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Hi Here is my second attempt at a remix and this time I think it will cut it out :P

At any rate, here are the infos :

Remixer's name : Gabidoo

My name : Gabriel Cyr

My Email : Peacefull76@hotmail.com

The song I remixed is Daryll's tomb from Final Fantasy VI. I did a somewhat classical / Ravel's Bolero-ish version a year ago that

didn't make it and since it's one of my favorite song from FFIV, I wanted to give it another go so here goes a totally different version

from what I did back then. It has a electronic/lounge feel to it with some pseudo dance beat to it later on with a soft piano ending that plays

as you will notice, the second part of the original tune. What I mean by that will easily be understood by listening to it.

Was done with reason and Cubase for the composition part and Protools for the mixing/mastering part of it.

Well, I hope you like it ! :)




I like this source a lot too, excellent choice.

It took awhile for the melody to become apparent after the longish intro, but there were little flourishes that made some good connections. The source checks out. I like the arrangement style here, though I think the drums are a little too flimsy, even for the style you are going for. It does tend to run a little long, but it's dreamy enough that I feel the intent, and there are a lot of nice touches that keep this interesting throughout, like the mass filter, and some other cool transitions, so it's definitely not an auto-pilot track. The ending seemed a little dramatic compared to the rest, but I dug it.

The strings were crowding the piano a good deal, I think hard panning them left and right would have carved out a lot more space for the piano to shine. The panning on other elements works pretty well, so I think it was just an oversight.

Some minor issues with production, but nothing serious enough that it's worth holding back.



Very little I can add to what Andrew has already said. I like the arrangement overall, and I think there are some nice embellishments throughout that really add some charm. I personally didn't have a problem recognizing the first motif, so I think the longer intro works.

I agree with OA that the strings are a little bit much at times, to the point where they are not supporting the piano like it should. Panning would work nicely here. I'm also not a fan of the slow down section, it feels a little mechanical to me, but I think that's personal taste.

A nice relaxed track here. YES


Those strings are so bright they hurt. But the bass sounds real nice on my headphones. I'm very much down with the atmosphere, but I'm 2 minutes in and nothing has happened yet. Oh ok, there's the groove. Yeah that took way too long to happen. The first half of the song is essentially 2 minutes of piano noodling.

The groove comes in and it gets considerably more interesting. Wait, what is this, more noodling at 3:10-3:30? Wayy too much noodling. WTF happened to the song? The unexpected solo at 4:00 doesn't work. the piano playing isn't that great, and it's way too compressed. Oh and it has nothing to do with the rest of the remix. It's like you ran out of ideas for this song, so you just tacked on another piano thing.

I think you should completely delete the piano tracks you have for this song and start from scratch with the lead instrument. It can be a piano if you want, but you've got to make it way more tasteful than this. You're just noodling. Trim down the beginning and come up with an ending so it sounds like a complete song without the piano, then add the piano.



Getting a strong Porcelain vibe from this, I like it. The instrument you bring in at 1:21 has a great sound, slightly unsettling to contrast the pristine soundscape you've built so far. Some of the piano parts in the middle of the song got noodly, but I liked the solo. Unfortunately, the way you've produced the piano is not very good and IMO stops this track from being a pass. If you're gonna spotlight it, it needs to sound more natural. Tone down the highs on it, take off some of the compression, and you'll be in good shape. And take down the brightness of the strings while you're at it, those stick out much more than they need to. With those relatively easy fixes in place, this would be a pass.

NO (resubmit)

  • 4 weeks later...

The whole thing really reminds me of Moby, actually. (Oh, ha! That's what Palp was referring to... I never knew the name of the song.)

Strings are definitely way too bright; it's a little overwhelming. When the beats come in, that helps a lot with the overall EQ balance, but I still think you should tone down the strings and boost the mid range.

The slow motion part seems awkwardly executed as DA pointed out. It happens quite out of the blue, out of ryhthm, and then you end on a completely different note with the solo piano section. I don't get it... What happened to the song? I feel cheated. :< A piano solo isn't necessarily bad conceptually, but it would work better if you transitioned back into something akin to the groove you already had going. The jazziness of it also felt a little out of place, but perhaps it wouldn't if it weren't so punchy. Whether you play it in yourself or sequence the notes, you've gotta try to smooth that out.

I honestly don't mind all the piano noodling because it works well for the chillout "Porcelain" vibe, assuming that's what you're going for. But the arrangement still needs to go somewhere, and not where it... went... :wink: I'm sure you can think of something more fitting! Maybe tighten the intro, too, while you're at it.

I think you've gotten a good number of suggestions in here to help out. Please don't give up on this - I think it has excellent potential!

NO (resubmit!)


I wish more people would tackle this source. It's an under-appreciated gem of FF6, and honestly sounds like it belongs on the FF7 soundtrack, like a precursor to Anxious Heart or Aeris' Theme.

Yes, the strings are very bright... no need to cut out so much when there is ample space available in the rest of the range. Add some more reverb and tone the high freqs down to keep the lush sound. By 1:09 I was really expecting more to happen, but instead the texture actually became thinner. Some rhythm instruments earlier in the piece (even just synth arpeggios) would have been really nice to start building up the dynamics.

I like where you're going with the texture - trippy, washy synths, a breakbeat groove, synth bass, acoustic strings and a mellow mood overall. There are some overarching issues though. First, the arrangement is weird. As mentioned above, the track takes too long to get started. The heavy beat that comes in over 3 minutes into the track should have been in there earlier. Your high frequency instruments, namely the strings and the tambourine, are too bright and piercing, and you have more room in the soundscape for other instruments. The abrupt tempo change right before 4:00 makes no sense and is completely out of place, as is the jazzy piano solo. At the very least, have some warm pads going underneath, or change the instrument to an electric piano. It's very meandering and very different from the mood of the rest of the piece, not to mention it lasts too long. When the solo ended, I was really confused as it seemed like the song only just started.

You have some great ideas in terms of instrumentation and overall mood, but the intro is too long, the piano solo doesn't fit at all (and is also too long), and there are some production issues. Keep at it, though!



Way to long to start. Sounds like an extended 2.5 minute intro. :\

Sustained strings remind me of Porcelain, but they're too bright. There's a real lack of mid-range here.

The once we get into the meat of the arrangement, it's kind of boring. Repetitive drums and bassline, empty soundscape, meandering piano. I agree that the piano solo at the end is way out of place.

Some good ideas, but the execution needs tightening up.


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