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UPDATE: JULY 31 2010

New version, get it while it's hot:


A few explanations: again. the lead guitar during the clean parts is a placeholder melody for whenever I find a vocalist (female). If something seems barren and devoid of melody, that's because vocals are supposed to eventually go there.

At around 2:48, the harp arpeggios will be replaced by lead guitar (hopefully from sixto, fingers crossed...).

Ignore the last 25 seconds or so, I forgot to cut it off before I mixed down the latest version.

Oh, and I think I've addressed a lot of your concerns about the beginning not matching. Rerecorded it with the proper guitar parts.


No title yet. You might have heard some of this 5 or 6 months ago, I've overhauled a bit of it and here's what I have so far.

http://nekofrog.com/The Extreme.mp3

If there are any competent and capable female vocalists out there, I'd love to talk to you about vocals on the track (the lead guitar over the clean part near the end is where lyrics are going to go).


I remember this track from back when (does this mean you're done with boot camp?).

I'm going to make a quick quip about the source comparison again - the beginning arpeggios still are not the source, and IMHO they are not changed for the better (I take it you used the same track as before for the very beginning). You know, if you can make up very quick tabs for 0:04 - 0:09 I could reply with the exact notation from the source. I KNOW I'm being reaaally picky about it, but for one it's one of my favorite parts of the source, and two you're Nekofrog so I don't want to hear anything other than perfection from you.

Moving on from that...

EQ is very heavy in the lower mids, but I assume that's because you're not done so... yeah. It's causing clipping throughout the track, so it distorts how I hear it, even as a WIP. Meh, not too important, yet.

I can't tell whether it's from the aforementioned EQ issue mentioned above or if it's a mixing issue, but 2:18 is very, very crowded. Enough so where I can't really comment on it yet, musically (I think I hear some strange things going on there, but it's too crowded for me to tell if it's artifacts or purposeful).

I love the breakdown at 2:02. In fact, I can see this really taking a powerful approach to the song, since you'll have these lighter portions (with the singer) combined with the already heavy sections the source provides.

To be frank, there's not much I can say to help (since I think the things I pointed out are post-production issues you'll deal with when you're at... well, post-production). I love the direction you're taking the track, and I love the idea of female vocalists getting in on this. You should try to get into contact with Diotrans or DA (although I can't say whether DA is too available, after getting the job as a Judge, and all). Do you have music written up for them to sing (sheet music with lyrics, or even just a mock track with words will help them)? If so, it'd probably make it easier on them (and thus make them more willing to participate).


Damn Gario, get out my way lol. I think the intro is sweet. I don't know the source, but this is in key and catches the ear. Since this is a WIP, I'm sure you know that the timing is a little sloppy. I agree with Gario that the low mids are heavy (around 130-225), but I don't hear any distortion. Gario, can you tell me exactly where the track clips? At this point I'm puzzled. I can only assume you're listening to it through Pro Tools or your speakers are blown. Btw, HUGE fan of guitar work at 2:02. Nice epic feel.


I think in this case it's overcompression I'm hearing, not 'clipping', per se (except at 2:02 - 2:20, especially 2:18, where I think it's getting really hot to the point of clipping). I slipped up a bit.

Oh, and get familiar with the source, bro. It's pretty much the best final boss song from the Final Fantasy series ;-).


oh Ultimecia... :puppyeyes: This brings back memories.

Anyways. I like it, but that's not very constructive, so I'll do what I alwalys do when I address my betters on OCR: I'm going to pick nits. Cause I can. It'll make me a nit picker. It'll also be lots of opinion, so grain of salt...

The distortion effect at the beginning is nice, but I'd like the mix to be 'clean' for the first notes. The distortion sound starts as soon as the guitar track starts, and it on those few first grace notes sounds kinda funky. Dunno how to fix it, automation effects on the distortion mix amount or volume work maybe?

The intro to the battle theme section is too sudden for my taste. I'd like a pause or those last few notes of the old theme at 1:20 held a bit longer than usual. Though it's one of those things I'd really have to hear to know for sure I'd like it. Looks good to me typed out, but it'd lose that abrupt change that you may be wanting.

Hats at 1:24 are all up beats. You're just starting out a really rock feel. I think a better sound with those heavy hitting bass drums would be quarters on 1 and 3 until 1:32, then quarters on 1 2 3 4 until 1:38, where the up beat can really come into it's own. Also, some ride bells might give a break from the heavy hats all the time if you're looking for that sort of thing (I'm look at the up beats at 1:57 ish)

(drum insite, the thing I actually know :wink: )

@ 2:18-21 I'm not sure what I'm hearing there. (These aren't my best phones tbh) But it may be too much distortion or volume hitting a compressor or something. Sounds 'fuzzy' to me? Like too much reverb almost on those accent notes. Maybe bring things down before that point so you get the illusion that it's louder than it really is.

