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OverClocked After Dark - We're BACK! 01/18/14 - You can't handle it all

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Not tuning in. Don't like ponies. :-P

I think your getting OCAD confused with Cyril's Silly Show :P.I tune into both (when I can) and I am starting to feel the dark grip of the ponies on my soul.. Thanks Brushfire and Cyril :-D


Episode 93 - Gay Robot Pride Parade

Episode 94 - Slamsational

Episode 93 contains a FANFIC reading (how awful). Hogwarts and a Giant Squid. Yes, Hogwarts. The school. Not the people inside the school, but the building itself as a separate entity.

Episode 94 has Sephfire from Extra Credits join us for more ramblings again.

Also, just FYI, Episode 93 was up on the OCAD homepage last week but I neglected to update the thread here. We have our awesome friend, Logan, updating the website whenever an episode is released. So check that website FIRST before checking here for new episodes, since there is always a slight-to-lengthy delay between when its up over there and when its pushed out here.

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