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^_^" sorry. I have been reading the manual, I just thought it would nice to get some input from the community here on the forums on FL studio. sorry if this topic is to your guys inconvenience.


FL Studio, like all DAWs, is too broad a product for it to be easy to give out generic tips without knowing your experience, the types of things you'll do with the DAW, and the ways in which you want to produce music. Someone could give you, say, some suggestions on advanced recording techniques, but if you are only using software instruments, you won't be recording any audio so this will be useless to you.

You really are best off asking specific questions. They could be basics about the program like 'How do I have a count-in before recording' (though answers to these kinds of questions can be found in the manual, of course, so don't annoy people by asking here because you're too lazy to look for yourself). Or, they could be more advanced things, something like 'I've recorded my guitar, and here's an audio sample of how it sounds. I'm getting some hiss and it sounds kind of muddy; how can I clean it up'.

darke's mostly just confused with your wording. what tips are you refering to? content input? UI stuff? synthesis?

figure out what you want to know specifically, and ask that. asking for tips on this is like asking for tips on some other generic subject like 'school' or something similar.

I am not confused!

You are the one with the confusion!


Step one: figure out how to put notes in the piano roll

Step two: figure out how to change instruments, and make greater beats than that shitty preset stuff

Step three: continue to refine steps one and two, maybe tinkering with time sigs

Step four: after about 10 or so songs under steps 1-3, start experimenting with filters, as they will become indispensible

Step five: continue finding what filter combos make things better (orchestral: Fruity Reverb, Acoustic Room, the like; and so forth). Fiddle around with filter settings to see what you like

Step six: Tinker around with filters until you are confident with messing around with playlists.

Step 7: create songs synthesizing steps 1-6, and continue to refine these steps in subsequent songs.

That's the general path that i think is best taken.

These options are found easily by just exploring the program. You know, clicking on things to see where they go. Do NOT jump into FL trying to make the songs you've always wanted to. Just start out with a lot of tests until you feel you are READY to make the songs you've wanted to (and even then, they probably won't turn out how you wanted them; impetus for improvement!).

Any specific questions you have you should ask in the help FL forums.


-_-" I think I'm going to just shut up lol. I suck with asking for help... I have been reading the manual (even before I put this topic up), its helping me out but some of the things I learn about is pretty confusing. not only that but just starting collage has been pretty tiring lately.

I'll just ask for help when I know what I'm talking about next time. (very confused person lol)


I'm sure I should wait till I have the real version to start saving and recording right?

I have be getting some nice beats going, putting things together to make nice drawn out lines with the piano. Its hard to make the instrument notes sound realistic though.


I also use Fruity Loops, it takes some figuring out... and I think I have the basics down. But, I'd like to understand the interface a bit more to create more production quality music.

I'd like to understand the interface a bit more to create more production quality music.

You can know Fruityloops inside and out, but it's not going to create production quality music.


It's how you use it. You only need a basic understanding of how to control volume, add effects, EQ, etc.

The good production comes from your knowledge of production values. It doesn't come from the software.

You don't have to read to learn production, but it would help if you read Zircon's production guide thread in the guides forum. It taught me a lot about EQ, balancing, etc.

What ALSO taught me about that stuff was talking to people, listening to what was right with their music and comparing it to mine, and changing mine.

The software is your means of output. The music has to come from your head, the composition, arrangement, volumes, balancing, EQ, stereo separation all comes from YOUR HEAD. The software is just a way to get it into mp3 form, and you don't require extensive knowledge of your software to do it. What you DO need is to practice doing it. Experience is your friend,

because I've been there. Your music doesn't sound like what you wanted it to be in your head, and you had no idea how to get it that way. It's not some super complicated array of effects. It's breaking down the music in your head, and creating the bits and pieces until they form what you want. When you practice doing that, you realize it's not really knowledge of your software, it's knowledge of how to send stuff from your brain to your speakers. When you do that, you only need to relearn the basics for every DAW, but your music will still sound great because you carry that knowledge in your brain, it's not in your software.


neblix, quit posting the same damn thing everywhere. it's cool when you only parrot what others are saying once or twice, but it gets annoying after a while. you're only fifteen. you might want to relax a bit and chill out. caps is mean =(

what neblix is saying is only partly true. the software will only be as good as what you put into it, sure - but make sure that your knowledge of how to realize what's in your head isn't restricted by your knowledge of the program itself.

in other words, learn them both at the same time. get used to the interface while making stuff happen. and get some soundfonts, since they're an easy way to increase the quality of what you're doing right away. much more realistic than the samples that come with FL.

neblix, quit posting the same damn thing everywhere. it's cool when you only parrot what others are saying once or twice, but it gets annoying after a while. you're only fifteen. you might want to relax a bit and chill out. caps is mean =(

I'm not parroting anything. I say what comes from my head.

And I have no idea what you are talking about when you say "quit posting the same damn thing everywhere"

Edit: I had no intention to be mean with my caps, btw.

what neblix is saying is only partly true. the software will only be as good as what you put into it, sure - but make sure that your knowledge of how to realize what's in your head isn't restricted by your knowledge of the program itself.

That's what I just said, sir.


I would like to get some feedback on some of my stuff to see how my progress is coming along.. But, I won't hijack the thread, cause it's bad etiquette, so I found out when I first started posting on the forums.

I guess what I mean is... That I have a decent understanding of the interface, but I want to do some crazy effects with my music, not just adding filters, etc. here and there.

I would like to get some feedback on some of my stuff to see how my progress is coming along.. But, I won't hijack the thread, cause it's bad etiquette, so I found out when I first started posting on the forums.

I guess what I mean is... That I have a decent understanding of the interface, but I want to do some crazy effects with my music, not just adding filters, etc. here and there.

It's a little dangerous to go crazy on effects unless you know exactly what it is you're doing. It's great to slap gross beat onto some patterns, but knowing about good composition structure can guide you to WHERE to put those crazy effects like gross beat.

I'm not forcing my opinion onto you; but I do recommend to start and practice more on the smaller stuff. I hear about people starting in MIDI trackers, they don't even worry about the sound, but they learn how to keep the composition interesting.

Some stuff I've heard on youtube by guys who think they're really great in FL Studio (and commenters agree because they don't know any better) are REALLY weak composition wise, and use lots of effects to try and keep the music interesting. (and they almost always fail)

But I'd REALLY have to see the level of your stuff before I can give you accurate advice, so far I've just been giving general advice that I think all beginners should follow, but if you dropped me a PM with some stuff of yours I can give you better advice.

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