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http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ct.rsn - "Ruined World" (ct-2-01.spc)

Congrats on taking a 70-second original and making something from absolutely nothing. By nothing, I mean that the source tune is very minimal.

Just judging this mix on its own, one could be inclined to NO on the first listen based on its seeming repetitiveness. But with repeated listens and also comparing this to the original, this is quality work. 1:23-2:19 features the prominent usage of direct sampling from the original in the form of the ambient pads, and they're used a little bit beyond that at a lot lower volume.

Some of the other odd percussion-like sounds (heard most prominently from 2:46-2:58) could have been sampled from or inspired by the clanging stuff from "Ruined World". I don't like how the manner of the fade-out ending ended the track on a lower note (the one starting at 5:58), but it was a minor gripe.

Good arrangement ideas are here throughout. The additions and changes that are here are so subtle and simple that I admittedly had to double check that this wasn't simply retreading at times, which it isn't to be fair. The foundations are fairly basic, but, while the groove essentially remains the same, a very gradual building of ideas occurs over the course of the track. Solid work, Mike.

I know you got discouraged over having 'A Terrible Fate' rejected, but I'd still encourage another resub of that (without needing to overhaul the idea). Even djp wanted to see given another go, so I'm pulling for you. Meanwhile, this was some solid progressive trance work that did a lot with a little.


  • 2 weeks later...

What? Techno? Why is this here??????!!!!

Anyway, seriously: this is a very interesting mix. It doesn't really follow a lot of the conventions of dance/trance that we're used to hearing from people like ffmusic dj and blind. It has a familiar percussive line, but besides that, it uses a lot of creative non-pitched sound effects with rich pads and solid synths. However, despite a fairly interpretive and dynamic arrangement, I have some problems with it. I think there's not quite enough layering going on, for one. Bringing in new percussive sounds, changing the pads, or introducing some automation to alter some of the synth lines would give a more progressive feel to the piece, which I think is pretty important for this genre and this mix in particular because of its length. Production-wise, I think the kick might be pitched a little too low, making it difficult to hear, and the hi-hats sizzle and reverb a bit too much, making it hard to hear any of the other percussive parts.

What I do like is the general changing of synths throughout the course of the song (though there could be more), and the creative use of different effect processing. Though I would like to see more layering and progression in some of the parts, the structure of the mix is good. All these factors make this a really borderline mix for me.. but I think I am going to go with a NO. But PLEASE resubmit! With just a little more tweaking and polishing, this already enjoyable mix would easily earn a yes from me.


this mix is full of all kinds of techno remix cliches. i dont really see the appeal that everyone else sees. There's nothing wrong with making a techno mix out of a song of a completely different genre, but there was very little effort made to make the original work in a different genre. this mix is essentially the original with a techno beat. it's really very little more than that. there are some interesting synths added, but there's no arrangement. original chords + 4 on floor + groove synths.

you could superimpose any chord progression and the piece wouldnt lose anything.

arrangement please, not original with tacked on drums.



I'd love to hear some more variation in synth/percussive elements. As it stands, it's a slowly evolving beast; however, the evolution of the beast is not very exciting. Try to be more daring with the effects on your percussion. Filter that sh!t to hell and back.

As it stands now it's a bit long without too much development. I appreciate the slow evolution of the piece, but I don't think it's enough...


Go for the resubmit.



I definitely hear an evolution of an arrangement here. It's not the most daring, but there's a lot of nice subtle and constantly evolving additions here. I wish there was more instrumentation as some parts got a bit too sparse.

I particularly like the pad design and the instrumentation combinations here. Drums get a bit repetitive after a while, but I like the fx processing like the sweep/phasing on it.

Not an all star mix, but the end result is a pretty cool arrangement and overall just pleasing.

Borderline YES


i don't agree with vigilante on the notion that this is simply the original with a techno beat... this is a quality techno remix but its a very weak arrangement.

there isn't any notable deviations on the piece - it is the same synth lines throughout with a slight changeup around 2:20 and that's about it.

the pads are good quality pads and i love the percussion that is most visible in the beginning of the track but is lost behind that immensely DEEP bass and chirpy hihats - you should have brought them out more. the chord progression is a nice one and i think yields itself to this interpretation nicely but the fact that this track takes that progression and beats it to death for what, 6 minutes?... makes me feel as though the creative process kinda ended at that realization. develop your ides more - this is too long for its relative amount of variation... i've listened to a lion's share of techno so don't try telling me that's the way it is

with some work, this can be very entertaining but as it is, its a piece that sounds very good but isn't fullfulling.



This kick goes down LOOOOW. I think it would benefit from being pitched a bit higher otherwise those with smaller speakers would find the mix a bit weak sounding.

I can see what this mix is trying to do, and I really like the way that the arpeggios and other elements have been used along with the source chord progression, but for progressive trance I would have liked some more variation, perhaps adding more sounds into the drumbeat, or changing the feel a bit; I'm not sure that the rather minimal varitions and uncomplicated structure here justify this mix being 6 minutes.

We don't have many mixes as relaxed and chilled out as this one, I would personally like to see a slightly shorter mix of this with some more progression in it resubmitted.



It's got some nice execution of electronica fundamentals, but it's not a very inspired arrangement, and some of the chords are not the same as the original. Not a problem if they work...but they don't. They're pretty blatant which ones are off - 1:31 is a grand example. Not sure if the harmony is off or if the chord is off - it's awkward and sounds like it needs to resolve. It's a diminished triad if i'm hearing it correctly.

Any other criticism has already been covered.



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