. However, I still wouldn't feel inclined to change anything about it even if I had the chance. . .I don't know, it just sounds right to me, and that's why I submitted it as is. I don't think the piano is 'punchy' as much as I think that it just stands out more than the strings. Which was the effect I was looking for. At first the piano is legato, as sort of an intro to the verse. Then as the verse gets deeper, the piano loudens for the sort of emotional effect I was looking for. And at what time did you hear the violin drowning out the piano? It does louden at times for (again) emotional effect, but i can't hear it drown out the piano at any time during the mix. Quote
AlmightyArceus Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 well i can't find the actual times... (therye prolly there, i just cant see them) but it happens when the strings do a major crescendo once the piano had first come in. its pretty soon after the piano comes in. and lol i know, idk jsut more random crituque. i wanna hear it be the best thing possible i guess the marcato remark is just personal preference...if you feel its the way you absolutely love, keep it! Quote
TGH Posted March 31, 2010 Author Posted March 31, 2010 well i can't find the actual times... (therye prolly there, i just cant see them) but it happens when the strings do a major crescendo once the piano had first come in. its pretty soon after the piano comes in. and lol i know, idk jsut more random crituque. i wanna hear it be the best thing possible i guess the marcato remark is just personal preference...if you feel its the way you absolutely love, keep it! Hmm. . .our speaker setups must be different, because I do hear the string crescendo you mean but I can still hear the piano perfectly fine. lol Thank you for the feedback, and wish it luck on the panel! lol Quote
TGH Posted January 24, 2011 Author Posted January 24, 2011 .....Yes it is. Alright, looking back at this song and this thread. . . omg. Terrible. I remade it. Source. Thoughts. Please. Blah. Thanks. ... -TGH Quote
NegimaSonic Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 I hadn't listened to the source yet. But I just did now. Man that song is amazing... I think you pulled it off Quote
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