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Okay, so Valve released a bugfix update that's apparently making everyone's game crash, and the third stage of Thunder Mountain is now completely broken. Woohoo!


I forgot to mention it, but there was a TF2 update earlier today.

An optional update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The specific changes include:

Team Fortress 2:

- The Mannniversary Sale has ended, though Manniversary Packages will continue to drop for a short time

- The Mannniversary Paper Hat is no longer craftable

- Removed the painterly filter option on Decal Tools

- Added loading screen tooltip about the new abuse reporting system

- Added a default key binding for filing an abuse report (F7)

- Fixed a common in-game client crash

- Fixed a client crash when opening the loadout screen

- Fixed a client crash related to sniper dots

- Fixed a server crash that occurred when running both SourceTV and Replay

- Fixed high five taunts applying the wielded weapon's taunt effect

- Fixed "Cannot Craft" text not appearing on certain item tooltips

- Updated localization files

Steam Workshop:

- Fixed not being able to retrieve Steam Workshop items if any item had been deleted

- Increased Steam Workshop preview image size from 256x256 to 512x512

Also, Valve's Tony Paloma (aka Druken F00l) has already stated they plan to have another TF2 update tomorrow to address some crash issues on both clients and servers.


I got my Strange Degreaser woo woo. Just need to find people with S30s and get cracking.

I have a Non-Craftable Warrior's Spirit (Bought more than $20 worth of stuff from the store) that I'll give away to a good home if anyone still needs them. They're the bear claws for Heavy.

I got my Strange Degreaser woo woo. Just need to find people with S30s and get cracking.

I have a Non-Craftable Warrior's Spirit (Bought more than $20 worth of stuff from the store) that I'll give away to a good home if anyone still needs them. They're the bear claws for Heavy.

I'm always open to gifts. :3

Feel free to poke me on Steam.


Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

- Fixed a frequent server crash related to packfiles

- Fixed the following items not being able to be used in the Rebuild Headgear recipe: Lo-Fi Longwave, Loyalty Reward, Spiral Sallet, Summer Shades, Scout Flip-Flops, Lucky No. 42, Summer Hat, Killer Exclusive, Ball-Kicking Boots, Merc's Pride Scarf, Manniversary Paper Hat

Strangely, this wasn't announced on the TF2 server mailing list.

TEST has been updated and restarted. BLU and RED haven't yet updated.

Edit: Reports are coming in to the dedicated list that the update introduced a new crashing bug. BLU and RED will remain running the old version until further notice. BLU's password is "ocremix"

TEST seems to have crashed. Lost the connection just now on Doublecross, 4 players total were on at the time. (One had just joined.)

Valve's update earlier today has a bug loading some models, mostly hats and the like. Valve's Henry Goffin says they're working on it.

P.S. The edits to my previous post mention that there's a bug in this update and that TEST was updated (and thus crashy), while BLU/RED aren't.

An optional update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the updates. The specific changes include:

- Fixed a server error about unprecached models

- Fixed a problem where the Sniper Rifle wouldn't damage sticky bombs

Applying to TEST now.

TEST is now back up and running.


TEST is operational again.

SPEAKING of TEST, I feel we need to have more conversation about this.

People have been reporting periodic problems with TEST other than the problems Valve introduced in recent patches. Mostly where it basically drops everyone from the server, or where everyone's ping is suddenly is the 500+ range.

Additionally, I had my credit card number stolen just recently. I've only had this card for about 6 months. XFactorServers is the only company I've dealt with on this card that could be considered a "small" company, and I consider them the most likely to be the leak of this number.

In other words, expect to see yet another server soon to replace TEST, but I'm not sure where yet.


If the server isn't crashing or having it's own random crazy ping events, multiplay branding may not be that bad. Thought, if anything is going to piss you off, it'll be their clanforge interface.


Very unlucky, unfortunately. The frequent crashes started with a patch Valve put out a couple of days ago, and one or two subsequent patches supposedly fixing the problem...well...didn't. I crashed twice earlier just sitting in a trade server and decided to call it a day. Hopefully they can get everything ironed out ASAP.

Very unlucky, unfortunately. The frequent crashes started with a patch Valve put out a couple of days ago, and one or two subsequent patches supposedly fixing the problem...well...didn't. I crashed twice earlier just sitting in a trade server and decided to call it a day. Hopefully they can get everything ironed out ASAP.

No, sadly those last two fixes were server-side fixes, and the second was just to fix the first (which caused servers to crash far more often than before due to introducing a new bug).

But yeah, last Thursday's update makes the game crash a lot. I crashed out twice last night and finally just went to bed.

Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:

- Improvements to client stability related to loading mesh content during gameplay

- Fixed an engine error that mentioned CL_CallPostDataUpdates

- Fixed "Not Usable in Crafting" text not appearing under certain conditions on item tooltips in the trading UI

Updating TEST now, RED/BLU should auto-update.

Edit: As of this time, all servers are updated except for my plugin test server.


So, my headset's Microphone finally broke.

I guess that's what I get for buying a cheap headset last time. I noticed that it was cracking like 6 months ago.

I ordered a new headset, but it won't arrive for like a week.

P.S. My new one will have noise cancellation... one that my last one didn't have and really needed.

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