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"This video contains content from UMG, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

Yeah. I noticed. Apparently it's blocked everywhere but Spain because of the song choice I used. Worse come to worse, I'll just drop the music altogether. |<

EDIT: Here's the new version, with the music replaced with something else so all the non-Spaniards can enjoy it. I've edited into the previous post as well, so people aren't sent to a dead link.

Yeah. I noticed. Apparently it's blocked everywhere but Spain because of the song choice I used. Worse come to worse, I'll just drop the music altogether. |<

EDIT: Here's the new version, with the music replaced with something else so all the non-Spaniards can enjoy it. I've edited into the previous post as well, so people aren't sent to a dead link.

That was thoroughly entertaining. I don't know what the original music was but the replacements worked well, IMO. Also, I was REALLY lagaporting wasn't I? Yeesh. :roll:

That was thoroughly entertaining. I don't know what the original music was but the replacements worked well, IMO. Also, I was REALLY lagaporting wasn't I? Yeesh. :roll:

I'm glad you liked it. :)

The original music was (the rather fitting, if overused) Crazy Frog - Axel F.

Is that some yin-yarn I hear? :3

You better believe it. |D



Short version: Valve pushed an update out to the schema a bit early, revealed a butt-load of new things coming out eventually.

New items include: Sniper Bandana Hair, Heavy Bandana Hair, Spy Disguised Hat, Heavy Lumberjack Hat, Demo Hendrix Hat, Engineer Hair, Engineer Blueprints, Mighty Pirate, The Bootlegger (boots), The Scotland Shard (bottle), Bloody Bombs (glasses), Solder Sea Captain Hat, Pyro Sailor Hat, Heavy Gym Hair, Scout Hotdog Hat, Pyro Birdcage Hat, Medic Stahlhelm Hat, Scout Backwards Cap, Sniper Necklace (necklace), Flair Buttons (equippable buttons), Medic Pocket Square, Medic Stethoscope, Spy Inspector Hat, Sniper Cork Hat, Pyro Flamenco Hat, Engineer Cranial Claw, Spy Specs, Scout 3D Glasses, Solder Cowboy Hat, Pyro Conscience, Scout Provision Hat.

HiFive Taunt Enabler added, seems to be activated by holding down the taunt button for a few seconds.

The Pummeling Picket has "item_class": "saxxy" and "item_type_name": "TF_Weapon_Sign", and also has customizable textures. Can be used by every class except the Spy and Engineer.

The Bootlegger, Scotland Shard, Bloody Bombs, Mighty Pirate are part of the 'Swashbucklers Swag' set.

The Pocket Medic can now be equipped by the Soldier.

Also added are Photo Badge, ID Badge, Stampable Medal, which have a "can_customize_texture": true, attribute.

Customize Texture Tool is a new tool you can use to create custom textures.

An expiration date attribute was added, use unknown.

Christmas Key 2010 was added, which seems to be a placeholder for a new holiday key.

Athletic Supporter and Superfan made craftable.

The beta weapons were added, with beta names, which seems to be a mistake.

And I /just/ managed to get all the pyro hats. Harumph.


Short version: Valve pushed an update out to the schema a bit early, revealed a butt-load of new things coming out eventually.

And I /just/ managed to get all the pyro hats. Harumph.

I tried collecting all the Spy hats before, but then I stopped and thought "wtf am I doing?"

Instead, I just get the hats I like. I still keep a few extra around, though.

Incidentally, I think it'd be funny to get the Medic Stethoscope (assuming Misc) and equip it with the Otolaryngologist's Mirror (Head) and Physician's Procedure Mask (Misc) for a themed set.

I'm not sure I like a new Holiday key being introduced at this time. From the timing, it heavily implies there will be a Halloween crate type.


Ugh, more themed crates? I hate those things.

I already have an unpronounceable mirror and the physician mask, so maybe I'll try and pick up a stethoscope eventually.

Pyro flamenco hat sounds hilarious.

What's that "Engineer Blueprints" in the list of items? Valve's gone on record saying that new buildings are a pain in the ass to balance, but I can't imagine how blueprints would fit as a cosmetic.

Also another item set for Demoman, wonderful. *eyeroll* At least it's not Demoknight or Soldier again. Actually when you put it that way, all he's got in the non-Demoknight department is the Scottish Resistance, Loch n Load, and Caber...

