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A lot of firsts in this one for me. First Vocal track. First use of vocoding. First synthesizer solo. First use of synthesized drums.

It's nearly finished. I just need to tighten up the solo and vocal performance, and fix some balance issues.

Mix: http://tindeck.com/listen/rbxx (sorry about the bummer of a title, haha)

Latest: http://tindeck.com/listen/jibu



Tell me what you think.


Like you said, balancing issues. It could definitely use some equalization. Also is it only skipping for me, shortly before the vocals start? Or is that an intended sound effect? if it is, I'd take it out. It sounds terrible, like a corrupted recording. Other than that, it's not bad. I don't really feel anything from the vocals, or the middle part of the track for that matter. I can faintly hear the second track you posted, personally.. I think it might be better if you brought that out more.

The nauseating Descent games had a few good tracks, so it's nice to see a spin on the source.

Hope to hear a balanced and updated version soon.^_^


First of all, I want to say: FUCK!! Amazing intro! Some EQ on synth(from 0:41) will be great.

Then 1:01.. Supposed to be some attack imo. How about heavy guitars playing with that(0:41) rhythm synth?

1:27 effect.. too aggressive, too much. Sounds terrible, as Ramen said. Same from 5:23. Crazy tremolo sound. but idea is good.

1:46 when vocoder comes in something hit my brain. ultra-sound hit. Bad feeling.

Vocoder effect is pretty interesting(sounds "femalelike" which is good) and quality. Sounds clear to me and good. What is it btw?)

From 3:25.. FUCK!! I want to jump from the plane! AMAZING!! Beautiful!!

Overall great, awesome work!! Some issues which you can easy to fix in balance, normalizing and EQ'ing! Waiting for update!

I need to by parachute wing before your next update:mrgreen:


There's some rhythm problems with your stutter effects (and it might be a good idea to make it sound more intentional, perhaps by not applying it to every track in there). Sounds like there's some excess lows you could EQ out to clean up the track a bit. Vocals need more mids. Drums seem overly reverbed and lacking in highs.

Had a quick listen to the sources and then your track, sounds familiar. For someone mostly source-deaf like me, that' a good sign... I think.

Nice track, albeit with some minor problems. Exciting arrangement, cool effects... nice work.


Thanks for listening, everyone.

The stutter effects, even the ones that sounded accidental, were intentional. The idea was to make it sound very chaotic, but that may have been a misguided decision. In this version I cut out all of the stutter effects but one where I felt it still worked pretty well. Tell me if the break at 1:29 still sounds too harsh.

I added a rhythm guitar part to 1:01 to thicken it up a bit. For some reason, I'm having a bit of trouble mixing that part, as well as the other rhythm guitar part at 2:44. I just can't get the guitar to cut like I want it to.

I boosted the mids in the vocal track and tweaked the reverb I had going on some of the percussion elements. I also did some general EQ cuts and boosts on many of the tracks.

Bass still feels a tad muddy to me here and there.

Hopefully the next version can be the final one :)

I think it might be better if you brought that out more.
I was planning on bringing out the Descent I material more, but I came up with the chord progression that kicks in at 3:25 and ended up dedicating a big chunk of the song to it. Before I knew it I had a 6 minute long track, and I didn't want to drag it out with any more material. In short, I would have to cut some stuff to fit more Descent I in, and I'm not sure what I would cut. I might still do it if I can come up with something.

Vocoder effect is pretty interesting(sounds "femalelike" which is good) and quality. Sounds clear to me and good. What is it btw?)

The vocoder I'm using is FL Studio's Vocodex. I'm still not really sure how to do vocals very well, so if anyone has any pointers for how to get them to sound a bit more professional, I'm all ears.

Here is the new version: http://tindeck.com/listen/spsp (Don't mind that it says version 3)


I listened to it last night, but didn't have a chance to reply at all till now. Unfortunately I don't have speakers or headphones atm. So I'm gonna have to go off memory, The static effect at around 1:00+ is still messy. Like Rozovian said, it has some rhythm problems.

Overall it's getting better, the singing is still pretty unimpressive to me though.

Hopefully someone can give you more constructive crit.


Not much changes to my ears(except I'm deaf:D).

You added rhythm guitar to 1:01-1:28 part. But it didn't do what it should or/and could. Two rhythms.. I think.

And you having now same problem as before with one of your previous mix(at the first stage). REVERB - too much, imo). Music somewhere "faraway" from listener(me).

You said you can't get the guitar to cut like you want in this part. Then FORCE IT(2 rhythms and lead guitar) and force that LEAD synth! It will give some energy, beauty and dramatics to this part! I think.. NO. I'm sure! Or not.. :mrgreen: Try same to 2:44 part. Cause I really like that rhythm.

