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Although I have a ton of music to contribute - original and re-arranged - I never rush it (can you tell?) However, I realized the other day that I have one of my favorite 're-arrangements' sitting on my computer for nobody but myself to hear. I don't have time to do a perfect mix (yet) as I am busy recording my latest album as well as a few other artists, however, I feel - I owe it to you guys to release it... as it is one of my favorite game tunes (from sonic 2) of all time (and one of my fav remixes of mine). My style is to re-record the main melodies (with great sounds and new drums and backgrounds and feel...I always do it from scratch) and then 'jam out' a bit and improv on it- I remember spending quite some time a year ago programming the drums and all the parts - attempting to create a "live band" feel - of what I feel is a masterpiece song in gaming history. Well, here it is in its last existing form for now. I can't wait to hear how many people hate it, as much as how many people love it. Enjoy, and keep it up - although I have tons of material to still release to you guys, overclocked rocks - thank you for maintaining it all this time. I hope you pass this on to other listeners.

- Jay BTW - My latest original pop/rock/hop/'game-ish' CD with vocals will be released soon at JaysonLitrio.com. The site is not updated yet but will be soon with more info. Thanks again my friend... and a special gift: Jayson Litrio meets Mcvaffe.. first mix will surface soon to shock and mess with your fans!

- Jay Get to know me! I have worked in the industry and can help! I feel I've always been cheated here, why - i don't know - but its been years now! Let me release tracks and help in any way I can! As for DJ Pretzel - McVaffe and myself - come visit us in NY for free - and let us shine and create MAGIC together! After all these years it's time to take a risk and do a few songs together. I have the studio and sounds, as well as McVaffe - and you have the skills too (DJ) - why not create some of the best tracks ever.. together? Stay at my place for a few days - just contact me!

- Jay

Thanks for letting me submit. But please, let this one go through ! :) ugh! There is so much crap on the site - I don't understand, to this day - why I of all people get passed up when i send stuff in! I'm a recording artist on a major label with a future - let me in! lol Is it the way i present myself? I have no ego, just love and fun! You guys all rock. - Jayson


*Reads above* :roll:

This starts to get good about half-way through, up till that point there's not a lot going on here. The sound quality is good, and it has been well mixed, etc. This would go well on an official arranged version of the sonic soundtracks - and I think that that may work against it. The only question in my mind is whether this is different enough from the source. Well there is that huge original bit (1.34-2.09) so I guess I'll give it a



http://www.zophar.net/gym/sonic2.rar - Hill Top Zone

Can't say I understand the last part of that e-mail. I also don't like the whole "let this one go through" deal in the submission of a merely decent remix, because it either a) attempts to pressure djp and/or the panelists into gladhanding out approval on dicey material or B) makes us seem close-minded or like unjustified assholes with agendas if in fact we vote it down.

DCT had me play this on VGF last season when the Sonic 2 remix project was still kicking. This really isn't a bad-sounding cover style track, and that's cool that he did this by ear, but it feels way to close to the structure of the original without doing enough to change the feel regardless. This would have fit more on something like The Very Best of SEGA (where the OneUp crew was obligated to follow the source tunes fairly closely to be allowed to put out the album), but I feel those standards are different from OC's.

We get two loops of the original with the slightly different countermelodic work until 1:30. The piano used instead of the source tune's countermelody is pretty decent. I felt the original section (1:30-2:08) sounded pretty meandering and was the least interesting contribution to the track, especially at the key change at 1:42. This would have been gravy a couple of years ago, but the original is used near-verbatim for 2+ minutes of a 3-minute piece with uninspired original stuff in the middle. Sounds alright as an easy listening arrangement, and if it's passed it won't bother me, but I honestly feel it doesn't do enough with the source material to pass it.


  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't read his email because I don't feel like it. I'm fair and evenhanded like that.


One of the biggest strikes against this song is, as mentioned above, is the almost verbatim reiteration of the source material (aside from the 'James Bond' interlude section) But I'm in that benefit-of-a-doubt sort of mood, and realize that close adherence to source material doesn't necessarily disqualify it from being enjoyable. And I did enjoy this, which surprised me. Usually minimalism and carbon copies rub me the wrong way. But, in spite of all that, I liked it.

No, it's not quite where we've set the bar in the last half-a-year or so, and yes, it wicked close to the original. But it's clean, competantly arranged, and it's simple. These things too, should not be overlooked.



No, it's not quite where we've set the bar in the last half-a-year or so, and yes, it wicked close to the original. But it's clean, competantly arranged, and it's simple. These things too, should not be overlooked.


Irrelevant what kind of mood you're in. These decisions will last years. Do your job, and put your bias aside.

Wingless is right though. It isn't nearly where we set the bar of late.

Its a gym rip. Assuming the author sequenced each not by himself, I'd have to say he wasted his time. He should have just ripped the gym. Would have saved a lot of time, and no difference in the end.

Please do remixes, not electronic covers.



That last part of your email is bullshit, bro. We can do without that next time, thanks. Here's why you get passed up and other people get posted. You do covers. Like this one.

Very nice sound, but weak arrangement. It follows the original very closely in terms of instrumentation and feel, which means you didn't really bring much to the track. Same genre, same instruments, SAME SONG. We're looking for a remix, not an expanded version of the original.



i've remixed the hilltop theme before for a compo, so i'm intimately familiar with it. the interpetation here is very conservative. however:

this is not a rip. this is not a direct cover.

listen closely to the accompaniment, there are some clever embellishments happening here.

everything is sequenced nicely, the parts feel like they're played by a human.

the percussion is much more elegant than the original, there's fills and a more interesting beat.

furthermore, i think the improv section provides an nice contrast to the happyhappy theme, and it's well done.

even though this guy's a dope, i'm gonna say this is passable. but i'd be the first to say the interpretation here is lacking so i am in 100% agreement with the rational for voting this down.



i'm not quite as offended by the conservative interpretation as protricity, but i'm not quite as charmed as analoq. I think i could live with it, it COULD be passable if it were fleshed out a bit more. i feel like it soudns thin in some areas, and conservative interpretation or not, it needs at least another minute in lengh to give it more time to develop, build up, etc. AND ADD AN ENDING PLZ< OK??! right now it sounds like the themesong to an early 90's sitcom. Needs more development, as well as an intepretation that more reflects "recording artist on a major label with a future" than the original source.


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