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shoop a doop doop doop learn to read

Neither myself, nor the other person you were calling out on being wrong, said that they were unfinished, which is exactly what I said. I never said noone did and you were the first one to respond to me saying it was unfinished. Plus, at this point, you're arguing semantics because your ass got proven wrong. Yes, god forbid, I didn't give proper fucking credit to every single person that made the same argument, especially when you called out someone for it that wasn't agreeing with you. Care to nitpick any deeper or are you content with your side of this dwindling to "I'm not the only one that said something speculative just so we don't focus on other things you've proven me wrong on"?

Also, one other thing:


So, it's very likely they will do the same with characters.

Neither myself, nor the other person you were calling out on being wrong, said that they were unfinished,

...I know

I said they were unfinished

care to make another post that I can use to point out your stupidity or do you maybe want to stop posting about it now

...I know

I said they were unfinished

care to make another post that I can use to point out your stupidity or do you maybe want to stop posting about it now

And to that, I pointed out that many games have had DLC on the disc before release, especially Capcom. Someone agreed and you called them retarded because somehow you thought they meant they put unfinished characters on a disc, or whatever else you misunderstood it to be.

Point being, Capcom has done this before. They've admitted to doing it before. I can show that they not only have, but even admit to doing it (see my last post if you're not too busy trying to pick one portion of my statement and then "make me look stupid" for it). You made the statement that somehow they'd put unfinished DLC on a disc, not me. Of course they wouldn't put unfinished DLC on a disc. They will, however, put finished DLC on a disc, and have done so, leading me to believe that it's already done and on disc. They did this with RE5, they did it with Street Fighter IV, and I'm sure if I looked a little more I could find other DLCs that did the same exact thing.

So, what was your argument again?

And to that, I pointed out that many games have had DLC on the disc before release, especially Capcom.





Oh my god, you have to be retarded. What makes you think they are unfinished? What in your right mind makes you think they don't already have it done, on disc, waiting to be released. Seriously. Show me where you have it on good authority it's not done. Use a little logic for fucks sake. Capcom has a history of putting DLC already built into the disc. Capcom is releasing "DLC" characters. What is the likelyhood that those DLC characters are "unfinished"?

Hear, you want to talk about reading? Read up:



http://kotaku.com/5492303/bioshock-2s-dlc-is-on-the-disc-to-keep-us-all-together (and no shit this isn't Capcom, it's just further proof that companies do it, before you try to use this as your next argument)

Oh, and Capcom even LIED about the RE5 DLC not being on the disc, then turned around and admitted it was. Same with Street Fighter IV.

So again, I ask, what was your argument again? No shit they won't put unfinished characters on the disc...that probably means...they're already finished?

Show me where you have it on good authority it's not done.
Uh, the DLC characters aren't in the game. Jill and Shuma weren't done on time for the final release and every other DLC character is still up in the air. Which is why we've only seen Jill and Shuma's art and nothing in-engine.

reading goes such a long way

That, as well as the whole nobody is even allowed to plya as either of them for 30 days thing, would lead one to believe that they aren't finished yet.

I don't have it on "good authority", nor have I ever claimed to. Here is how this argument has gone.

poster: I hope they don't do that thing where they charge you for stuff already on the disc

poster: the characters probably aren't even finished yet given the evidence so they probably aren't on the disc

thephoenix: yeah but they'll be on the disc because capcom does this all the time

bleck: they won't be on the disc if they aren't finished

thephoenix: they wouldn't put unfinished characters on the disc

bleck: I-I know

thephoenix: so when they put the characters on the disc they must be finished

bleck: they won't put the characters on the disc if they aren't finished

thephoenix: what are you stupid or something of course they'll be on the disc

bleck: not if they aren't finished

thephoenix: they'll be finished because capcom puts dlc characters on the discs and makes you unlock them

Repeat the last four lines a good three or four times and you have the past few pages of this thread. Do you maybe understand, now, what you've been doing?

I implore you. Stop posting. Just stop. Don't even respond to this. Just move on. Just quit it now.

reading goes such a long way

That, as well as the whole nobody is even allowed to plya as either of them for 30 days thing, would lead one to believe that they aren't finished yet.

I don't have it on "good authority", nor have I ever claimed to. Here is how this argument has gone.

(sad attempt at paraphrasing...by the way, I can't tell if you're just twisting my words or really just don't have a firm grasp on the english language, but that's fine, I'll help you out)

I implore you. Stop posting. Just stop. Don't even respond to this. Just move on. Just quit it now.

You're adorable. Here, let me help you...

Fuck them for using DLC to release new characters that probably are already done and in the game.
Uh, the DLC characters aren't in the game. Jill and Shuma weren't done on time for the final release and every other DLC character is still up in the air. Which is why we've only seen Jill and Shuma's art and nothing in-engine.
I've seen that a lot of times and I can say almost every single time, they start out in the game and the DLC is simply an "unlock".