EDIT: In completely unrelated news, I've entered Launchpad A8 into a gameday at TF2Maps.net scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday the 27, at 2PM Pacific time. (That's 5 PM Eastern.) Rather, that's when the event as a whole will start -- no word on when Launchpad specifically will show up. (Or if it will at all, but I got first dibs on the "post here if you want in" thread so I think I'm good there.) So feel free to show up if you feel like giving feedback. Feedback's always nice.

What's that "Engineer Blueprints" in the list of items? Valve's gone on record saying that new buildings are a pain in the ass to balance, but I can't imagine how blueprints would fit as a cosmetic.

Well, the thread links to a possible picture of it. That picture shows it as a Misc item in the Back region that's something that looks like a quiver with blueprints sticking out of them.


Yeah, I saw that when it went up initially... before it had the subtitles. I like that sort of thing but... I wonder if it might be improved by getting actual voice actors instead of using the Garry's Mod technique of just splicing in-game dialogue.


I need to restart the server that the TF2 servers is on. It should be back in maybe 10 minutes (it has a shutdown timer of 5 minutes and I need to manually start the TF2 servers when it comes back).

Going by my transaction history, just under 100.

I have 3 Unusuals.

Were all 3 of them unboxes? I have 3 unusuals, but 2 of them were from my trading away various high-value promos.

Edit: Also, servers are back up.


Speaking of servers.

A lot of people have been complaining about server lag lately. Given that not all people are experiencing this lag, and the people who aren't all seem to be located in the US mid-west, I can only assume it's a network issue.

Sadly, there's only one real fix for network issues: Get a server somewhere else.

As before, if we did this we'd have two option classes:

1. Get a dedicated server like we did before, where we control the entire server.

The benefits being that we could continue to run two servers like we do now, plus set up any individual servers we wanted. We would also be able to continue to use our auto-updater that restarts the servers after updates are applied.

I have not price checked dedicated servers, and outside of those hosted by the game hosts, I'm not even sure which dedicated server providers would make good game hosts (because clearly neither ours nor IJ's make good game hosts).

2. Lease an individual game server.

Lets face it, we rarely use both servers at once. This would make it more difficult to hold special events, as we'd have to reconfigure just the one server for it.

Now, I did some looking around at individual game servers based on locations we've used previously:

Gameservers.com, where our server was originally located years ago, is $1.29 per public slot. That means a 24-slot server is $29.99 per month.

XfactorServers, where our previous dedicated server was located, is $0.99 per public slot, but also has a 20% off coupon code that makes a 24-player server $19.01 per month.

In theory, I could cover the latter myself and leave reserved slots the way they are now.


My connection's been improving lately except when it doesn't and decides to disconnect for some reason. I blame Comcast. (On a side note, wonky connections make it REALLY hard to tell if any lag you get is caused by the server or something on your end.)

I'm fine with whatever you decide to do with the server, but you probably guessed that.

In other news, the TF2 Beta updated with some changes to the Pyro's various flamethrowers. The stock Flamethrower got +10% damage. The Backburner lost its +10% damage bonus because of this, although it does the same DPS. The Degreaser lost its -25% afterburn penalty, but got a new -10% damage penalty to keep it on par with its damage in TF2 proper.

EDIT: Also a new sever cvar: tf_allow_taunt_switch <0, 1, 2>. 0 disables it, 1 permits it at the start of your taunt only, 2 permits it at any time during the taunt (once per taunt only). Proof.

My connection's been improving lately except when it doesn't and decides to disconnect for some reason. I blame Comcast. (On a side note, wonky connections make it REALLY hard to tell if any lag you get is caused by the server or something on your end.)

I'm fine with whatever you decide to do with the server, but you probably guessed that.

All I know is I was hearing complaints from quite a few regulars yesterday. I can't say where they are located in North America, only that the people I know who weren't having problems, myself included, are in the mid-west US.

In other news, the TF2 Beta updated with some changes to the Pyro's various flamethrowers. The stock Flamethrower got +10% damage. The Backburner lost its +10% damage bonus because of this, although it does the same DPS. The Degreaser lost its -25% afterburn penalty, but got a new -10% damage penalty to keep it on par with its damage in TF2 proper.

I assume the Degreaser change is to fix its interaction with the Flare Gun and Detonator; it essentially lowered the afterburn damage from all sources, not just the Degreaser.

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