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Haven't really got a title for it (Currently thinking "****ing Dragon Won't ****ing Die" (allcaps optional), but I doubt vulgar titles such as that are suitable.. especially if I was to submit this. :P).

I guess you could call this a "Finished" mix, but I might do some more work on this sometime whenever / ifever I feel like it.

I decided to keep this remix fairly simple in structure, merely to keep it fitting to the whole "video game" context; as if it could be used as looping music for another game.

Not to mention, Ridley's theme doesn't exactly have what you call a long structure - about 90 seconds of it and you've got the entire thing.

MIDIs were used for this song, but only as reference: The sequencer I used cannot import them, so I had to input the notes manually. Though the drums/percussion were custom made.

YouTube link:

mp3 download link is in video description.


Or endure, whichever applies.


Yeah, far too conservative for ocr, but nice job wrapping your head around the time signature, and nice ending. Repetition is also a problem here, both sound-wise and arrangement-wise. You seem to be held back by your tech, it looks like you're using an older tracker which might not have all the tools you'd need to conveniently make high-quality stuff.


The bass itself is in the same key (whatever key it is in - seems like C Locrian, since it's very difficult to make the song "seem finished") - it's probably because the loop is a little too loud. (It's not 100% mixed - since it does clip in places)

And yes, it is an old sequencer - close to 10-11 years old (Music 2000 - PS1 (recorded on an emulator - hence why it skips a little)). May be very dated, but can do the job if you know how to use it. :D

But thanks for the feedback so far; I'll probably expand on the mix later. :)


Having remixed this song myself a short while back, I had to take a look at your rendition. May I say right off the bat that I have no problem with keeping remixes in "video game context" (I, in fact, prefer it since I have terrible views towards the addition of original segments).

I did like your remix (it's hard to dislike this song within any good context), but first I'll touch on what I found doesn't work.

The quality wasn't great (mainly for your orchestrated aspects, I find), but that I'm assuming comes from the program you've used. The song does get repetitive without the noticeable (if any) addition of change to the sound of the song makes it a bit dull to listen to for its entire length (I had the same issue with my remix, but it was shorter than yours). Finally, I dislike the drum beat, as it doesn't seem to fit well within the song (at times, not a huge dislike).

What I did like was that the instrument choice. Though lacking in quality, it worked well together. I find a techno/techno-blend works well for this song. Same for the ending into a faded "Item Room Theme", that's a very nice and unexpected touch.

And if you're interested in my remix, youtube "LGGames Ridley Remix" and you'll find it (otherwise, dig around the forums. It's here somewhere).

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