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Heroes of Newerth Thread 2: Electrician Boogaloo. Now Free to play!

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Chipper is fun. Lots of shenanigans you can pull off with a 3000 range mini-stun nuke.

The new quit sound is win. :D

Edit: I guess it's either random or they changed it back with the patch. When I clicked quit that time the announcer went "R-R-R-RAGEQUIT." :lol:



This will be my submission to the AGI Pusher contest. I'm pretty proud of it, since it addresses the issue of making a ranged AGI that can somehow push hard without the potential of carrying, farming hard, or being obviously "extra damage vs. buildings."

I really like Tensei's idea as well. Great concept overall, powerful ganking since she has very good mobility, an AOE stun/trap/block, and an AOE nuke. Can't really ask for more. Seems like she would make a good babysitter too to some extent, since pretty much all of her abilities are equally ANTI-gank (trap the ganker, silence the ganker, run from the ganker, blind the ganker, dispel your friend, debuff the ganker.)


http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=104027 Damn, Fayde looks sexy as hell.

I just crushed some kid in a game, so I am in a good mood:

1. Has an <areaofeffect> call

2. Involves a custom illusion script

3. Involves a moving affector

4. Required new code for seamless-ness

EDIT: Oh, and Agility.

This might just be Phantom Lancer actually.

Also, I like your idea a lot, both in terms of concept and skills, allowing for tons of potential map control and pushing. The only thing you might consider adding is some form of direct damage, (AoE) nuke with maybe a pseudo-disable attached (even something like a slow).


Hmm...I was thinking whether or not I should start playing this game or go back to League of Legends. For awhile I've been yearning to play some sort of Hero arena games but the people I played LoL with over winter break are all busy now, and plus since school's started again it's hard to fit even one game into the schedule. :-\

I'll probably end up playing this once I get my mind set on it and I start chipping away at my huge backlog so I don't feel like I'm procrastinating on them haha.


I guess I shouldn't be mentioning that the new patch is out then. :|

Some highlights of this patch:

- New Hellbourne Agility Hero: Fayde

- Lifesteal will NOT stack with attack modifiers anymore (shieldbreaker, frostburn etc.)

- Major buffs to Chipper.


So some little updates and fun stuff:

Current aim is to hit 1800 (even 1900 since I am just as good as those players) with antigrav but this means choosing battles carefully and/or finding a group. So I will most likely be on ZeroEdition when messing around with you guys cause I can't always be wound so tight to win all the time and play at my best. It isn't always fun for me.

Also. When you get the chance stats FirstEdition. Try and figure out what I'm going to do with that account. Should be fun.


The first thing I thought of when I saw this article was all the HoN talk that goes on in these forums/IRC. After reading just a few sentences in I couldn't stop laughing.

Sad but true, unfortunately. :)

It's a bit better now, since there's a tutorial and automatic matchmaking, but yeah, that article is pretty accurate.

I think Fayde requires some big, static damage on her ult, rather than the scaling slow, to make her more effective as a ganker.

As an NA inspired hero she should follow the same philosophy. For NA it was 3 nukes + Dagon = 1HKO and you pretty much eliminate a player or two from the game entirely.

So she definitely needs a straight damage bonus on her ult hit. That will give her the third nuke she desperately needs. With each hit snaring and doing a little damage it just gives too much time for the enemy team to respond.

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