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I think I can help with a couple of your questions about compression/limiting. Here goes...

When is it appropriate to use compression?

It depends on the instrument, genre, performance e.t.c. But as a general rule a compressor should be used when you feel like you need to reduce the dynamic range of a sound. It also has other uses; such as side chain compression; or shaping the volume envelope of a sound (the attack and release come into play here).

When is it appropriate to use limiters?

A limiter should be used to prevent the volume of a sound going beyond a threshold which you specifiy. This is a must on the master chain to prevent clipping. I'm not sure if it is needed on individual tracks or not. You can also increase the input gain to increase the "perceived loudness"

Hope it helps.

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  • 4 weeks later...
There's no right or wrong way to do any of this stuff. If people didn't think outside the box and try things that shouldn't have worked we'd still be listening to music in mono with antennas sticking out of our assholes.

This is exactly what I am trying to make my listeners do.

After that they will reach Nirvana, and chocolate fudge will pour from the skies!

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If people didn't think outside the box and try things that shouldn't have worked we'd still be listening to music ... with antennas sticking out of our assholes.

'Still'? You imply that this was the way it was some time ago. Pics or it didn't happen... With all the sexual tension in this thread, I think pictures of that would be quite fitting.

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  • 3 months later...

You're welcome, Darke. :D

I think I'm at my breaking point with music making meaning that I could either plummet from this point or keep rising and I'm hoping for the latter.


There are so many things that I don't know about music that I've just been kinda doin my own thing and hope that it works and nothin has been truly consistent with me.


Before you guys flame me or anything, please note that I don't have the internet at home right now so any researching I do is at school. And all of the guides and tips and shit don't go into enough detail and I've been to a ton of places. I know a lot of it you have to try for yourself, but I've done plenty of that I feel and I really haven't been gettin anywhere and it's discouraging and I don't want to stop because I have all this great music in my head but it's never exactly what I was hoping for when I put it onto my DAW.


So can you guys help a brotha out who's at his wits end? I'm like seriously lost at this point or maybe it's all just psychological =/.

Last five words, completely.

In high school (I'm in college now), I introduced myself to loop-based production (first type I ever did) and this became my pride and joy for the longest time. Over time, I realized that a song based on repetitive loops (or one that uses canned beats) sounds like shit. I kinda lost motivation for a while because I wasn't sure where the hell to go next.

One day, I finally said "screw this shit." I decided that the only way I was going to get better at music was if I jumped in.

I did,

hence the reason I'm participating in the GRMRB even though I don't have much music experience and even though the only compo I've contributed something to thus far sounds like this.

It's all mental! Dive into it and figure stuff out as you go. If you don't know something or if you can't find something somewhere that explains it, don't feel bad about asking! I've asked a few questions thus far and I'm far from knowing as much as I feel I should know. However, I know I'll figure it out over time. :grin:

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