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Despite its flaws and comparisons to God of War, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow was still one of my favorite games of 2010. The first of two post-game DLCs, "Reverie" has been released to lead into the sequel. Anyone else get it? I just started and I like it a lot so far...

I'll post more about it when I'm done but for now let's mind our spoilers shall we?


I got the game back in October and it's still sitting unplayed on my shelf. I really want to get to it, but it's one of those games I just haven't had time to play :(

Glad to hear you're liking the DLC, though. I don't usually get DLC for games because I'm opposed to it, but I might make an exception for this (as I did for Borderlands, the only other game I bought DLC for).

I got the game back in October and it's still sitting unplayed on my shelf. I really want to get to it, but it's one of those games I just haven't had time to play :(

Glad to hear you're liking the DLC, though. I don't usually get DLC for games because I'm opposed to it, but I might make an exception for this (as I did for Borderlands, the only other game I bought DLC for).

This is the only DLC I've ever been hyped for.

Instead of having an incomplete game tacked on with DLC expansions, it is DLC to answer some cliffhanger questions that will lead into the sequel. I say this is how good DLCs should be.


C:LoS went from being an okay game, to being a good game at chapter 10, to being mind-blowingly epic by the epilogue. I've never played a game which evolved so quickly. It was so hard to send this game back to gamefly! If I had actually bought this game, I'd snap up this awesome dlc in a millisecond. I'm really interested in what happens to Gabriel next, and how he gets to that point in the future.


I just

I didn't like the epilogue.

There, I said it.

I felt it almost completely invalidated everything he worked towards, everything he fought against and hated so much. The twist came out of absolutely nowhere and made no sense within the frame of the game itself. Sure, the DLC will address this and explain HOW he came to that point, but...well, I felt it left itself off on a better note BEFORE the credit-roll. It held so much more weight to it, and you really FELT for him then.

It just seemed an almost throwaway twist. I'll still likely play the DLC and everything, but it won't remove that bad taste in my mouth.


Is that kind of reaction supposed to be a good thing Schwaltz? I can't tell.

Phalanx, without going into end spoiler territory, I can't really discuss the ending with you. For now, I simply don't understand why you'd feel that way. I thought the ending was the best part of the game. It pretty much made the whole game better.


This thread singlehandedly inspired me to finally pop in my copy of the game and give it a shot. It's surprisingly good. The graphics are beautiful and the controls are fluid. Plus, the voicework is amazing.

Quick question, are there a lot of swamp areas after the beginning? I hate wading through it being relatively constrained in my movement.

This thread singlehandedly inspired me to finally pop in my copy of the game and give it a shot. It's surprisingly good. The graphics are beautiful and the controls are fluid. Plus, the voicework is amazing.

Quick question, are there a lot of swamp areas after the beginning? I hate wading through it being relatively constrained in my movement.

Actually that's pretty much the only place with swamps. If there are any in the later segments, I can't recall. So if anything they're all short lived grievances.

Actually that's pretty much the only place with swamps. If there are any in the later segments, I can't recall. So if anything they're all short lived grievances.

Awesome. Thanks for the info.

The other thing I didn't mention above that I really like about this game, at least early on, is the amount of new attacks you seem to keep getting. I'm constantly unlocking stuff, and that makes me want to keep playing so I can experiment with all my slick new moves 8)

Actually that's pretty much the only place with swamps. If there are any in the later segments, I can't recall. So if anything they're all short lived grievances.

There is a sewer area later in the game. It's one short level. So yeah, basically what Global says.

Have a good time, XZero. The game only gets better the farther you get. :)

There is a sewer area later in the game. It's one short level. So yeah, basically what Global says.

Have a good time, XZero. The game only gets better the farther you get. :)

Thanks! I'm finding that to be the case. I finished the first chapter last night, and even the somewhat annoying Ice Titan battle was fun overall. The whole game's like an odd God of War/Uncharted love child, yet it works.

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