About the stutter effect. It maybe still have some issues, but now not for my ears.

Vocals. What is that sound hits my head every time when voice come in, at 1:46 and 1:54? Nothing more I can say for now. Cause if you made some changes in mix's sound, you probably will hear what you can do with vocal's sound(balance, effects, bla..)

Best of luck! I'm still flying from 3:25!)

P.S. Hmm.. I guess I need to listen the source.

P.P.S. Read my sig |



  • 4 months later...


Over-compressed. You can hear it clearly when your rhythms comes in and, some other places. Lead synth at 1:14 louder then lead guitar, sound not good imo. Overall I have a feeling of two different mixes. First you made electronic stuff(synthes,drums,etc), mastered it and saved. Then you recorded guitars(all of them) mastered em and saved. And after all, you put this two mixes together and compressed. To much different between guitars and rest of the mix. Also vocals sounds kinda distant(as and guitar leads(solo at 4:00 too) btw). At 2:01 rhythm synth killing your vocals completely. Again balancing issues, plus over-compression.

I forgot to say you before.. That harpsichord sounding thing at 2:44 is too loud and some incorrect EQ'ing on it, i think. Try to drop mids a bit. Cause with rhythm guitars it muddying your mix.

That is all I think.. Mastering issues. Also I love that 1:00 transition!)

Good luck dude!!


Mak, you seem to be getting pretty comfortable with ripping me a new one...good! You're thoughts are always appreciated.

I tried to address all of the issues you mentioned in this latest version: http://tindeck.com/listen/hffz

I've been stuck on this mix for a pretty long fucking time. I just can't seem to get it all to sound the way I want. Is this new version at least heading in the right direction? is it just worse? Does it sound just the same?? :P


Yea! Right direction! You almost there!

20 times listened.. almost perfect! IMO!

Some changes and additions you may be want to try:

-Rhythm synth at 0:41(and everywhere it appears) will be good to pan it left and right. This will compliment your rhythm guitars and, as you maybe remember, free some space for bass.

-Bass-line from 1:01 to 1:28(main riff) kinda empty. Not because of freq problems. Because of writing. Remember my version's bass-liine? Constantly.

-1:14 lead synth still too loud imo(not a big deal after all)

-At 4:20 lead guitar need some background lead guitar in high notes(something like lead synth at 1:14). Check this lead very carefully, maybe you'll find some more places for backing high lead.

-Harpsichordy thing.. Pan it to rhythm guitars. It will free space for vocal, which is muddying by it for now. Damn! I don't know what is wrong with it! But I'm sure something is wrong!:D

Do that only if you agreed with that! This is only mine thoughts.


I've been stuck on this mix for a pretty long fucking time. I just can't seem to get it all to sound the way I want.

You stuck?? Ha!! Try to find in this forum my Alien3 or megaman, or ecco, or doom troopers, or contra hard corps, or.. I don't even remember all of remixes that I'm stuck.

I really love your remix, so I want you to make it perfect! You can do it! And you know that I KNOW THAT!


I think this is the last time i give you my feedback. Before you'll hate me:mrgreen:

Sorry for my fault-finding(stupid google translator).

Honestly I like 8th version more then the last one. Sounds better! LOT BETTER! Great balancing.. almost.

Take that(prev) version and do this http://tindeck.com/listen/lccc for lead synth and harpsichord.

Or maybe no rhythm synth at all http://tindeck.com/listen/uzcb ??

Don't mess with bass line. Out of tune?

And one more thing. Listen to your mix and this example. I drop rhythms to force lead guitar.

Which one is better to your ears? I'm not talking about rhythm guitars sound(you have better now), I'm talking about balance.

I hope you have a backup copy.. Good luck!

And.. As I can see this thread have around 1000 views.. GIVE YOUR CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK TO THIS MAN PPL!


Heres another one: http://tindeck.com/listen/jfum

I took cut the rhythm synth from the guitar part a few versions back. I found that it cleaned the mix up quite a bit. The only time you will hear the rhythm synth is right when it first comes in, and then later just before the vocals come in. I want it to sound fat for these sections since it is one of the only instruments playing.

I thought the new bass-line sounded a bit dissonant...I put it back like it was in version 8.

I turned the rhythm guitars down a little bit too.

I dunno, I feel like I'm going in circles. I'm really stuck :?


Ok, fine. I won't say nothing this time.

change it to mod-review.

Cause i become kinda possessed.

You may drop guitar(clean) at 3:12 in loudness to make it sounds like in 8th. And drop a bit that synth at 4:20 or remove it completely. IF YOU WANT! And some over-compression presents i sense.

