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Disabling SourceMod means Reserve Slots aren't working.

Also, you have to use the connect command to connect to a full server with our current reserve slots. Sadly, TEST doesn't have a domain name.

Couldn't we use the IP?

"Let's play some TF2!"

*OCRTF2 BLU 24/24

*OCRTF2 RED 24/24

*OCRTF2 TEST 24/24


This is why reserved slots exist (the command is "connect <server ip>" (or blu.ocrtf2.com / red.ocrtf2.com for those two servers)

This is why reserved slots exist (the command is "connect <server ip>" (or blu.ocrtf2.com / red.ocrtf2.com for those two servers)

I'm aware, thanks. Misread an earlier post, thought it said slots were down for all three servers.


Fun fact: You should always try potential servers admin control panels before you subscribe to them.

Whomever early suggested trying MultiPlay, this is more or less for you.

Case in point: OCReMix TEST2 at, a server I spun up this morning that I have already canceled because it is painfully hard to do certain things there, such as install SourceMod Plugins.

The reason this is coming about is being TEST is going to expire on Saturday, and PayPal is currently rejecting payments to them.

As long as I have this server anyway, it's going to be converted into a holiday event server.

Crap...more presents to farm. And I still don't have all of the masks from last year that I was trying to chase down. Guess I know what I'm doing for the next couple of weeks.

What masks from last year are you missing?

I have spare Engineer, Soldier, and Heavy

Fun fact: You should always try potential servers admin control panels before you subscribe to them.

ಠ_ಠ See, I made the assumption that their servers are consistent in the ways you can access them, ie. either the garbage that is clanforge or via console and ftp. As it turns out that's not true, mostly because they are to lazy to setup ftp access on the windows machines most of their game servers are running on.

ಠ_ಠ See, I made the assumption that their servers are consistent in the ways you can access them, ie. either the garbage that is clanforge or via console and ftp. As it turns out that's not true, mostly because they are to lazy to setup ftp access on the windows machines most of their game servers are running on.

As it stands, they only allow ClanForge for TF2.

However, I can't directly install the Reserved Slots plugin and its extension that we normally use. I've submitted it to them through the Upload part of the control panel, but I haven't heard whether they've approved or denied my request yet.

As it stands, they only allow ClanForge for TF2.

However, I can't directly install the Reserved Slots plugin and its extension that we normally use. I've submitted it to them through the Upload part of the control panel, but I haven't heard whether they've approved or denied my request yet.

There hours can be weird because their core support group is out of Europe somewhere. Even with that they are usually pretty good at getting back within a reasonable time frame. At the moment though, I can't even get onto the server, just sits at "Sending client info..."

There hours can be weird because their core support group is out of Europe somewhere. Even with that they are usually pretty good at getting back within a reasonable time frame. At the moment though, I can't even get onto the server, just sits at "Sending client info..."

I've edited the server addons and actually went as far as to remove SourceMod from it. Same problem.

I've filed a ticket and will reopen RED shortly. Seriously, I can't even try to force a game update on TEST2's host. At least I can do that on TEST.


BLU has now been moved to what was TEST. RED is now back open for the Halloween event (even if it is laggy for some people).

I got the payment situation sorted out with TEST (now BLU). Unfortunately, I still haven't gotten replays working on it.

What masks from last year are you missing?

I have spare Engineer, Soldier, and Heavy

I have a Soldier and Heavy, but I could still use an Engineer. I also have a spare Spy that I need to try and trade with someone.


Can we get some kind of official ruling that killing people on Loot Island and/or while fighting the boss is not cool on the event server? It's really irritating when people keep fucking with you while you're trying to actually do the Halloween event stuff. If you don't want to do the event stuff, then you can go play regular Viaduct somewhere else.

Can we get some kind of official ruling that killing people on Loot Island and/or while fighting the boss is not cool on the event server? It's really irritating when people keep fucking with you while you're trying to actually do the Halloween event stuff. If you don't want to do the event stuff, then you can go play regular Viaduct somewhere else.

I don't think we have an official policy on this.

On a side note:

An optional update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The specific changes include:

- Fixed the randommap command not working when used on the command line

- Fixed a client crash that could occur while loading the map if MONOCULUS! is killed or stunned

- Added more verbose console output to help debug registration problems.

RED will probably be updated the next time it's empty. BLU (new) will be updated shortly. I have no idea about TEST2...

I know; I'm asking us to MAKE one.

OK, let me rephrase this: I don't think we need an official policy on this. I have enough heavy-handed policies (cue GameMaster comments about koth_nucleus).

Besides which, the two holiday achievements are extremely easy to get.

On another subject, SourceMod 1.4 was released today (well, yesterday now). I may test it out on some of our servers soon.

Edit: Also, Valve broke a few of my own plugins. Force Halloween, for example. This one is broken because Valve changed how Holidays are returned so that multiple holidays can happen at the same time.

Can we get a passworded server for the event or does it have to be public?

We can password it, but if you want to do it just for the gifts, they have a minimum player count requirement... I want to say minimum 10 players, but I'm not sure.


OCR TEST2 [test.ocrtf2.com:37215 /] is operational again as a holiday server. I'm not sure if Reserved Slots are working, but I *think* they are.

blu.ocrtf2.com now has the address of the "new" BLU (formerly "TEST").

Edit: Meanwhile, I'm hard at work updating MapChooser Extended for SourceMod 1.4.

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