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Given how long I've played, I should probably know this already, but why is the pillar considered a "good" hat? Is it rarity? The silliness of it? The almost sarcastic take on Hat Fortress 2? Or just that it makes snipers have to think about where they're aiming?

  XeroZohar said:
Given how long I've played, I should probably know this already, but why is the pillar considered a "good" hat? Is it rarity? The silliness of it? The almost sarcastic take on Hat Fortress 2? Or just that it makes snipers have to think about where they're aiming?

It's just as rare as any other hat, save for the FUCKING mining light. I feel the TPH does have that Hat Fortress 2 feel that you mentioned though.

  Brushfire said:
It's just as rare as any other hat, save for the FUCKING mining light. I feel the TPH does have that Hat Fortress 2 feel that you mentioned though.

I have an extra Mining Light...

Also the Towering Pillar can't be crafted except for the generic random hat recipe, which makes it somewhat more rare than the class-specific hats, which you can use 4 Refined + Class Token to improve your odds of getting.


A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The specific changes include:

Engine (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

- Removed the rate limit for the "status" command when entered into the server console.

- Fixed an exploit that allowed people to send fake server messages to clients.

- Significantly improved engine vertex compression (large reduction in per-model memory usage).

Team Fortress 2

- Added TF2Maps.net Art-pass contest winners:

- Mountain Lab

- Mann Manor

- Halloween 2010 Event

- Mann Manor is haunted by the Horseless Headless Horsemann.

- Random gift drop in Mann Manor.

- 4 new Halloween achievements.

- Added new Halloween hats.

- Added a new Halloween weapon.

- Added Gift Wrapping of gifts to the store.

- Added Custom Description tag to the store.

- Added the community created "Swamp Theme" assets, so all maps can use it:

- See http://swamp.tf2maps.net/ for full details.

- Updated cp_coldfront with the latest changes from the community creator (Icarus):

- Improved visibility on last CP.

- Moved second CP slightly closer to the attacker's side.

- Added cover for players queuing up the health pack on the second CP.

- Improved clipping on the zig-zag ramp to middle CP.

- Teams that capture the middle CP are now awarded with faster spawn times.

- Added a health penalty to the Rocket Jumper.

- Added the Sticky Jumper for Demomen to practice jumping.

- Fixed the Sandvich charge meter.

- Fixed glows not drawing correctly when using antialiasing on some computers.

- Improved the checks that trigger mp_scrambleteams_auto.

- Added console commands to initiate trades directly (cl_trade/cl_trade_steamid) to help people running trading servers.

tl;dr: Second Annu-Hell Scream Fortress Hauntdead Halloween Special with 4 new achievements, new hats, and weapon. Also, Artpass update.

Moutain Lab and Mann Manor will be added to our votelist immediately after the server finishes updating.

RED's default map is being switched over to Mann Manor.


BLU and RED should be coming back online now.

RED is still the old RED, though. I'll probably make a copy of it soon so I can set it up for the Halloween maps.

I need to either way for Sunday's event.


Frackin' finally.

Steam is once again fully working for me, as far as I know.

However, classes and projects are busy, so I won't be making many appearances. Less than Paranoid, anyway. I swear, that guy never leaves the GameLab.

I'm sure you all missed me. Or something.

  Cinderwild said:
Just wanted to say the Interactive TF2 video they posted about in the blog is pretty entertaining.

Wow...that was amazing! I'm gonna go back and play the other paths while the patch is downloading. I always loved "choose your own adventure" stories.


If anyone is curious as to how the halloween items work here's a breakdown:

-Hats (masks) are found in the randomly spawning gift boxes.

-The pumpkin head hat is recieved after killing the headless horseman

-The unusual metal is recieved if you melee the headless horseman right as he's about to die.

-The Headless Horseman's Axe is crafted with: Unusual Metal + 2x Refined Metals + Scotman's Skullcutter.

-The axe is a permanent item, the rest are halloween only.



  Hemophiliac said:
If anyone is curious as to how the halloween items work here's a breakdown:

-Hats (masks) are found in the randomly spawning gift boxes.

-The pumpkin head hat is recieved after killing the headless horseman

-The unusual metal is recieved if you melee the headless horseman right as he's about to die.

-The Headless Horseman's Axe is crafted with: Unusual Metal + 2x Refined Metals + Scotman's Skullcutter.

-The axe is a permanent item, the rest are halloween only.



Is the axe even any good?

  Hemophiliac said:
If anyone is curious as to how the halloween items work here's a breakdown:

-Hats (masks) are found in the randomly spawning gift boxes.

-The pumpkin head hat is recieved after killing the headless horseman

-The unusual metal is recieved if you melee the headless horseman right as he's about to die.

-The Headless Horseman's Axe is crafted with: Unusual Metal + 2x Refined Metals + Scotman's Skullcutter.

-The axe is a permanent item, the rest are halloween only.



What about the Saxton Hale Mask, which you have to craft for an achievement? It's the only one I'm missing achievement wise.

P.S. Demo Charge n' Targe plus Skullcutter is handy for the unusual metal achievement.

P.P.S. Something's currently wrong with reserved slots and/or the server's player count. It's reporting 23/24 slots used when all 24 (plus the bot) are on, plus it's not letting reserveds on even then.

Edit: According to SPUF, to get the Saxton Hale hat, you need to craft together all 9 class Masks.

Edit 2: There's an updated version of the extension out Reserved Slots rely on. I'll install it soon (it'll likely crash the server if I change it while people are playing).


OCR RED is now set with no map timelimit. However, it is currently possible to change the map to something else via a vote... please don't do that.

Edit: Reserved Slots should now be fixed on BLU, but I need to restart RED yet.

  Hemophiliac said:
It's an eyelander that looks way more awesome.

The TF Wiki says you can craft the Unusual Metal plus 4 Refined to get one of the 4 new halloween hats instead... keeping in mind that you can't get multiple Unusual Metals.

Those hats are:

Spine-Chilling Skull (all-class)

Voodoo Juju (all-class)

Horrific Headsplitter (all-class)

Cadaver's Cranium (Heavy)

These four hats are also in the TF2 store for $9.99 each, but the Skull and Juju are only for sale during the Halloween event. These hats can be worn at any time, not just during the Halloween event.

Edit: Paranoid may find this funny... I noticed I'm only one day shy of having the Gold L'Etranger kills award on HLStatsX... meaning I've gotten the daily award for it 10 times.

I guess Paranoid and I are the only regulars that use it, though.

  Powerlord said:
Edit: Paranoid may find this funny... I noticed I'm only one day shy of having the Gold L'Etranger kills award on HLStatsX... meaning I've gotten the daily award for it 10 times.

I guess Paranoid and I are the only regulars that use it, though.

Pretty much.


A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive it. The specific changes include:

Shared Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

- Fixed a dedicated server crash when HLTV disconnects.

- Fixed a crash in the materialsystem.

Team Fortress 2

- Fixed a bug with the Horseless Headless Horsemann falling through playerclip ladders.

- Fixed a bug with grenades sometimes exploding on friendly players.

- Fixed the Sticky Jumper doing damage to enemies.

- Fixed spectators collecting the Haunted Halloween Gift in Mann Manor.

- Fixed trading the Saxton Hale Mask granting the achievement to the recipient.

- Fixed the Candy Coroner achievement not awarding the Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask.

- Updated Mann Manor

- Improved clipping to prevent players from getting out of the map and to fix various exploit ledges.

- Updated the Ghastlier Gibus to be tradable.

- Updated the localization files.

FireSlash is updating servers now.

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