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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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actually yes

one of the reasons for the upcoming stealth rework is that having to constantly buy oracles to counter one character basically means you're losing out on a big chunk of gold which gives them an unfair advantage by just being a character that can stealth for that long


Yeah but to be fair it's less pertinent on Dominion because gold comes so easily.

Also CV on Crystal Scar is pretty awful considering how much free vision (and stealth vision) you get anyway. I feel like every character needs to be running Ghost + Garrison/Promote/Exhaust/Revive. I'm so very glad to see that Flash is ass.

Posted (edited)

Edit: Up top because it's more important than my agreement and happiness that Flash sucks below.

In case others weren't aware, the improved jungle buff Utility mastery works for Dominion quests, shield, and the movespeed shrines. Therefore almost every single character should take both points in it -- this is why some characters are beat you to windmill even when you burn your ghost early.

Yeah but to be fair it's less pertinent on Dominion because gold comes so easily.

Also CV on Crystal Scar is pretty awful considering how much free vision (and stealth vision) you get anyway. I feel like every character needs to be running Ghost + Garrison/Promote/Exhaust/Revive. I'm so very glad to see that Flash is ass.

Flash's most important use, as escape mechanism, just isn't important in Dominion. Flash away through that wall? Good, then I've got this point -- cheers.

Because people won't (or at least shouldn't) bother to chase you, Flash becomes really worthless very quickly -- just disengage and you're home free 80% of the time, assuming you broke off the fight at 40% HP or more.

Edited by BardicKnowledge
actually yes

one of the reasons for the upcoming stealth rework is that having to constantly buy oracles to counter one character basically means you're losing out on a big chunk of gold which gives them an unfair advantage by just being a character that can stealth for that long

do explain?

Posted (edited)

To effectively counter stealth champs you need to buy an Oracles Elixir (unreliable because you lose it on death) or use Vision Wards (very dependent on positioning). This means that you're always at a disadvantage against stealth champs because while they don't have to buy those items, you do.

I dunno though. Technically you're always buying certain items because they counter specific champs (armor/magic resist comes to mind), but stealth champs ramp down much quicker once you start countering them. I think it's also dependent on the level of play since lower level players probably won't even buy standard wards, much less stealth detection, which is probably why you can shit all over lower level games with Twitch/Eve/Akali. Stealth is basically problematic to balance because its effectiveness varies hugely between different levels of play.

Edited by Tensei
To effectively counter stealth champs you need to buy an Oracles Elixir (unreliable because you lose it on death) or use Vision Wards (very dependent on positioning). This means that you're always at a disadvantage against stealth champs because while they don't have to buy those items, you do.

I dunno though. Technically you're always buying certain items because they counter specific champs (armor/magic resist comes to mind), but stealth champs ramp down much quicker once you start countering them. I think it's also dependent on the level of play since lower level players probably won't even buy standard wards, much less stealth detection, which is probably why you can shit all over lower level games with Twitch/Eve/Akali. Stealth is basically problematic to balance because its effectiveness varies hugely between different levels of play.

no i get that i was asking about the rework mentioned


the way it's going to work, I think, is that once you have a point in the stealth move you're always stealthed until, like Tensei said, you get close enough to an enemy champ that they get vision

it sounds like it'll be pretty cool, especially for Dominion


Bleck and Tensei are right. Stealth is permanent until you get in a certain distance of enemy champs.

This is a couple months old, but it's what Shurelia said was currently in development for Eve. Most likely it's changed by now, but this she should look something like this when the rework hits:

Passive: Soul Striker: Autoattacks shred flat MR. Spells shred flat Armor. Stacks.

Q: Prana Bolt: Changed to be a pass through missile that seeks its first target in the same way hate spike does.

W: Shadow Stitching. Passive - Bend the Shadows: Xypherous outlined stealth rework. Active - Disperse the Shadows: Evelynn reveals the target area at range for x (scaling) seconds. (scaling range).

E: Ravage Chakra: Evelynn deals damage and instantly stuns the target, dashing towards them immediately after it casts. (Different from leap stuns like pantheon, as it stuns you after they leap to you). No longer shreds armor/mr.

R: Ethreal Ascension: Evelynn ascends to her true form, gains attack speed and movement speed. Upon first transforming she is shrouded in energy and blocks up to X damage for 1.5 seconds. No longer heals on target kill, refreshes on kill still.

I hope they go through with these for her, it seems like a really fun skillset.

I think I posted the prototype Twitch changes earlier in the thread?

Posted (edited)
Character Passive: Damage is retaining true and is being lowered a bit. Duration is being increased.

Q: Now a passive/active. Passive is the Xypherous outlined stealth rework. Active grants bonus attack speed for x seconds and instantly reloads x Vile Bolts into Twitch's crossbow.

W: Debilitating Poison: Now requires poison on the target to cast. Cast range increased by double. Can no longer be cast if there are no valid targets in range.

E: New Spell. Fires a narrow line missile instantly that deals total attack damage and includes on hit effects. High range, .75 second cooldown but requires Vile Bolts. Vile Bolts are Twitch's ammo resource that replenishes over time or by reloading via Q.

R: Expunge: Can no longer be cast if there is no target in range. Requires poison, cast range doubled. Damage heavily increased.

This is from July, and just a prototype, so it might not be exactly like this when it's made official. Still, it's an interesting moveset for him. I like that Expunge is his ultimate now.

EDIT: A couple other things I had forgot about the stealth changes. Shaco, Akali, and Leblanc wouldn't count as stealth anymore, they'd be 'invisibility' and not affected by the changes. They also want to remove Oracle's, which would make sense.

Edited by Dexie
Posted (edited)

Not like anyone buys Oracle's anyway. :U

That being said, I want the Hextech Sweeper item to find it's way into Summoner's Rift. I've shut down SO many Akali players that weren't expecting it in Dominion.

Edited by Dexie

So, my past eight games have all been ranked. Decided that I think I'm good enough now do decently enough at solo queue. Plus, they reset elo, so I figured why now? Total blank slate for my stats.

Four wins, four losses. Ugh. Every time I pick up a win, the next game goes horribly and we lose it. I'm starting to doubt I'll be getting a decent elo this season.

Funnily, three of my wins were with Caitlyn. Guess I'll try to stick with her the next two games so I get placed at a decent rank.

So, my past eight games have all been ranked. Decided that I think I'm good enough now do decently enough at solo queue. Plus, they reset elo, so I figured why now? Total blank slate for my stats.

Four wins, four losses. Ugh. Every time I pick up a win, the next game goes horribly and we lose it. I'm starting to doubt I'll be getting a decent elo this season.

Funnily, three of my wins were with Caitlyn. Guess I'll try to stick with her the next two games so I get placed at a decent rank.

during your first ten games of ranked, your ELO fluctuates all over the place. you'll have a wide variety of skill levels to deal with.

also, google "ELO hell" :<


what do people think of seige cannon xerath? i think he's awesome i might save up for him. even though i want to buy nasus and maybe kassadin and maybe maybe heimer and malphite and maokai and trundle

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