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Donkey Kong Country 3: Double the Trouble! - History

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just updated the first post, all artists that are safe for the 75% deadline on december 1st have a ✔ by their name. All others, i will have to start getting on your back a bit more often until you get there, especially if you're still behind the 50% mark that you were supposed to meet two days ago. I hate to be a jerk but i don't see any reason for this to drag out longer than it has to!

you better check my name or you'll be in for a world of hurt 8-)


OH WUTS THIS? DO I SMELL A WAV? It's been a long time, but The Vagrance has finally broken the dry spell and gotten in a finished song :-) And the good news is, it looks like several others are to follow! His remix is extremely unique and should provide a great counterpoint to what Sole Signal did with the same source. Awesomeness!


That was originally the plan, but then I talked it over with Cody and we both decided that if we did too many previews, then it would totally spoil the surprise of the final album for all you guys, and that's not what we want to do. So yeah, I wouldn't expect anymore major previews before the album release.


RAWR! Another Soundscape is my hero, thank you for the finished song! This mix really holds no punches, which is definitely not what you'd expect given the very subdued, understated source material. However, hopefully you guys will appreciate the quirky-yet-intense atmosphere he crafted! Thanks AnSo!


Just thought some of you might be interested in knowing this, we calculated last night an estimate of how close the project is to completion and decided that we're a little over 55% done when you account for all of the WIPs and WAVs that have been submitted. So, we're over the 50% mark and we're hopefully going to be plowing through to completion in the next 6 months or so.

I know every project director says this, but we're right on schedule and planning to keep it that way so we can release in a timely fashion. A lot of you have promised me WIPs and WAVs recently, and some of you have delivered. Thanks to those that have gotten their stuff in, you are appreciated! :-D

Also, I just updated the tracklist on the front page to reflect how the tracks will be (tentatively) split up on the final album release. Everything is still subject to change and this update is more for mine and Cody's reference than anything, but for those of you curious to see how everything is going to be ordered (it's very different than the original OST listing, but trust me, it works this way :-) ) it's up in the first post now! Enjoy!

\I know every project director says this, but we're right on schedule and planning to keep it that way so we can release in a timely fashion. A lot of you have promised me WIPs and WAVs recently, and some of you have delivered. Thanks to those that have gotten their stuff in, you are appreciated! :-D

Has any project been this on-schedule before?

Also lol at my dubstep track being the sacrificial lamb after Zircon/Tefnek's track and before McVaffe/Sixto's


Hahaha, well, to be fair, projects usually go off-course towards the end when we're waiting on the last few remixes to come in. I HOPE that doesn't happen and I'll do everything in my power to prepare for situations that may arise.

Also, I put your song there because it's sort of the transition out of the Mekanos section of the album (you said you based it off of Ripsaw Rage, which is right at the end of that world) and into the Razor Ridge/KAOS Kore section (which is lacking in representation, so I might do a bit of shuffling to make that work.) It seemed like a logical fit but I might still mix it up a bit later in the game when I figure out what McV's track is gonna sound like.

Me and Cody have spent a LOT of time deliberating over this, and there's a reason for pretty much every track on the project being placed where it is :-) Even with some songs missing/in rough WIP form, the album sounds absolutely amazing on a straight listen in this order. Hopefully you guys will appreciate the care we put into this process when everything finally releases.

Me and Cody have spent a LOT of time deliberating over this, and there's a reason for pretty much every track on the project being placed where it is :-) Even with some songs missing/in rough WIP form, the album sounds absolutely amazing on a straight listen in this order. Hopefully you guys will appreciate the care we put into this process when everything finally releases.

Well you two have done a great job because this is definitely the most organized project I've been in (sorry other people's projects I'm in/been in). And I wasn't trying to complain about the tracklist at all, but rather make a smartass statement which is becoming an increasing tendency for myself.

It would be cool if you could set up a system like halc has for the album. I'd volunteer my server but for the life of me I don't know how to set up password protected folders.

there is one, you just don't know where it's AT! :lol:

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