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I hope you guys don't consider this spam, and I hope this is the appropriate place to share.

I have recently begun designing a website where I've made over 1300 original NES soundtracks available for download (that's not 1300 tracks, that's 1300 games with complete track listings). Yesterday I've also implemented the ability to listen to each track directly on the site before actually downloading them.

It's still in its early stages, but I think it's turning out quite well and I wanted to drive a bit more traffic to it and share it with you guys.

If you're interested in checking it out, I want to also ask a favor. I don't expect anybody to donate money, but I did set up AdSense and put a Google ad on the left. Clicking it is the same as donating because I get money for clicks except it doesn't cost you anything. Anyway, you don't have to, but it really does help me out.

Later today if I can get around to it I'm going to start trying to set up some affiliate links on the site as well, including a link to OCRemix.

Anyway, thanks guys. I hope you do like the site and if you have any suggestions for it, I'd be happy to hear them.

Again, I hope this isn't an inappropriate post.

EDIT: I actually forgot the link to my site, haha: http://nesost.vertigofx.com


This is cool. But is it really possible for such a website to exist? Don't you need permission for all those songs? Nonetheless, I'll enjoy it, and click on some ads now and then.


Some chiptune sites for those who may not know:

8 Bit Collective (User Uploads): http://www.8bc.org/

8 Bit Peoples (Release Group): http://www.8bitpeoples.com/

Ubiktune (Release Grouip): http://ubiktune.org/

Pause Music (Release Group): http://www.iimusic.net/

True Chip Till Death (Blog): http://truechiptilldeath.com/

Famicompo (Japanese NES music compos, NSF): http://midr2.under.jp/compo/top.html

For those craving a full NES album:

A full NES/Famicom soundtrack recently released:

MisfitChris - Famicom Sessions


Virt's FX3 (oldie by now):


RushJet1's 8bp releases:


And many more!

Also those looking for regular NES OST NSF files, if you aren't familiar with the source of most of them already:


mp3s = GIANT waste of space IMO

but thats just me.



I like that you can stream on the NES site. It doesn't have the song titles though. I just noticed Final Fantasy I, track 9 has the Gulug Mountain melody found in Final Fantasy IX.

A site purely for original 8-bit songs would be tasty.

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