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I think there's a difference between the stereo type of people that play the instrument and whether or not the instrument fits you.

I play trumpet and the stereotype usually goes something like this:

Energetic, show off, highly competitive, fun-loving, arrogant, and very invested in their own interests which may or may not coincide with the rest of the ensemble (ok maybe just a superiority complex).

ehhh some of that fits, some of its way off for me. though I have known a lot of trumpet players who fit that description perfectly. Personally I'm extremely high energy, I love playing the "show off" kinds of parts, though i don't like getting recognition or attention for it, I'm very competitive when i think its warranted, and while i think all of the stuff our trumpet section did in college to separate itself from the rest of the band was hilarious, I really only supported it as far as the interest of good fun, and I never took it seriously.

Bottom line: trumpet (instrument, not stereotype) fits my personality perfectly. I play a couple others too, but trumpet is by far my primary and I can't imagine anything else fitting as well.


I play trombone/baritone because... why? It doesn't really make sense at all, considering my personality is like that of the sun(so hot headed and massive that you forget how distant it is at times) and trombones/baritones aren't like that at all.

The guitar is versatile, as is my personality.

On OCR I'm mostly just an idiot, but I like to take on different moods to mess with people IRL.

I thought you considered yourself a mouse musician, now you're saying guitar :-o and I don't know what to believe anymore

And hey mouse musicians aren't just an idiot, don't be so hard on yourself :whatevaa:

He lent money to be paid back with interest over an extended period of time?

Yes...yes, precisely >_<

i think you mean trombones.

Actually we only had one trombone player in our band and he was quiet, real quiet unless he was with friends. Well one and a half... this dude from drum line randomly started learning trombone too and sometimes played and he was very out going.

Your music has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. :P It asks how the instrument you play relates to your personality.

True, but that would actually be another interesting topic lol

I've found that people who play bass are hairy

But I don't guess that's actually a personality

Fill us in on what the bass personality is :3

Well I'm a hairy bassist, so I can't break that stereotype. I guess I tend to be less of a leader (soloist) and more of a follower (rhythm instrument).

I play trombone.

all the stereotypes about low brass are true.


the stereotypes are there from my experience, but I don't really think there's much of a personality associated with it

the person sitting a chair ahead of me is a super studious person and she's pretty straightforward and hardworking but the person a chair behind me is basically a super slacker perv

I hate to stereotype I really do, but I noticed a generalization I just couldn't pass up. I recently typed my friends and other people I know by the instrument they played and it seems to match up.

For example:

-A lot of the people I know who play piano are loners, and the piano is an instrument that sounds quite dynamic and full on its own.

-In band, most of the trumpeters who sat behind me were quite brash and very energetic

-most of the guitarists I know are quirky and/or outgoing.

idk where I'm going with this, but anyways do you feel that the instrument(s) you play kinda matches your personality in some way?

That's funny since I play all three of those. So I'm a quirky, outgoing, brash, energetic loner? Sounds about right.


The vocalists I've known personally IRL were very crass (in the way they speak and such) and arrogant :-o People I figure would regularly be tough to get along with

The really funny thing about OCR is that I've learned that you can't really peg people to a stereotype ALL of the time. I knew maybe one multi-instrumentalist before hitting OCR regularly, and we tried to collaborate before but strong creative differences drove us apart and ultimately made us hate each other. It's something I assumed would always happen between people with similar skills

The vocalists I've known personally IRL were very crass (in the way they speak and such) and arrogant :-o People I figure would regularly be tough to get along with

...and now you know why I quit chorus!

I'm learning the keyboard over the summer, and I'm pretty introverted, so I guess that stereotype is pretty fitting.

...and now you know why I quit chorus!

I'm learning the keyboard over the summer, and I'm pretty introverted, so I guess that stereotype is pretty fitting.

Oh yea? So you can confirm that at least in part, this stereotype? :-o

See, I am vocalist-bassist.

I am very upfront, outgoing... sometimes. haha

My impression upon meeting you (in retrospect at least because we're not in touch) is that you were fearless, and also hairy

Oh yea? So you can confirm that at least in part, this stereotype? :-o

Well, at least the people who wanted to go professional, like Broadway. Otherwise they are ok.

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