So many neat ideas that you could do with this: I tend to dream big on the WIP forum, but at a length of 2:35 I'm picturing a more fleshed out version of this with a half time, slow down, vocalist, solos and other neat goodies. And a puppy. Cause even more awesome.

As far as the mix goes, where the rhythem guitar comes in 1:26-32 it sounds good, but then it may should back off a little bit to make room for the lead sounds and development. It's almost overpowering there. Its playing that fast 8th note pattern. I picture it quieter with the accent notes where they are, rather than the whole thing at this volume. - 1&2&3&4&1&2&3&4& repeat - More dynamic contrast, lower overall volume.

That's all I got. Hope that helps.

  • 2 weeks later...

New version, get it while it's hot:


A few explanations: again. the lead guitar during the clean parts is a placeholder melody for whenever I find a vocalist (female). If something seems barren and devoid of melody, that's because vocals are supposed to eventually go there.

At around 2:48, the harp arpeggios will be replaced by lead guitar (hopefully from sixto, fingers crossed...).

Ignore the last 25 seconds or so, I forgot to cut it off before I mixed down the latest version.

Oh, and I think I've addressed a lot of your concerns about the beginning not matching. Rerecorded it with the proper guitar parts.


Beginning = fixed. You make me happy, Neko :)!!.

For the most part, the issues that I'm hearing are, again, mixing and mastering concerns, which I'm under the impression you're going to take care of when the arrangement aspect is finished.

The only part that bugs me are the power chords at 2:47 - 3:08. This comes down to personal preference, most likely, but I feel simply using the bottom note when playing the guitar there would clean up the soundscape and make the harmonizations mesh together easier.

Other than that (and the mixing/mastering) it seems pretty good to me. Keep it up (and good luck finding a singer - maybe I can ask a few people at the Las Vegas meetup, if that'd help).


Harp Shredding! Lol (yeah I know its just a placeholder). I like the direction of this remix, starting with the soft intertwining clean guitars then at 01:22 all hell breaks loose. Only problem is that i'm hearing a small amount of clipping in the section starting at 03:30. Apart from that its all sounding good. Good luck on your search for female vocals.

EDIT: Also have you checked here?



Lol Harp sweeps. I like the rather long addition to the track. I too heard some clippage action at 3:30. I like the rhythm throughout (It's a good setting, very fierce). I still have to say my favorite part is 2:02. I wish you would throw another one of those in the song, but that's all opinion. Production seems better than the last time I heard it too. Nice job!

So it's time for my shameless recruiting campaign (lol shut up Gario). But really, I got Brandon Strader, I sent a PM to Sixto ;currently with no response, and I majorly kissed ass :-( but it was my hope to get the rock "trinity" on my hopeful project. I'll leave the thread, so maybe you'll get the urge to do something on it. BTW, your Wily theme is the best on site hands down :-)



... will your reign of terror never end, No Escape?

I don't think he'll have a problem with the production, in the end - right now the mixing + production is terrible, but I suspect he's simply doing the arrangement and waiting for the singer before he really gives the production the overhaul it needs. I wouldn't worry about the final product, when it comes to the production value.

And yes, Nekofrog's MM2 Wily track is better (only by a little bit, though).


LOL! COME ON Gario! I'm fair. I fully review the tracks and gear my recruitment towards ppl that I want on my project Also, I wouldn't put production at terrible by any means, although unless I literally take the track to my car, I can't hear where the low end sits ( my nearfields just don't have the bass response I need, but a sub is mondo expensive). And I'll say it again... I've heard your stuff, and I want you on the project too. Take a track, and MAYBE I'll slow down on the recruiting. :-P

( my nearfields just don't have the bass response I need, but a sub is mondo expensive).

I got a decent Sony sub for 100 dollars. "mondo expensive" reeeeeeallllyyy now?

Anyway, this is, mmmmmm Mmmmmm goood. The arrangment. Of course the production is a little lacking, but do I care about that right now... no!

Other than the clipping that everyone seems to hear (including me) at 3:30.

God damn, that thrash part at the end sounds like it'll be sweet.

Keep being metal.

I got a decent Sony sub for 100 dollars. "mondo expensive" reeeeeeallllyyy now?

You show me that studio ready Sony sub for 100 bucks. I shopped around at Best Buy, E-bay, Craig's List, and Sam Ash. The best deal I could find was a Yamaha sub (I can't remember the model) for almost 300$. I need an active sub, because my near-fields are active as well (Event 20/20 's). I currently am drawing a Pioneer home theater sub off the stereo link, but it has no power, and I can physically hear it draining from the Event's internal amps.

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