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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 'Lights Out' *RESUB*

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Original Decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32261

First RESUB: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33633

Contact info

Artistname: Lashmush

Real name: Rasmus Sorber

User ID: 27698

Submission info

Game: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

Track: "Shadow Battles"


Umm... so third times the charm? :c

Well, taking the new pointers into consideration I've done the best I can with this track. The drums are basically at professional studiolevel now based on comparisons made with Testament, Vader and various other highly wellmixed metalbands out there.

Concerning the guitars, I redid some of the mixing to further clarify it but considering its all sequenced with Zircon's "Shreddage" VST and Guitar Rig 4, I don't really know what else to do than the results you have now. The mix as a whole is in my opinion on par with most modern day heavier death genres from major labels but ofcourse with my own mix-identity in there. What im saying is just that I can either subtract from the mixing on the benchmark side or on my own tastes, neither of which I'd enjoy very much. :3

Btw, this is the fifth version of the track (you guys have the three latest as the first two were during my learning phase for shreddage and GR4 as well as the new Renoise stuff). Can it be non-soulcrushing tiemz nao?

Thanks for the feedback so far, it's helped me improve immensely!

  • 4 weeks later...



(the cymbals are a touch loud, but everything else feels really good. Thank you very much for sticking with this one, I hope you can take what you've learned and apply it to further tracks. Still feels liberal, but the source is definitely present. Nice work.)

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Nice work man. Production is very clear, despite all the heavy elements present here. Energy is pretty high throughout the track, but you changed things up enough to keep it interesting.

Great job on the guitar sequencing - especially on the chuggas. Could've fooled me, dude.

Drums writing was also very strong here with a lot of changeups & fills.


Ok back for the arrangement part of the vote. I ended up having to stopwatch this as the source isn't blatantly obvious to me for most of the song:

:00 - :36 source (chugga and lead)

:37 - 1:09 original

1:10 - 1:36 source (chugga sounds like modified version of source)

1:37 - 3:32 original???

Am I missing something here?? I've been listening to both the source and remix over and over and can't pick up any source usage from the entire last half of the song. Can you guys chime in and straighten me out if I'm totally missing things here?

For now I'm gonna go No, resub unless someone can chime in with additional source usage.


Really dig the drums, except the cymbals which are quite loud. Really dig the arrangement, and the mix is pretty good. The weakest element is easily the lead guitar, which is executed admirably, but there's really no mistaking it for the real thing. However, it's still a solid production.



I'm with Justin on this. I couldn't make out source past the 1:37 mark save one quote of Ballad of the Wind Fish. Even counting 1:10-1:36 is on the generous side, though I can hear the similarity. It's possible there is other source I'm missing in this, but having familiarity with the game, I'd be surprised if I was missing something major.

Pretty awesome song though. With more source there, I'd have no worries.



Took a relisten to this, and I'm going to have to revamp my vote as well. Aside from :39-:46 being from Ballad of the Wind Fish, and another quote appearing later on, I'm not finding the source as well. I'll admit to losing the forest in the trees on this one, having heard the revamps enough to become familiar with it over the source, if that makes sense.

Sorry, gotta switch to a

NO (resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...

Cool source. Never heard it before. A lot of the Zelda music is pretty kewl. Got some good remixes out of it.

Awesome song. Let me say that first. The guitar is mixed just the way I like it. Nice and grungy, reminds me of Fear Factory.

I have the same issue as my fellow judges: Where be the source? This is a really cool original piece mostly, with some cameos from that boss theme in it. I can't really pass it as a remix because most of it isn't actually a remix.

I don't think you should bother with trying to get this to pass, honestly. You've already got a perfect song here. Take it as your own, man. You can consider this an original that borrows some melody from an old game track. I know it's nice to get things to pass on OCR, but in this case, wouldn't you prefer to say this is your own original work?

NO due to awesome originality.

  • 1 month later...

Yeah, I actually passed this one in evaluation but looking back on it and reading some breakdowns from other judges, I've got to revise my stance solely on the basis of source usage. On the plus side, though, your rhythm guitar work is extremely varied and fun to listen to, and those pick slides are gnarly. The lone metullllll scream was also right on point, nice work :-) I really enjoyed this mix and I'm not even that big of a fan of metal, so if you could bring a mix of this caliber with more source usage it'd definitely be a pass 8)


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