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Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)

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Ehm... Sorry to ruin the thread, but...


We don't really need request threads for individual sig makers... :?

Read the first post.

UnMod isn't very n00b friendly so I figured I would make a thread in the one place where they are welcome. I never meant for this to be a "ask Capn for a sig!!!111" thread, I just figured I would be one of a handful of people that would volunteer and help out. Guess I was wrong.

Cerd Fen.

Hope you like it.

That's pretty sweet...thanks!

Now i have 2 sigs to alternate between on a quasi-weekly basis! One more original, but crappy, one done by myself, and one less original, but awesome, one done by teh CapnHulk...

yay :!:

Ehm... Sorry to ruin the thread, but...


We don't really need request threads for individual sig makers... :?

Read the first post.

UnMod isn't very n00b friendly so I figured I would make a thread in the one place where they are welcome. I never meant for this to be a "ask Capn for a sig!!!111" thread, I just figured I would be one of a handful of people that would volunteer and help out. Guess I was wrong.

UnMod as a whole is unfriendly to "noobs", but specific threads are friendly. The sig-making thread is one of them.

Ehm... Sorry to ruin the thread, but...


We don't really need request threads for individual sig makers... :?

Read the first post.

UnMod isn't very n00b friendly so I figured I would make a thread in the one place where they are welcome. I never meant for this to be a "ask Capn for a sig!!!111" thread, I just figured I would be one of a handful of people that would volunteer and help out. Guess I was wrong.

UnMod as a whole is unfriendly to "noobs", but specific threads are friendly. The sig-making thread is one of them.

Some n00bs, like me in my first month, had the sense to stay out of UnMod because i was a lurker for quite a while. Therefore, i wouldnt have seen it.


okay, obviously, I'm not a newcomer but I need some help. I took the exact typing from another forum profile, and put it here. Didn't work. Then went to another phpBB forum, ctrl a, ctrl c. Then came to my profile here, ctrl a, ctrl v. Typed it manually, made sure there's no unneccessary spaces. Even type in the link, it's correct. WTH?!?!

EDIT: And it works in the other forums perfectly...

hey CapnHulk, how hard would it be for you to alter my sig to say "SLyGeN"?

if it isnt too hard, would you mind?

(inside joke, for shits ang giggles)

Gimme a sec.


Here ya go.


haha, you came here to pimp your case after me [pre name-change] and hulk got bored one night and sorta accidentally sank your thread.

I still think your case is awesome, though.

My sig is the best, cause it shows off my lego computer case :wink:

i am partial to mine, maing fun of everyone who has typo-ed my name.

Heh, and i only suggested a letter change, but this is way better.

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