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Potential OCR Meetup: Six Flags America (MD/DC/VA)

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So, is a date set and who's coming to get my ass?

I'm going to be highly insistent about this second thing unless I can somehow convince my nephew to go. You guys would like him.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just so it's clear, Sunday August 29th works out for me all the same; either day on the weekend is good.

I can provide transportation from Arlington (Crystal City), but... Maryland is a bit too far out of the way to drive up and back down. KF

Just so it's clear, Sunday August 29th works out for me all the same; either day on the weekend is good.

I can provide transportation from Arlington (Crystal City), but... Maryland is a bit too far out of the way to drive up and back down. KF

Cool, I'm right off the apartments on Army-Navy Dr.


Alright folks, now that Otakon's over and done with and this trip's only a month away, it's time to kick this into high gear. Anybody who hasn't seen this post yet and lives in the area: consider joining us! I guarantee it'll be fun. If you're not a roller coaster fan, we'll definitely be perusing the waterpark at some point, there's already a possible 3 non-coaster fans coming, and I'll ditch a coaster here and there and spend some of my time hanging with you guys too, so you'll have company.

My plan at this point is to buy the tickets in slightly less than two weeks, on August 15, so I need final decisions on who's coming by that point. If I get the tickets fast enough, I may try to mail them out to everybody beforehand, though it may be easier for us all to just meet in the parking lot or something at a specific time. Either way, I'll also need phone numbers of everybody coming by the trip.

Once again, note that we need at least 15 people to come in order to get the group discount that drops the ticket price from $49.99 to $23.99. Right now we have 10 folks from OCR who are relatively confirmed, and another friend of mine who wants to come as well, so we only need 4 more people at this point. Also note that, as I mentioned in the opening post, if our numbers get close but don't quite make it, I'll just buy 15 anyways, so count on your ticket being $24 regardless.


As long as I can get off of work I'm game.

Edit: actually I'm going to have to get back to you on that, might have some scheduling conflicts.


I'm still definitely in. And again, I can give anyone around Arlington a ride. ...unfortunately, Mount Airy and most points in Maryland are too far out of the way for me to stop by at.

When it gets closer, anyone who needs a ride in Arlington (or maybe Fairfax even) can PM me. KF

I'm not a big roller coaster fan but I <3 OCR meetups. So I'm definitely interested in going, but... does anybody wanna not ride roller coasters with me? ^_^;

I'll ride you Amy.

I'll be in college at the time, I prolly won't be able to afford to go. Take care of Kizyr for me guys.

*raises hand for ride needed*

I should also mention, if we're doing this on a Saturday, I hope it's not too early in the morning, as I have PT 8 am on Saturdays in Fairfax, so I probably wouldn't be ready to leave until 10:30 or later.

It's officially Sunday the 29th.

However, slight change of plans. I was originally gonna purchase the tickets this Friday, but it's gonna have to wait until next Friday instead, due to having to pay an emergency water bill. This won't impact the ticket price for everyone, and if they mail the tickets to me, I should still get them in time (I hope there's an option to just print them out instead). However, that gives all of you an extra week to finalize your plans to make it, so there's a plus.

  • 2 weeks later...

Alright folks, overdrive time. I'm taking the metro out to the park to pick up the tickets on Sunday morning, so you've got roughly 1.5 days to add your name to the "confirmed" list if it's not already there. As it stands now, I'll probably have about 6 extra tickets though based on the number currenty coming, so if anybody realizes they might be able to come after all within the next week, you may still be able to squeeze in.


This is a good time to work out logistics, too. Where are we meeting that day and when?

We may also want to send around a PM or something to everyone who's definite with cell numbers just in case. KF


I was gonna wait till tomorrow figure out the specifics of where to meet because I've never been to the place and wanted to take a look around the parking lot to find a good meetup zone. XD So I'll give you all my opinions once I get back with the tickets tomorrow.

As far as times, the park opens at 10:30am and closes at 11pm (the water park, WHICH WE ARE GOING TO GO TO CAUSE IT'S 94° THAT DAY SO BRING YOUR SWIM TRUNKS, is open from 11am to 7pm). I'd like to get there as early as possible just to have the full amount of time to enjoy ourselves, but does anyone wanna stop for breakfast beforehand or anything? The closest iHop Google Maps is throwing at me is about 10 minutes from the park.

I had the vague idea of doing the water park immediately around whenever we take our lunch. That way, if Andy and Jill can't make it, Amy still might be able to drop in for a few hours to hang out.


Who's going to be the Cameron to my Ferris and come get me? I really don't want to miss out on this but since it's on a Sunday I can't get a ride from family...bunch of zealots...

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