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Great! Great play! Clean sound. Nothing wrong with mastering and sound to me. Little more Highs on EQ will be great. Everything is fine! But not interesting. Sounds like cover. Not remix. Make it longer, give some awesome guitar solo, more creative!! Everything is great in production!!!! Just CREATE something:wink:


Welcome to OCR.

I agree with what's his name down there...oh yeah, Mak. :mrgreen:

Maybe a composed solo? Or just some other part you've composed on your own. It IS "covery," so that would help. OCR is more about arrangement than production, and since the production sounds fine, arrangement is the only thing left to do. :)!!


Very nice work, the arranagement has been mentioned enough already as it is, I just wanted to know if you were planning on submitting this here at some point or if you want it as a cover (like it is now)? I ask this becuase I think with some arrangement changes (as already mentioned) it has the potential to be a good remix on here. Oh and i'd like it longer please! Seems to be over far too soon!

Overall, the production is good, but i don't think those lead guitar lines cut through enough for me, maybe just tweak the high-mids in the EQ to brighten them up? they sound a tad muffled to me.


Thanks for the quick responses, guys! I'm glad I posted here before daring to attempt a submission. The rendition of the main melody started as something I was doing for laughs, but a friend suggested I try to get it noticed here on OCR, and here I am...

I do plan on extending the song with an "Act I - Act II" sort of thing, in which I intend to add a bit more of my own personal flare. I'll definitely be taking my time to polish this up a bit with all of your creative/mixing suggestions in tow.

Thanks again, and I'll be back with something epic!


Ooo! I love a good rock remix and you have done pretty well. Arrangement is good, but you may need a little more originality to get on OCR.

Production wise, you need some more highs on the EQ. Your lead is kinda muffled. It's a great cover, nonetheless.


I like the tapping at 55 seconds ish. And I like the way you've harmonised the whole lead part yourself. However, no one seems to have picked up on the bum note at 40 seconds? it's a semitone flat. Other than that, good job.

Make sure you check out my version, although it's even more of a cover than this is! I posted it here, but literally no one cares ha ha. So here I am, hijacking your thread ;)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Arar9qOcEDg

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