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Diablo 2 Action Tonight (March 23rd)! Join us (once again)!

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Damn, I was hoping it'd take them longer than that. >_>

My week's gone a bit sideways, so I'm where Ob was at earlier, level 21 at the tail end of A2. Gonna try my luck in the tombs and see if I can catch up by the end of the day.


Woo. Good run just now :D Meph dropped a +1 Warcry sword. Awww yeah.

I'll be back after dinner. Now if I can just get a decent 1-hander and shield, I'll be in business. BO next level!


That was a little haphazard, but it was fun anyway. Thanks to Soul and Ob :D We covered a lot of ground in a few short hours.

Speaking of hours, what's a good time to catch people online? The only person I see consistently is Donut, and I'm not particularly in need of a NM rush, so we're pretty useless to each other.


Yeah, it'd be a lot easier if you posted your account, so we can just add you and msg you in game whenever you log on.

also, SO BUSY THIS WEEK/WEEKEND. Barely any time to play =(

gonna try to get enigma by next weekend though so i can finally make a effing hammerdin


scratch that. im actually quitting.

Every time i get on, its the same old thing, until I just sit there in chat and stare for like an hour before i realize this game is eating my soul(inether).

scratch that. im actually quitting.

Every time i get on, its the same old thing, until I just sit there in chat and stare for like an hour before i realize this game is eating my soul(inether).

I hear you on that one... aside from the use of my username lol.


is this still group still active? If so I'd like to join up. I had fun the last time a D2 group was formed on OCR. Account name is Kind_Of_Blue and I'm on the USEast server.

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