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We have a killing floor server now.

Due to a recent massive spike in popularity, we now are running reserved slots! If you donate for the tf2 server, your good; just contact me, powerlord, or frogg when you're on the server so we can get you set up. If not, read below

Reserved slots by donation

Set up your subscription here, then contact powerlord, frogg or myself when you're in the server to get your slot setup.

If you prefer to pre-pay, you can pay through paypal directly to my monthly bill: http://www.xfactorservers.com/clients/grouppay.php?hash=5cef4-d5ce6-156da-84e86-402e7-33ce0-b5 Pre-payments of $12 or more are good for 6 months. You're welcome to donate more, but additional donations won't span any further.

We have a killing floor server now.

If there's interest, it might get its own thread and stick around!

I'm not seeing it in the Steam server browser... or must I access it directly from Killing Floor?

I'm not seeing it in the Steam server browser... or must I access it directly from Killing Floor?

KF is unreal engine based, so it's not surprising it doesn't show in the steam browser.

KF is unreal engine based, so it's not surprising it doesn't show in the steam browser.

I wasn't aware of that at the time I asked the question.

Having said that, it has Steamworks integration.

Also having said that, the Steam Server browser has Killing Floor in its games dropdown...


had a great time tonight on the OCR killing floor server. Frogg, Fireslash and a few others took some time to put down some zombies........

It probably should have its own thread fairly soon.

Was a good time, and i achieved my first medic perk by mostly healing Fireslash......

We have a killing floor server now.

If there's interest, it might get its own thread and stick around!

had a great time tonight on the OCR killing floor server. Frogg, Fireslash and a few others took some time to put down some zombies........

It probably should have its own thread fairly soon.

Was a good time, and i achieved my first medic perk by mostly healing Fireslash......

ooh please let me know if you guys are short a member; i would love to join you.


So, a few minutes ago, we discovered why our KF server wasn't queryable from Steam and then we fixed it. So, it'll now show up in your Steam favorites and friends tabs in the Steam Server browser.

Edit: To add the game to your Steam favorites list, you actually need to add (note the different port number). This is the game's Steam port.


Slight settings change to the KF server... it's now VAC secured. Apparently it ignores it if you try to set VAC on the startup command line. It has to be done in the server configuration file.


A required update for Killing Floor has been released. Please update your server to remain compatible with all clients.

This update fixes an exploit in the Evil Santa's Lair map.

Server has been updated and restarted.


We've installed a new server mod (which is whitelisted) that lets us add reserved slots.

Unfortunately, you need to connect to the server and have FireSlash or I add you via the admin web interface.


I hate posting lots of posts in a row, but this is the current list of reserved slot holders:




Sea Bear




We have opted to use the "Kick worst player" option... which should kick the non-reserved slot person with the lowest score.

P.S. You can't join a full game through Steam's server browser; you must join the server through the game itself.


The KF server now has its own subdomain: kf.ocrtf2.com... it's a convenience if you ever want to add it to your list later and can't recall the IP.

I love Killing Floor. Can you add me to the list: "digiskai"?

Maybe it wasn't clear, but the game assigns you a secret code that I can only see if you're on the server. I can't add reserved slots without it.

Add me to your Steam friends list and tell me when you're on.

i just bought this game. I will play with you all at some point

See above.

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