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Hey, everyone. I just posted my first work-in-progress and noticed while creating my forum account that Renoise is not available in the list of audio software when selecting sequencer and DAW skills.

I'm curious if anyone has submitted remixes made with Renoise. It's pretty much the only sequencer with which I'm familiar. I plan to attempt loop-based software, but in the past I've found the learning curve to be a tad steep, and each program takes a very different approach (at least as far as UI is concerned).

So, are there any other Renoise fans out there? What do you like about it? What do you dislike about it? Why do you use it?

I'll start by saying it's modern (despite being a tracker), very affordable, and cross platform (I often work in Linux).


no modplug, IT, FT, buzz, psycle etc. either, I'd think there should at least be a general "trackers" option seeing as they are so different from anything else and there are a number of people that use them around

don't have renoise but from messing with the demo I love the browser, maybe better than FL's. coming from modplug/psycle it's fast tracker lineage confuses me, I'm sure I could get it if I spent more time with it but I'm too poor to justify buying more music programs atm...I've been saying that for like a year :/


I in general really love the format of trackers after dabbling in stuff like TFM Music Maker and Famitracker- It feels a lot more rewarding to physically write in the tracker notes than to continually click-and-drag into a sequencer like FL or Reaper.

However, I feel that if I were to try to do something complicated like the Terranigma mix posted above, I'd fall flat on my ass.


Glad to see others are using Renoise!

The general perception I see is that trackers can be difficult to use (except maybe for certain kinds of compositions). Is this actually true though? I honestly can't speak to the point since I've never done anything more than a five second blip in loop-based programs before.

I certainly like the notion of entering notes (and note-offs!) rather than dragging and dropping loops into a composition. Renoise is also pretty flexible about this, with all kinds of DSP support, send tracks, and even auto-sync sampled-based instruments.

The addition of Lua scripting is pretty exciting too!

Also, very nice work ziwtra. I hadn't listened to that track before. It's quite good. The percussion is fun and immersive.


Another Renoise user here, too, but I'm really only scratching the surface with it. I don't really get too deep into the technical tracker aspects of it, since my musical background consists largely of playing in school concert bands, but something as simple as letting me work primarily from the keyboard turned out to be a huge draw factor for me.

I also like the ease with which I can lay samples into complex rhythms and melodies. I can really quickly lay down sketches of songs - faster than I could during my brief stint with Orion, and *much* faster than I could using a notation program like Finale... though I suppose Finale is less about the composition process and more about the finished product.

The main thing I don't like about it is that the included samples are pretty awful on their own. I feel they need some pretty intense manipulation and processing before they can be put to much use.

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