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Honestly, I think the online pass makes sense for all the reasons EA gives. Used sales hog their online resources without paying for it. This helps pay for it. I'm OK with that.

However, I'm not a fan of Mass Effect 2's Cerberus Network. I think that is a slightly different entity.

Honestly, I think the online pass makes sense for all the reasons EA gives. Used sales hog their online resources without paying for it. This helps pay for it. I'm OK with that.

However, I'm not a fan of Mass Effect 2's Cerberus Network. I think that is a slightly different entity.

A better way to combat used sales would be to lower prices. Offer special editions at lower costs. They dont like used sales. Honestly i can understand that to a point but THIS is not the way to fix that. It will only revive the hatred many players have for EA as a company which honestly they dont need after finally putting a LOT of shit behind them.

A better way to combat used sales would be to lower prices. Offer special editions at lower costs.

If they lowered prices, then the price of a used copy would lower, as well. Customers would still buy it used, but for less money than they'd buy the used copy now.

Honestly, I think the online pass makes sense for all the reasons EA gives. Used sales hog their online resources without paying for it. This helps pay for it. I'm OK with that.

That doesn't make sense. The original user isn't using it anymore. Selling a used game does not mean there are now 2 users instead of 1(if it was, then that WOULD be piracy).


Shit, pretty soon they're even going to make you pay for your alter egos.

I'm out when they make automatic charges against the voices.

Honestly, I think the online pass makes sense for all the reasons EA gives. Used sales hog their online resources without paying for it. This helps pay for it. I'm OK with that.

Eh, when a gamer plays with a used copy, the original owner doesn't play it online anymore, so there's just as much online resources being used as before.


It sounds like EA doesn't want to invest in their network to assume that most copies are being used for online, even those that were traded in used and sold to another user. That's their prerogative, but seems kinda shady.

What this will do though is force Gamestop to lower their used game prices for EA's games with online though - the end user probably won't see a difference in net price, just that Gamestop's extra $10 or whatever in profit will go to EA instead.

Eh, when a gamer plays with a used copy, the original owner doesn't play it online anymore, so there's just as much online resources being used as before.

EA is under the idea that if the seller of the game isn't gonna play it anymore and willing to sell it, then they would not be online playing the game at all anyway. So yeah, that is resource being used by someone other than the original buyer with a game on a shelf collecting dust.


What this will do though is force Gamestop to lower their used game prices for EA's games with online though - the end user probably won't see a difference in net price, just that Gamestop's extra $10 or whatever in profit will go to EA instead.

or that gamestop will charge the same price but might sell "EA codes" at their stores. seing how Gamestop is all for this, it's a likely outcome.

If they lowered prices, then the price of a used copy would lower, as well. Customers would still buy it used, but for less money than they'd buy the used copy now.

New guaranteed undamaged game for 50

Used possibly damaged game for 35

Who would you go with?

New Guaranteed undamaged game for 60+tax

Used possibly damaged game for 35

What would you go with.

Gamefly is another group that gets hurt by this. I don't use their services but after a good run with netflix i'm giving them consideration.

This hurts the wrong people at the wrong time.

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