Mods will help you! I'm sure!


First off, you have no idea how happy I am that more PC stuff is getting some arrangement love around here. I nearly got a nerdboner from the fact that your source links say AWE32 in the title. I still remember the days when I really wanted to save up money to buy a gravis card just to get better audio than my crappy onboard. Totally missed the pre-SBLIVE soundcard boat.

LOL@twilight zone ripoff for the credits.

Also, next time, please edit the OP with the most recent version of the track so that us Mods don't have to go searching for the most recent one.

So, Descent tunes, eh? Aight, let's see what we got:

Great atmospheric opening. And then BAM, awesome, crispity crunchity candy bars of guitars. Nice lead synth too. Awesome glitching. This thing has had a lot of attention paid to it, it is pretty obvious. Dunno about the vocoded voices, I'm neither a fan nor a hater. It works here well enough. Drums are really really good, both in sound and sequencing. Nice chill bridge. Production and performance wise, I have zero qualms with this track. I'm impressed.

As far as source tune goes, I'm going to need to give it a few more listens to make sure it is kosher. Hold tight a day or two more, boys.


I'm gonna make a source breakdown to make this a little easier whenever you look at it again.

0:00-0:41 Pretty overt use of the intro to the Descent II track

0:41-0:48 This synth riff sounds a lot like the bassline to the Descent II track, not sure if it's close enough to count.

0:48-2:16 This whole section is pretty overt. First, that melody from Descent II reenters, then the main verse melody comes in on the lead guitar. There is a little break playing that other melody for a few seconds, then the vocals come in with the verse melody once again.

2:16-2:44 The vocals are singing the chorus from the Descent II track.

2:44-3:25 Here you can hear the main melody to the Descent I track on the plucked synth, as well as a bit of the Descent II track's chorus on the vox.

3:25-5:29 This is where there may be a problem. The chord progression on the clean guitar sounds kind of like the one at the end of the Descent I track, but the connection is pretty loose. I'm pretty sure that the synth solo uses the chord progression from the beginning of the Descent I track, but since the solo is original it's kinda hard to hear any connection.

5:29-end Back to overt usage of the Descent II track's chorus.

Ultimately it seems that the only problem would be that there is such a dearth of source usage from 3:25-5:29. The track as a whole has well over 50% source usage, but I'm not sure how the judges would feel about the long stretch of essentially original material.

  • 2 weeks later...

Descent music! How did I miss this?! </nostalgiagasm>

Probably my favorite PC game of all time, and I am totally loving this remix. The only thing is the vocoder work, which I actually don't have a problem with besides the repetition, which becomes a little It's not even that much of an issue, you just need to make it a little bit more interesting, maybe harmonize it a little after X number of repetitions? It might be that I'm just really really used to guitar playing that chorus, especially after hearing this version.

The echoed chords that you hear after the last cutoff seem strange. It's not that they don't resolve the previous chord progression, more that they themselves compose a completely unrelated chord. I dunno... weird.

Still, definitely digging this. Be sure to post this on the DBB.net, or hop on Kali sometime!


I'm assuming the repetition you're referring to is at 2:44? That never occurred to me, but now that you mentioned it I agree. I'll probably do something about that before I sub.

I intended to make the ending sound kind of dissonant because it fits with the sad and hopeless theme of the lyrics. I might mess around with it. (You are talking about the ending, right?)

I wouldn't be able to play descent online, though, because I don't own the game. I played the trial versions of I and II a really long time ago, and I remembered playing the credits sequence just so I could listen to the music. Very nostalgic. :)

Thanks for your thoughts.

I'm assuming the repetition you're referring to is at 2:44?
I intended to make the ending sound kind of dissonant because it fits with the sad and hopeless theme of the lyrics. I might mess around with it. (You are talking about the ending, right?)
Sure am, and yeah, I thought that's what you were going for. It just caught me off guard enough that I figured I would mention it in case it wasn't intentional.
I don't own the games
They're only six bucks!
  • 2 weeks later...

If you're planning on making any other revisions, go for it and I'll be happy to listen to the update. Based on your breakdown, it looks like it would be okay to fly. Long original sections only have issues if the other source usage is fairly obscure, but as you've indicated, most of yours is quite overt.


Ok here is a new version with some minor revisions: http://tindeck.com/listen/jibu

You wouldn't believe how many hours are logged on this track's damn project file. Thing is I still don't feel that it quite matches the quality of some of my more recent work. I think it's pretty decent, though.

Think it's ready to sub?

EDIT: I listened to this new version again today, and it seems like version 11 was better. Is this just me, or did I kind of mess up the mix?

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