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email sub file cyborgjeff-donkey kong sunset OC Remix.mp3 - djp


here is my new remix :)

Contact Info

Your ReMixer name : Cyborg Jeff

Your real name : Pierre Martin

Your email address : cyborg@teledisnet.be Your website : http://www.cyborgjeff.buffalometro.net

Your userid (number, not name) on our forums

ReMix Info

Name of game(s) ReMixed : Donkey Kong Country Name of individual song(s) ReMixed : Donkey Kong Sunset

best regard, and excellent website ;p



Alright, I dont think theres many people left in the world who don't understand that ocr is simply not a place for 'songs that pay tribute to the original'. This song is note for note throughout the majority of its duration. Its a perfect example of what isn't allowed. Please attempt some real rearrangement next time around rather than original + boomtish, effects, and seldom changes.



http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/dkc.rsn - "Aquatic Ambiance" (dkc-08.spc)

Covered this one for VGF in late July:

Liontamer[/url'>]Cyborg Jeff - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Donkey Kong Sunset" [VGMix2 #1885]

Pierre's back at VGMix with an "Aquatic Ambiance" remix, and you might be thinking to yourself at this point, "Well why the hell do I want another one of those?" Alright; that's a perfectly valid question. This is a mix that doesn't harken back to the water/swimming imagery that many other previous "Aquatic Ambiance" have embraced. Rather, "Donkey Kong Sunset" moves toward a stylistic choice that source material has never had. If you're a fan of dance techno, you'll enjoy the direction of this genre adaptation, along with CJ's use of a handful of voice samples from the DKC game itself. The groove doesn't deviate much once this gets going, but once this mix picks up the pace you'll know whether you're down with it or not.

Just like the stuff we dealt with for the OCR1250 lockdown, it's unfortunate that we have enjoyable tracks that have to be turned down. This is certainly a well made trance-style remix of Aquatic Ambiance, and I enjoyed it. But does it do much to the source tune beyond the trance genre adaptation? Unfortunately, it does not.

So what we have is another case where an enjoyable remix doesn't fit the ReMix guidelines of OCR. While other judges or fans of the community will say differently, I don't feel OC's standard is the only way to make a good mix. It's a good standard mind you, and one we feel promotes more creative work overall, but it's certainly not the only standard out there and we don't claim that OC's standard is the only good one.

Nonetheless, this mix does nothing particularly interpretive with the source material on a rearragement level and isn't an innovative or expansive straight arrangement piece either, and that's where the vote stands.


  • 2 weeks later...

Kind of a shame, since this is a great mix, but I don't think it's passable. Production-wise, this is good stuff - very nice implementation of dance elements. I have no complaints there. Pretty smooth game sample usage, also. It's not the original verbatim since it DOES expand on it, but I think it's too close in that when the original is used, it's basically unchanged. Parts like 1:52 are fine, but they're not really reinterpreting the original, they're just sort of filling space. I really would encourage a resubmit on this, varying the melody and accompaniment of the original itself more, rather than simply adding filler sections. For example; introducing new elements (new percussive layers, new synths), changing your synths more, building some original material into the same progression as the original, and even spicing up what you have now with some automation - filter sweeps or maybe some lofi drum breaks for example.

This is a cool mix, but in its current state, just not what we're looking for. NO


Jeff man, you really know your production. Very nice sounds here; everything works really well together. Top-notch production.

Arrangement however, leaves a bit to be desired. It's very straightforward, and follows the structure of the original fairly closely.

I believe though, that this song has a lot going for it in the execution area, even if it lacks in the concept area; similarly to Rhodes to the Past by Fatty Acid, I think that even with a structure similar to the original, solid trance production coupled with creative use of monkey sound effects puts this mix over the borderline for me.

I think that it's enjoyable and well-made; that balances out the arrangement issues, for me.



This mix fits in nicely with the theme of the past few months of discussion of the guidelines as it is wonderfully produced but grossly uncreative.

i understand that there are a lot of people who's ideology is that if its good music, its good music (i believe this to a large extent) but post it somewhere else, then (to sort of paraphrase what larry was saying). the scene is not defined only by our standards here... this is good work and deserves a lot of praise but this does not belong here.

this is a very conservative track and although it sounds wonderful and i love listening to it, it just doesn't deviate anywhere and does not introduce anything new outside of, as prot eloquently puts it, boomtish.

sorry, cyborg. good stuff but boomtish an OCR track does not make.


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