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Even if I wasn't a broke college student, I don't think I'd buy the pack because it gives me a long-term goal to get everything the old-fashioned way.

In regards to the shortstop, maybe it's just me but I couldn't hit the broadside of Saxton Hale's massive pecs with it.

Nothing serious, I just find it strange for it to have a slow down effect for a scout.

Heavy I can understand having to chase down a scout, equalizer-wielding soldier, or a charging demo could use the aid of a Natasha but a scout needing to slow some one down? :lol:

See: Caltrop, a Scout grenade from Team Fortress/Team Fortress Classic.

See: Caltrop from Team Fortress/Team Fortress Classic on the Team Fortress Wiki.

I've used caltrops way back and they were designed to help the scout to escape where as I've seen the shortstop being used to engage the enemy. Very different as the the caltrops effects lasted longer that the shortstops .5 or so seconds. Not to say caltrops could not have been used to attack the enemy as dropping some at a spawn point would always garner a few rage cries.

Not to mention caltrop kills are always hilarious to get. :lol:\

Still I just don't see much point with the shortstop having the effect when I can kill anyone with it when I'm mid-range to face-to-face.


Few new updates:

I bumped the auto-scramble thing back down to 2 (or rather removed the setting from the config and it defaults to 2). This is because 3 is too high on PL, PLR, non-symmetric CP, etc...

Unfortunately, Valve doesn't give us the ability to set cvars per-gametype, only per server and per map. Since we no longer have a votescramble command, we can no longer force a scramble after an 7-0 Dustbowl round... for example.

I also updated the HLStatsX logging plugin. This should fix the issue where it was logging every fish hit as a kill.

Side Note: HLStatsX was supposed to have an update soon. However, the release may have been bumped back now due to the new weapons.

Edit: I also replaced the version of Mapchooser Extended we use with the one from this post.

Edit 2: One last thing... I swapped the starting maps for BLU and RED. BLU now starts on Thunder Mountain, while RED starts on Double Cross.


Guys. Seriously. If you see me and my purple brain slug in-game and you get a good kill cam, take a picture for me and post here or something.

It appears as the same old green brain slug I've always had on my high fps/directx and I'd really like to see what it looks like for the rest of the world.

Guys. Seriously. If you see me and my purple brain slug in-game and you get a good kill cam, take a picture for me and post here or something.

It appears as the same old green brain slug I've always had on my high fps/directx and I'd really like to see what it looks like for the rest of the world.

I seem to recall seeing it a different color in when spectating waiting for respawn.

I seem to recall seeing it a different color in when spectating waiting for respawn.

Yeah. I don't know exactly how it turned out. I assume the color isn't a pure one, so whatever! I'd just like to see it.


Wait, we don't have !votescramble anymore? I thought that was part of SourceMod. I assume the new method is smart enough to not count the individual Dustbowl stages (and Gold Rush, etc.) as separate maps, though.

And Chives, if it helps any your brainslug is roughly the color of a slightly faded eggplant.

Wait, we don't have !votescramble anymore? I thought that was part of SourceMod. I assume the new method is smart enough to not count the individual Dustbowl stages (and Gold Rush, etc.) as separate maps, though.

Nope, it was an addon we had. We disabled it because Valve has (presumably) changed how their internal scramble system works.

That and it seemed redundant if the game is auto-scrambling now.

And yes, it seems to be smart enough to consider the map goals in its scramble calculations. I assume it shares the tournament stopwatch logic in this way (On Dustbowl, one stopwatch round = each team as BLU once for as far through the map as they can get before time runs out).


Hmmm neither mine nor Brush's screens show the final score for upwards. Anyone got a screenie of when the scoreboard showed 2-2?

EDIT: Ok well for some reason it shows us as having 1 win, 1 draw. I wasn't sure how to indicate that we won on upward 2-2 because we beat the time, but I guess it appears as a draw. Anyone know how to contact an admin to get it fixed so we have 2 wins?

EDIT2: nvm got it all sorted out.

Double posting but I want this to get bumped so people notice.

Team 1: Our next match is shaping up to be on Friday, October 8 at 9:30 or 10:00 PM EST. Any complaints?

That date will be good for me, I have that day off. Has UGLY agreed upon any dates?

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