(If that last part hurts your brain, none of this is saying that unfinished characters get put on, but that DLC has been already put onto discs prior to release, which I proved over and over and over. Use some intelligence if you have any.)

Yes, that actually happens quite a bit. Split/Second is a recent example of that. The first 3 DLC that came out for it were content unlocks. It's not unfinished content, but you don't get it without the DLC (which is just 100 KB file to unlock the content on the disc).

(Further proof)

Of course no one believes unfinished characters will get put on the disc. Think, fucker, think! I promise you if you try, you'll realize that. The claim is that they ARE finished and ARE on the disc. They don't release that info right away because it's better to release it closer to the time that they release the DLC. Right now they want people focusing on the main game itself. Oh my god, I didn't see all of the info on the Street Fighter IV DLC until it was about to come out, IT MUST NOT BE ON THE DISC!

Oh wait, it was.

The claim is that they ARE finished and ARE on the disc.

so basically what you're saying is that you've been arguing something that you have no evidence to support nor reason to believe other than a tenuous link to previous examples

I am going to respond to every subsequent response with rolleyes


so basically what you're saying is that you've been arguing something that you have no evidence to support nor reason to believe other than a tenuous link to previous examples

I am going to respond to every subsequent response with rolleyes


Yeah, you're right, I have no evidence to support it.

Except that RE5, a Capcom released game, had DLC that was right on the disc.

Except that Street Fighter IV, a Capcom released game, had DLC right on the disc.

Except Dead Rising (just found this out), a Capcom released game, had DLC right on the disc.

It's called deductive reasoning. What was Einstein's definition of insanity? "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". Like, expecting Capcom won't put the DLC for completed characters onto the game. But you're right, I have no supporting evidence that Capcom is a company that does things like that at all. To include an admission from the Senior VP, Christian Svensson, that they've done that.

My turn to :roll:


Move complaining about each other to a new thread please -- let's get hyped for the game as it drops in less than two weeks!

I'm looking forward to playing a team of fast, sexy ladies: Chun, Trish, Phoenix -- probably replacing one of them with Jill once she's available. Chun's assist + Trish super DHC for mass lockdown, hoping to rushdown with Phoenix. What are other people going to do?


Ah, children these days. Anything else? Care to prove me wrong on anything? Then again, maybe just keeping quiet will be better off for you, as you really have no argument any more. Next time, don't go out of your way to try to mock someone unless you can back it up.

maybe just keeping quiet will be better off for you

Practice what you preach.

If we're all done the flame war now, I see they've made another "fightstick" for MVC3. It looks terrible and costs nearly 200$


Practice what you preach.

I atleast backed up everything I said rather than pointing out a statement and going "YUR TARDED, OLOLOL".

If we're all done the flame war now, I see they've made another "fightstick" for MVC3. It looks terrible and costs nearly 200$

This is why a few of us make our own arcade sticks. For $200 we can get quality parts to do up 4 of these things.

I'm looking forward to playing a team of fast, sexy ladies: Chun, Trish, Phoenix

I'm not sure if Phoenix is meant to be this weak but if she is, be careful using her. A hit from Hulk into a single super and Phoenix goes from full health to dead.

I atleast backed up everything I said rather than pointing out a statement and going "YUR TARDED, OLOLOL".

This is why a few of us make our own arcade sticks. For $200 we can get quality parts to do up 4 of these things.

I'm not sure if Phoenix is meant to be this weak but if she is, be careful using her. A hit from Hulk into a single super and Phoenix goes from full health to dead.

Everyone screams "handicap" at that video. I dunno though.

Everyone screams "handicap" at that video. I dunno though.

It was done on a live stream, then put on youtube. Those that were there claim there wasn't any handicap adjustment, so...wow...


i think having absolute poo for defense is a fair tradeoff for how quickly she builds meter and the fact that if she dies with 5 bars she goes Dark Phoenix (or at least thats what it appears to do in the reveal trailer)

i think having absolute poo for defense is a fair tradeoff for how quickly she builds meter and the fact that if she dies with 5 bars she goes Dark Phoenix (or at least thats what it appears to do in the reveal trailer)

HOLY SHIT that is the coolest i completely did not notice that

then her health drains for like a last ditch thingy. best lv 5 ever



Figured I'd share this.




Both Jill and Shuma, leaked photos showing both in action, for those that said there is nothing of them in the engine. Definitely loving the Chaos Dimension.


Figured I'd share this.




Both Jill and Shuma, leaked photos showing both in action, for those that said there is nothing of them in the engine. Definitely loving the Chaos Dimension.

Sweet! The chaos dimension was the only thing I thought was cool about Shuma Gorath lol.

Since we now have 3 Darkstalkers in the game......will capcom finally gives us a new Darkstalkers game? It's been like 13 years hasn't it?

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