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Hey there, always nice to see a new attempt at one of my favourite sources! Also, yey for Ableton!

Now then, the mix.

Cool start with the xylophone and you have some nice textures going on there, but sadly they don't evolve throughout the piece, and that xylophone becomes quite annoying after a while. The off-beat style timing I think works well for the first minute at a push, and is actually very interesting, but I can't tell if it's intentional or not! You really need to change things up a bit and when the main melody comes in at 1 minute it sounds totally weak, and doesn't seem to fit with the underlying chords. There's something off about the timing throughout the piece as well - it's when the 2 high xylophone notes hit that it seems to go off track. Like I said before, I actually like this timing, but it has to resolve somehow, or at least tie in to the rest of the track without seeming accidental, and really help the track to evolve, as this source really wants to.

You have a great start here, but I'd suggest chopping off everything after 1 minute and seriously changing it up. Add some dynamics to it - change up the instrumentation a bit, drop things out, add in your own flair there. Keep working on it :)


Horrah for Ableton indeed. : ) props E.

Darksim pretty much summed it up nicely. However, if this is the sound you're going for - I would suggest cutting down the time (what took nearly 4 mins, could've been done in 2:30 imo) as it comes off as more of an "interlude" to me than a full fledged remix to me, due to it's static nature.

That said, keep it up E. : )


No dynamics, too loud (and boring) bass, deviations from the timing of the original (valid artistic choice when intentional... which they don't seem here). Newby stuff. :P

Seems like you're fairly new at this. Study the original and its timing, study other music and how they change between parts. Study their rhythms, the loudness of different instruments at different times, how they're put together. Study and practice. :)


...I had to stop at 1:56. It was getting to be a chore to continue listening, unfortunately. :(

I really can't say much, Rozovian pretty much got the nail...ya know, right there on the head.

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