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Chocolate vanilla swirl if you dont mind. Actually... I was wondering if somebody would be willing to make me a theme song? My brother and I try making our own music and it doesnt work out so well. I cant make music worth a poopy and he doesnt know how to make decent music at all. Our best one is something like Crei-Z-Space or something and thats about it. Its pretty good Id say. If I can get it on the webz Ill put it up and yall can tell me whatcha think. We have a program called ACID. Its ok I guess... are we just not using it right? Hmmm... OH! ADD! Well lets get back on topic shall we? I was kinda hoping somebody would be willing to make me some kind of badass Halo Metroid mix or something and call it Enkrypted or something like that. It wouldnt have to be exactly that or a super metal rock mix or whatever but Im sure youll think of something. If you wanna do this dont kill yourself over it take all the time youd like. I can wait. If not. Hey! I appreciate the thought. Thanks! ^_^

  Inimitable said:
This theme on loop is the best thing to happen to music so far this decade.

It's been looping for an hour, and I'm not sure my will is my own anymore. A+, I have no choice but to listen again.

  IBBIAZ said:
No problem, dude. Your description really inspired me to do something that would make both of us proud. I think it really pushed my composing skills and helped me make something that would make you feel like a total badass, rather than just some boring kid.



I wonder how much Katamari Damacy composers are envying you at this very moment. :lol:

-_-; You know... I was kinda hoping somebody would TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!!! I was hoping somebody who would honestly be interested would do it. If you wanted to make fun of me why not just use vulgar language and big words or something...
  Krypt222 said:
-_-; You know... I was kinda hoping somebody would TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!!! I was hoping somebody who would honestly be interested would do it. If you wanted to make fun of me why not just use vulgar language and big words or something...

They were probably less likely to take it seriously than any of the other requests in here.

on the other hand, you got some free music.


I guess I should have thought of that first. Well... thats a lie. I did BUT the fact that when it comes to mixes and music the people here are the best in my opinion. Thats why I asked. Dreams really dont come true do they... v_v

  Krypt222 said:
I guess I should have thought of that first. Well... thats a lie. I did BUT the fact that when it comes to mixes and music the people here are the best in my opinion. Thats why I asked. Dreams really dont come true do they... v_v

Of course they do... it just so happens that nightmares and the mundane become reality more.

I like their music too... It's just the reality is they're unliely to mix something for me.


Jeez. If this is how you treat people who go out of their way to do something cool for your sake, you don't even deserve the theme song I made. Way to be a crappy sport just because *you* didn't like the end result of my free labors.

I now say that this is Gollgagh's theme song.


You best treat it with the respect it deserves

That is to say, reverence and submission to the will the Master communicates to you through the song when it is looped for two hours.

  IBBIAZ said:
I now say that this is Gollgagh's theme song.
  Gollgagh said:
hell yeah

I did not create it so I am in no position to say what happens to it. Enjoy if you so wish. BTW I wanted tthe topic to catch peoples attention so they would read it.

  IBBIAZ said:
Jeez. If this is how you treat people who go out of their way to do something cool for your sake, you don't even deserve the theme song I made. Way to be a crappy sport just because *you* didn't like the end result of my free labors.

I now say that this is Gollgagh's theme song.

Well thats kinda where youre wrong. I definately appreciate the fact that you went out of your way to do that for me but the fact you did it in a way that makes me feel stupid is kinda upsetting. You are definately in the right to say and do whatever the hell you want about it and with it because I offered no money and you decided to do it anyway and it is still YOUR product. Now I am honestly willing to pay but at the moment I am kinda light on funds thats why I did not mention money. I sincerely apologize if I have upset you. I am truly sorry...

  IrateResearchers said:
Of course they do... it just so happens that nightmares and the mundane become reality more.

I like their music too... It's just the reality is they're unliely to mix something for me.

You really need to stop making me realize my mistakes. lol j/k Im glad youre here. Im willing to pay someone who will honest to God do it but being light on funds doesnt help at all.


You're new, so there will be some slack involved here, but getting all up in your own grill isn't going to make this any better. My advice is to just let it go, and hope no one remembers this later.

Mind you, I've already got it bookmarked for later, so godd luck with that.

  Krypt222 said:
You really need to stop making me realize my mistakes. lol j/k Im glad youre here. Im willing to pay someone who will honest to God do it but being light on funds doesnt help at all.

well, I do irately research... or perhaps I research the irate. or perhaps I even rate researchers.

as for that... I fyou want a specific style of Theme, it's a good idea to be specific of the track, style, and what you visualize for it.

For example: "I'd love to have a theme based around the Omega Pirate for Metroid Prime, done in an orchestra style with a theme of impending doom." I'd personally like this, by the way... Then give them the link to the youtube vid of the tune or a pure track of it.

Then you wait and pray for takers... or you forget and dive into off topic.

Also, to Kidd Cabbage. That was by far the most hilarious tune I've ever downloaded. You get an S rank for that.

  IrateResearchers said:
well, I do irately research... or perhaps I research the irate. or perhaps I even rate researchers.

as for that... I fyou want a specific style of Theme, it's a good idea to be specific of the track, style, and what you visualize for it.

For example: "I'd love to have a theme based around the Omega Pirate for Metroid Prime, done in an orchestra style with a theme of impending doom." I'd personally like this, by the way... Then give them the link to the youtube vid of the tune or a pure track of it.

Then you wait and pray for takers... or you forget and dive into off topic.

Also, to Kidd Cabbage. That was by far the most hilarious tune I've ever downloaded. You get an S rank for that.

I was honestly gonna leave that to da pros but I guess youre right... AGAIN!!! *Another penny for you* But The Damned is right. Let it go... for now.. >> << >> <<

  The Damned said:
You're new, so there will be some slack involved here, but getting all up in your own grill isn't going to make this any better. My advice is to just let it go, and hope no one remembers this later.

Mind you, I've already got it bookmarked for later, so godd luck with that.

Ok... What do you mean by getting up in my own grill? Realizing my mistakes and asking for forgivness? >> Sure Ill let what happened here go but the desire for an awesome themesong will never disappear...

Ok. If you say so. >>


That would be the proper protocol, yes. Just as royalty and foreign dignitaries have their anthems played when they enter, this should be played whenever he enters a thread.

I wish there was a some sort of way to auto-play it when he posts. That would be awesome.

  Krypt222 said:
Ok... What do you mean by getting up in my own grill? Realizing my mistakes and asking for forgivness? >> Sure Ill let what happened here go but the desire for an awesome themesong will never disappear...

Ok. If you say so. >>

Haa haa, oh wow, this might be fun after all.

Can this be my theme song, too? Or, like this played in reverse or something? Krypt, how can you not want this as a theme song? This is easily the single greatest anthem ever! I can just see it now - here comes Hu Jintao (Premier of China), off the plane...and, this song. The Queen of Great Britain meets President Obama...and here's the song again.

Oh, please IBBIAZ? Can this reversed be my song? Or like modified somehow, because it's Gollgagh's now...this would be perfect for my graduation! I'll walk up to get my diploma, and...oh, man.

  Sir_Snooze said:
Can this be my theme song, too? Or, like this played in reverse or something? Krypt, how can you not want this as a theme song? This is easily the single greatest anthem ever! I can just see it now - here comes Hu Jintao (Premier of China), off the plane...and, this song. The Queen of Great Britain meets President Obama...and here's the song again.

Oh, please IBBIAZ? Can this reversed be my song? Or like modified somehow, because it's Gollgagh's now...this would be perfect for my graduation! I'll walk up to get my diploma, and...oh, man.

playing this song increases your chances of being rolled into a katamari by the tenth power

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